Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 1

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*.:rr.tTw1 J,'., '4<4/( *,~ j 'No Fues' battie cry againstfewyln 'No, Fumes in- our'Classoms'l has beon adopted.by some rosi- dents in West Whtby a s the rallying mr against the proposed construction- cf ,an oxght-lane freeway link between, Ralle Rd. an'd Coronation Rd. Gary Parkinson. says ho -and other résidents ,are tryim te form' the Ottor: Creek Home- fowners Association, and ji forcs wth oherassociations in the wost end of town. Ho sàys' area residonts have made it clear that they are con- cerned'about tho offects cf the, froeway link on the onvironment and the chioice cf i proposed location. The: link would stretch for about -10 kilometres botween Hwy 401 and' the future Hwy 407.,north cf the eistingHwy 7. At a public information meet- ing hiariy March, hundreds cf residents3 angrily oxpressed their opostion te the Iiiik 'and quos- tîonod the boundary of the area cf study,.that doos net includo the area immediately oast cf the link, an area that includes rosi- dential areas such as Mace donian Village, Otter- Crool' Quen's Chase. Queon's Com- mens and the West Lyndo area. Many residents wondered how the province could decide on the location -of the freeway link when mnost of the northernp'art of the stuy plan between ,hitby and *jax has been zoned for future ..development. N SER PAGE 3 Separate sehool tax increase 2.5% M k , ½ ~ L&4 By Mario Boucher W;hitby rosidents w ho support the Durhamn separate chool board will paLy 2.51 per cent more in taxes this year. Trustees. approved the board's new budget cf $132.7 million iast week. The tax increase for Durhamn Region is 3.7 per cent, with Oshawa rosidents seeing the highest icrease, 6.06 per cent for, ward one te six and 5.72 per cent for ward seven. Two years, ago, the tax in- crease for the region was 14.75 eroit andit was è69î ,r en t ltyear The 1991 udget was $126.2 million. Theboard's major projectsin clude an addition at Monsipor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School in Oshawa, and new' portables for St. Bernard elementary schooi in Whitby and St. Cath- orine cf Siena eiementary schooi in Ajax.' The board aise had te deai with a 5.5 per cent enrolment incroase, forcing them te hire 53 new touchers and maybe up te 27 more if necossary on top of in- creases 'in current employee salaries and benefits. The provincial grants aro in- creasing at a iewer rate than the 5.5 per cent growth. Since the middle cf last year tbrough the end cf this year the board wiil have oponod tÏhre new schools, including St. Mark the Evangelist in Whitb4y. The board may also begin con- struction cf anethor now elemen- tary uchool in Pickering later tIn yoar. Capital reserves wore dopleted as t he' board decidod te use *870,000, as well as $390,000 from a working funds reserve. Tho board wiil savo *101,400 by net replacing four consultants Who will ýretire in June, about, $600,000 from the budget cf thé plant admitnnedepart- ment, no increass in the indivi- dual school budgets and less moneèy spent by turutees and senior staff on conferences and workshops. Tèm Qda, chair cf the board, said ho is proud cf the offerts made by staff and trus- tees to get the budget in at the lowest rate increase possible. > We've achieved the goals that we set. eut for ourselves and I feel this beardmade responsible and difficuit decisions and eut whatever they could, without sacrificingany programnsfor stu- dents," ho said. Qîdman said the board did the] irbout to limit the impact cf the tax increase and noted that Wîhitby ended up below Durham 4 4, ~ 4 * 4t 4 «Mad cap MAX OSUSZEK, was one of the students. frein the Whnitby .Montessori Sehool'who playred musean pefomd liein. Wonderland ifor 'an Lappre-ý caieaudience of seniors <at Fafrview Lodgel' recently. Photo by Mm* BEesor, Whitby Free Pr... -71777ý '7 7 7* ..-. ..... .-..,..,. ...t.!.,.J- ~,**~U .IU 4.~Aè..6. d4 ~ .<.d'.*4 ~ 44~d$..~A ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ f -$EPAE Umm *Minister tours Lynde, Shores Whity rsidnts are hoping Environiment ,Minister Ruth Grier's visit Iast,,week to Whitbr including tour of the Lyn Shores Conservation Area, will have a positive offect and help keop the Lyndo Marsih as it is for years to corne. Grier first spoke"to' about 40 réuidents about the Waterfront Régenération, Trust-t, cur- re ntl beforeQuoen ' Park, which will help -the regenoration cf the. Lake. Ontario waterfront , :from,,BurhngtÉon Bayin'the,Wo'st to the Trent River inthe east. «Ise .e.it as 'a ,vehicle -te m"ake sure, a g reenway ,gâté inpac and it wouid have the'.abilîty to, spur action,» she said., The Act is designed te look at ail existing. damages in the waterfront area and, what can be- done to, start fluxing the problems, she said. Resident Kari Clarke, a mom- ber cf Friends cf Lynde Marslh, said he fears the Act May Corne into effect too late to benefit and help save thoý Lynde Marsh. .1There A s. ne other Lynde Marsh and- it cari neyýer, ever, be replaced,"he said. Clarke said he commended the minister for visiting th a n speaking to rosîide nts Irne«un- ffiendly teirritor.M Clarke said residents are con- cerned, abotthè offeets on the sensitive environmient bocause cf the proposed housing develop- mentp Ian that calîs or a rosi- dential subdivision f or approi- mrately -6000 e ànear'the Whitb denral ospital, just east cf the Lynde Mars h area.. The marsh areais classified'as alighly sensitive claosone wet-. ladiYý the» Ministry of Natural ResoUrCes., "W. -Can't: go back once the development goeo ni,sgoing te Clarke said development. sheuld be .concentrated mere: i the north part cf Whitby than in the Lynde Marsh area because there is a lot more farmland'than environmenïtaiiy-sensitivelands. .Planning developmonta by the Town, regional, and -provincial gover nments' are' ndt well' tou et ut*,because u13 per cent Of Whitby' community wili ho squeezed -into 13p orcent cf Whitby's ares,, this high-density population'clearly fshows îthe lack cf foresigsh t at both the local and provinciaIlolees.» Grier said she hopes the Act Will help, establish, trust botween mun icipalitios,, reidentis and Conservation authorities 'in the regenratien of the* waterfrent in southern Ontario. .

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