WBYRPRE9 WEDNESDAY, APRIL29o 1»% PAGE?7 PAG E"SEVEN W*thOu Fet, a RUsinga elephan u to Iila mue Dear BH a.: Confession it has been said, is good for the soul. Let me h'rewith #begin a publie confession, a form of It has to do with ,yours truly nd "the po0liticalparty 4 you ode to power in the province of Ontario. Aa ofgrandparyà i bas bentoo. I.won't get into the histor o the generations of farinera and labourera <always, at beat, one step'away froin the brasa >ring. I won't even, mention the scorn, heaped. on, my ro gadfather when; with four CCF votes cast at his local d poil, the Tory returning officer laughed i his face that e he could "nme every one of the bastards." eLet us simply go& back te 1981. It is8 February. It is cold. It is windyV. Some days the pierciîng arctic cold would relent, to De shoved aside by freezmg ramn. It was not a nice mpnth te be knoldng on doors. d ~But thats what we*did: knock on doors on behalf of"X the New -Democratic 1at of Ontario, during an p élection carnpaign. The .aim: te unseat the coloasua of 9 power, the Progressivé Conservatives. Some readers might- be tempted te grunt, 'Who?" The POs under Mke Harris are some distance frein being a colossus. But back ini '81' under BiIly Davis the were. The.............J unending power. Th, party of riieeand'dolarsn power, closmig m on fobrty years of reîgn. Ini late January qf that year, Davis called an election on thi third day of a strike by the hospital worker4s of Ontario. Theunfairness spurred many that year té knock on a lot of doors. Not enough, as it turned out. But a lot. Imi, addition te knïocking on doors, Mr. Rae, I aIso workèd behind the sécenes, writing cp for speeches and brochures. In other ca-agnIlknocked on more doors, wrote more ýcampaign literatufe, made more phone calse, WIB ULP LA U HMINA2L8,15 designed pamphlets, edited souvenir booklets. ~ DUNLosnor% À hoNcy te a BM one Alla Cp80ort1957 aia I ve eI oMr. Rae, one afternoon:in thetlocal ht tCanada_,ho riding officè,of Xâe Breaugh (thep' an M[PP). We stok ôd à kj Caeup tanwihüe o for ton soggy minuites staringyvacantly at walls. We-are both ratherin'zept at, amali ta&k It is net a meeting* that will stick in yourmJûd l""a. .amriÈeuluhriastf1 ER G My messag: 'TI. casinos come mn, my môney and The Ontario Hsia llb. the. subj.ct of a radio bracatonCL, Osbawa for memibersbip both go." *mental iJ.altiW.elcZt&cnt on. Now we flnd that you and Pink Floyd are serious. : onne tr i eln agrn Wpl oam I. did net knock on doora through a frozený,> ebruary te bring a «'lest wagea' lifestyle te the -provine, fm grandparents great-grandparents and k great-gretIrandîparent& - onEA8 G My--apooges for thia letter. It may eusin Fmtb riday.4rl ,892 editionof the e &pantu it i a mouse,burnyetiwllgtWJTY HIO CL some attention.- e .Royal Hotel asfined $20 last w.ek for ueling-liquor past ècing time. 'It isaexpecý that a cosiderable amount of lumber will b. shipped froen Whitby Harboir BIH Sm * lhe students at the. Ontario Ladies' College bave raised $25 to feed the. staring Russians. The Mqple lafslacrosse club wauogaiedtte Amten oe nAri26- ..... ...