WEWHIBFREEPRESSI WEDNESDAY, APRUL Mt,1992PAGE 26 natonalJissueS at By Marte Boucher, iand has been surpied by some Whitbyresident Mathew Sinail of the contributions from spon- itravel ta Ottawa*ta partic- sors ithe area. ate i the Forum for, Youn "Iwaa quite iffpressed* with andaafà er e wek be- the reapona. -of the, community,D -MaLy 2. >1ho says. SMaIlE a grade,,12, student7at He.raiaed moremoney than ho nta is U, nr Canada College ogriinally thought but Willl sitili one of 500stadents who Wiii have ta pinch in some ofbis own part In numerous activities ta' pay, for the rest 'of -the and eventsin- Ottawa&epesshe says., Studenta will attend- a political all says he enjoys attendling ion 1in 'ýthe', Comns ùëand-- Upper Canada. Cou llo. . It ila a nate.chambers,ý meet senior, very prominent, schooil and gives ~ SRE fg abinet iisters .andvisit "Car-' me a 'goo& advantage- in pre- h1 on Universitý, "thë e nw âtsPart »nXorùvemsty" ntids otca e n3re, Government Houae . . H . lltr. ora.chl. a ames to the signatures, he'Supreme Couit of Canada. uiesteinthe United Statea,- Small says the-mi' ocao includingtho UniverityoýfNot the week will bo national uni*ty ' CaroIina,-à nd i Canada. and othor relatedi and current Smal says ho luiows' it.,will J,. Frt national ifsues, as woîî J'as. -a, diffcuit ta"*,gain entryetat stu of the govorrnetil pôà i., umversity ,south fth ode -n -h propm s vrymucl but seos as' a challn o sp about mein E o ol ndM aislngthe requrStn putting yourself in an environ-dzA td es sT.~, Two. students from Henry xlore today's big tapics, I 90gt0117 loe a Street High School a spe- i Caüad« ho says. ho says. - Small sýays the, tden ts wdll .',_mal*l says -attend ing .1 cial a wara at' the regional science. aiseparticipate in'twe mock ses umivoersxt in tho U.S. mfrhtb. ai éd recently. a Cbietbeneýlciaf te gain a diffrent Aj4ay Singb and Jason Adams, siens, one concerning atioaoninada.OACsâtudents, won the Canada- lscuision on a nraê lacy 'T'lm juat going to explore al Catcutrl. j Tx ~nd theather imi i My options in Canada and i the Torpoetwl oetrdi l a t ln ah ip b tw ee n th e fed ral it d .S ta tes b fore , I m a ke. Th eir ru n c m i l bC an a ed in " Jwid rovinial gverumnts. final decison on where I want -ta cec rlio Being ahi. tameot. andlearn stuciy law,» ho says. rihce ron~?r rmother studonts across the Upo orduation, ho ýhopes ta rsha Ptesno r Robert ,ountry will help, overybody bet- orntan public scbool won, gold or uniderstand the comp exity vnalr bcme a, cerporate for her . roject in the gradie 7 ovovodlu ho urrnt atinallayer an 1wl decide'at that dviio. r project was. 'Varia- inity issue, hoe savs. point'in* time.,whether ta returnu tiens- in- Boiling and Freezig Small says holopes tao se JSo. ,,Canada or stay in the United, Pointa." Mlark again, havig previousl1 States. Hydee, Luthra and Frances .o l tUpper Canada Col -- h pliialan cmcci Cameron of Anderson, CVI won Dg. lest fail. mate in- Canada , and his silver in the grade 10 division for exprnc in both co untries will their project, <ltraviolet, Rays3 n' heard hlm speak on national hé p hlm make his final decision. and Bean Germination!' mity n ol eygo t « think there area lot, of Aise inning silver 'was getting people's -attention,* and problems in - Canada,.' êespocally Jeremy Simonsef rmstnle h nalong them mnterosted in the in-regarda ta the ,: h-in M lroh ~o~ ais sa'u amcnomýy,» lhe lic school for 'Thermal Communi- 3zia Murony wo oems o mll aysmanY professionals huatrato people no matter what aré- eav cteountry at this sayW -sys time for many reaaons including Salsays ho la flnancial yhijhtae sdeconomic uncer- rpared for the trip tg Ottawa, tainties. Flobinson to CO'-ordinate, DFMET program, Durham Coilege staff membor ster' Roinson bas heen pà inted oecutive ,directar, nadian' Energy Ma nagemont d Environmeintal, Tlrining School etti- Canadian fiag, part of. the Mins9 inn v a'dd thefr'Kiùette Proud to b. Canadian. Tour., 3,on ai giant ht yaI oaoWdb r.P. HenryStreet HS.students ce award for, project cation,'in the grade 7 division. Five Anderson CVI students eanred bronze: Chris Duke far 'Plant Exploration' (grado 10); Raj Raikumar and Ian Nelson for -'Which, Liquid Rusts .Whicl Metal Faster7 (gado 9)- Kath. rn Fairchild andfSar-ahhhley for 'CATSS -III -- Taking the^ Plungée (~do11h, Roni* D atthni ýand Dard Dattani -for 'De-Icing the Highways: Part il' (grade 10); Kerry-Ann Lecky for ri Shrimp'*(grade 11)., Brendan, Calven cf Dr. Robert Thoruton *on bron.ze 'for 'Boboý tics' (grad e 8). Earnmg special awarda were tho projects by Trisha Pattersor of Tornton, Bni and Doni Dat- tani of Anderson, Rai Rajkumar and., Ian Nelson of -Anderson, Robert Hibbs cý f Pringle Creol public school for . Aerodynam* Progression' (grade 8), Brendar energy efficiÃŽncy of industrial energy use te reduco costs and improeocompetitiveneas Rohinson wiil b. located at Durham Collage, whicb la rosponsNbe for,. the national Sià ster, a published. author co-rdination of theérgrmfor aabeen employod at the colp lege anaian community collegs. "Ho br20 years, in- bath senior wiil 'b. rosponsible for the ringeet and- teaching integration and ca-ordination of icotions. fodoraly-sponsored energy and Canada Centre, for Minerai environmental training prograa. d- Energy .. Technology CANET)and Eniergj MinesSpu aFln nd Rosources (EMR) wiil devlop S rn ln compréensive energy maage- a h:' 'k~5 en Uinngprgrm dan f s i'infl @uu ietve delivery, system that ldston tann pacae at Trafagar, il regiona of Canada %epackages are offéed to Castie >cnooI tility personnel and enorgy users rthe industrial sector. Trafalgar Castie Sohool, 401 Four objectives of the onergy Reynoldasst., Whitby wiil hold a iineent training plan are ta <pringFig aho hwo evelop energy mngeetTueaday, May 5, 7:30 pa. of anigcourses inail area 'of 'l'here wll be -a large 'rray ~aad; promote energy deinrmsin naluzs ffciency and 'e'nviromna which wi]I- ho available for sae t Ãwarenes thruh tri& discountd-prices. -Reafrinents ogai ener ~Tr ifration andfor raining wit commujjnity coileea t c IYy7 dCEGEPs ad m rov te chool at 416-668-3358., GRADE 3 S'ItDENTS at E.A. 'Fairmnan5 bearned never to say '[ghI' to a, bug uin a 'Sien#ias lu Sch><> clan,ý but that message seema to be. bt on (from left) Rocheile Hodge, Lindimay. Rube andErin Pievedel, who a eckn ota giaut Brzilian beetie., -Scientiat -L Shfebo - héek out Pto y M7ar , WllWty F»e Pr1 s r r i r 1 i r Calven of Thornton fobr<obtica' (grade 8), Ryan Shackelton anà d Amit'Seth of Be3llWot, .i,.public school for 'Gendor ýdentity (grade 8); Keir Moultoni of Kath- leen Rowe public school for 'h aa Picturo Beally Worth a Thou- sand, Worda? (gr-ade 8), and Becky 1Palmer, of kKleenRowe for «Ham-jBurglars'(grade 8 ' el.Sonia Be bblngtebre. Much- te the" student body's dismy a ek was, a shrtned ozeneo lssson, ýMonday, ,thle;nby depriing DO'Cstrs cf6ne fil 'ayof madcap niisadvonture. One bs day cf .gt'Od-nature<1 tfun, tastefully interspers9ed. witlnn a serious' wôrldng environmont. One boss day Wbere ne*woth itenms mà y- have suf ïd.Nl unfortuiâite but we shah survive; afî,ter.al, bsnce ,ma kes the art grow fobnder.. Thiursday cflist weok saw the. second annual' Showcase,,for the Spokon' Arts., This ovont, lield a t St. Mary high achool *i >Pic4eruig, waa san event-c onlgds 1r=n1a, poetiy and p performed by stdonts &fM ail separato schools in our regiLon. SonyaDiRenzo, Ljouise Sheridan and myseIf rprsented 'Denis O'Conner at thee itoraryýoccasion alpe rrnng ornal oesand ail -enjoying, the deliclus punch' served at the caearu' intrison refreshment stand. ilpartiipants were ropqrted ta_ have s'avoured themaca broth, as, Well' as bbe deli ghtedly uo laestarts, sweet frosh fritsdippedi h richest' cf' dark -chocolates, inacaroons cined tea'a golden perfection, .suâd 'completély devouçed the. entire collcton c mnouth-wýatering .confectonary. Upon - completion -'cf ,the presontations in the second hait; speakers sud audience member alike, retreated .ta the parking lot forthe' subsequent cornrost,1 -er and' streot dne loln-forward te néiet year'sSho*c-ase 1e- Cuhinr aufonhere o49 ( moment. Bat, drink and ho merry untilne*t timo..