Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 21

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WEDNESDAY, 1AYG,'1~9~ PAGE2i HER TET IHSHO JOHN YASCHUTK (second from left) of Paris Play- ground gets plenty of help from Jeff Dart (kneel- ing),'Kevin *Baldwin (left)Y and Terry Keys (right) as -éildes and clming poles, the first of three phases to establh a newplayground, are inatai- led at Fit. Heardt.' thé French immersion public school. inWhitby.'The schooll'advisory Commit- tee, uiulor chair Carole Keys and fundraiser Him Simich, raised*money- through various events te pay for the $8,000 first phase. Photo by Maurlo. PlIher, Whltby Fr., Pru Collège, winsgod- and'bronze medals By Méranda Waters. The best way that -I can 1thini 6f te explain Henry Street iEgi School te ... dulslow 1moving activity free. Noti In"fact4 it's the exact opposite.'Thee's .0 mucb news to report, I hardly klow were testart., The girls' fastball teain began their season on a winnng.note, defeating Father Leo J. Austin, 32-10. Excellent pitchingsIlls demonstrated by Nataha Carter, 3 great defensive pley by Rhonda Cooper and quick swinging bat froin Jennifer LTe. al added te this fantastic win. Special thanka te Matt, Cook, Scott Williamson and, Sean Brown for their 'naturelP' urnpng and ýcoaching skila. The. girls? field lacross teal= ais opened their season playing agisDenis'Connor and A.jax FLigSchool. The game againet Niax resulted in a 3-3 tie, but unfortunately the Hawks went on Io Ias, against DOC, 7-3. An offensive standout in both gaines was Stephanie Sorichetti. Playing their finest gaine this Bseason, the. gisruby teain defeated ,Markhain, ýy an. Unbelievable 'score ofÏ22-0. Keep up the great woek. Henrys arheiy team recently competed in the LOSSA. tournameent on April 23. Dawn O'Reggio won first place in her *category> sud Soo Luen Tom, rec-eeda. second-place award. A tin thank you goes. out te Debbie Laba, Sean Browu, Arlene Tebble, Chad Maher, Tricia Wright and Jennifer Caneil for voluntesring their tins. Also beginning their season this past week was the Hawks basebai teain. Their gaine resulted in a 5-3 win over ]Denis O'onnor. Strong pitching. .by" Jamip Wattsrs (love the -lsat naine) and Ken Sheppard limiteg the opposition te two hits.' Mie Hawka' offence was lead by Dave Eymann, Sean Brown and Chris Sinclair. Congrats te Julie Roshottoin, Heather Cross, Suilta Vakil and Emilia Hwang, Mir. O'Toole's flute choir.-,They were awarded with a scholarship by the. Oshawa Kiwanis.M~usie Festival., Last ýWeduàeeay -evemning play ed host 'te 1-enry's highly. acclaimed fashion show, Kaleidoscoe. It proved te .tih. show not te miss (in fact, ei te ealsomenemaking. tuis more than correct assmption Hello.- Sonia Bebbington here. Much loony fun bas been, going on here at DOC, fling our mornings with knavis tomfoolery, and our afteruoous with more of hesaine. Par exemple, Monday c f last week. our. studeut council organized an asaemblyof sheer side-splitting hilarity when they hired,>a hypnotist te come in and mesmnerize the audience. Twenty eager DO'C 'studeuts were selected te ha the speizens in the bypuotic proceas, and among thein was famed OAC card, Chris Nichol. Totally oblivious te audience reation and savagsly uniuhibited, Chris thrilled rnanic onbookèrs with couvincing impersonations Of various professional, wrestlers, three deciduous trees, and a selection of Eastern Europeanphulosophers Despite s rousng Performance, Chris, remains u*jade yt experieuce, for whenvrakdhoW he'snjoyed the show, his eyss don a glazed *last week). Congratulations te ail the. j=rtcipiints, your hard ýwork and Ceiction, was truly obvous. Todair -waS te' conclufig closing, terminal, and, absolute y final day to purchase Prom DENckets. OR If v CHou si . el appearance and h. mumbles, 'Oit made me laugh, it -made me cryM I liksd it botter than< Cats'" Most impressve, indeedL. On a more seraous note, tue reprsuaie from. the MADD Mothers Against Druuk Driving) organization came te speak te students last Tlhursday. ,Their presentation was an extremely moving one, and W(C students wish te, thank those who caine for sharing with us. Let us hope evsryone is intelligent ýenough te, talcs heed of their mesagfe. Also last week, an OSA" repesetatvecame-in te, discuse applications te the Ontario Student Assstance 'Program. Good thing we aIl attended the meeting, seeing as assstance for- everyoue1 is imminent. Many kudos'te thoee budget comedians who serightly decded that university preparation is just not stresaful enough. Oh, iucid.ntally, the DOC senior girls? soccer teain won a gaine last week. Long may they reign victorious. Ail tue hast, until College'students win burarie Duram oege student Kimberly Meyer recently. won-'a $500 'Women in Technology Memorial* Bursary' for herefforts in atechnology program. The, bursary, sponsord by O)ntario's Colleges of Applied Arts aid , lTecbnology, 'was created te honour the memory of the women studenits'siain in the tragedy at Montreal's Ecole, Polytechnique two -years ago., Pour students were awarded f the f"rt Womenu-in Technology Memorial Bursary. Tuewier represent each; of the fiour'regions that encompasa, the pro6vinces ,23 colleges. Meyer is a graduating dean's list student In envirornmental techology at Durhamî College. >5h. s eymciveinthe "Durham 'Environnental Concerna Alliance. She' wii receve her $500 cheque and a certificate a t -the, June 6 convocation ceremoniesi., Durham College. recently won buted to the award-winning two awards for achievement in promotions. marketing at the lSth annual The teholg division National Council fçrý Marketing promotion include cup 9. pins, and Public Relations conference psterspens ad a video, (NCMPR). 'Shatterzng the Mytha of A gold award for the colleges Technology.9 1991-92 prograin calenÉdar, and a This was the flrst year bronze for the colleges technolo"y Durham Colleg. entered the iiion . promotion, >were competition. TheY completed presented to- Durham Collg against 1,20 other marketing representative, Cheryl Bird, entries. public relations officer,- who attended the conference in Collegeo labour- . ne Paro n wards ancouncil team Up based on the total marketing« concept of the'-,materials, Durhamn College, has recentl submitted. Among the-criteria for. been requesed by J evaluati.on w ere the central Woodward,.yresident . of the mesegeimpact, concept. and' DurhamlI icgonai Labour research. Council,- to, develop a new The Paragnn Awardsl are the traiingprograin. premier national cumniatins$ 22i840 grant for the awards competition for councill hm been approved by the community, technical -and _junior Minuistiy-of Citizenship for the clleges in tihe Unitd Statis and> new Anti-Racisin Strteuy Canht college empîoyees froin< , urbamn <College will aminh aerFi the media servies and marketing cr«Otiga ù >rOwam n te providp a » - ii departinentîi, StuartEi,9 1%Ter training te, mèmbe-ors. of the labour -IEIHIN a ne of the Jobs Anderson CVI studens drn Capar, Mike K9nnedy Jim payscoIflufity Ù»pp dis e.<a tt e. Ç qeJisjtthsc>o4u2.* ChriBird, GrC~ e Mt,'LM For mÏ o ratiaocMl f rdCiIV eh ~- van L itr& i1e orOobPtrOiin.ljivr.P

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