Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 24

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..~ iuu~ i~m i i'I~i's" NPýSI)AY, MAY 6,1992 kinsmien -home show Iii 'aIIing î'>,i a,lic!*R. prtwided hy )k'ai rpo)#0riq an4ïi MehOnt anoù N "Pai Pst, AiÀsSiartn, ORA) ý-ir,,the henefil oàf consumerà',mn Are you hoking for ways to iwake, a special' roor in your huse sem brighter and more "pciouswithout. having, ta knock diown -walls or >changé your derc'rting echeme?. AKskylightý rnight. be the* answer. <lnstalled ini the roof, this type COME TO THE HOMESHOW to see a demonstration of U tra-Grip the a9ma-zliuglow cost permanent invisible treatment for bathtubs, showers, tile and porcelain surfaces which makes them slip resistantL will also demonstrate a selection of water conservation products 428-3926 or 721-0178 f Ibey1 are id receive. littie light. TheV ielfrbedroomns - part if you enjoy stargain. Skylights «alogv opportunity te, bring a liti] the outdoors. inVo yowr I9..Your plants will a ,t ejoytmore»snil However, - before yo planning your skylight, th a couple of -drawbacks you keep in immd. One is skylight can be a major c heat los's. ,This jis insulated glass dosnt co,ýn enough -te prevent the el fram having an effect. M can also'sweat'during the nionths, sud' condensati< fail below. sky'light ny room Istiaoe IeL for Ideaiy, skylights should be as that ihstaed Iby a conftrator ,who r're also specializes in solariums, because Liuary yu want someono w ith experti se' <ý'ngas in ntallation. As- with you the anything else, sékylightsm iust be fle bitof installeci properly te be effective. rliving ' Do-it-yourself kits- are also be available on"the market, but most t. -, ontraýc or s sggçestthat y ou.go Vo. u s tart a solarium 'or'glass dealer Vo* hîere ar make sure that you get quality Lishould and, the benefit of their expertise. came of because nie tbick ilements ,kylights a. winter on may Ge0t ostimates It's a good idea te shop around sud get two or three estimates. ,from different contracters. Compare what each bas to offer, and make sure the information contained in the. quote meets your specifications. Four Basket Dmawer System., 41 "h x 18"w x 21" d [SPACE A13E SHELVIN OVR 10.000 CLO$EtO PLAiIEOANNUALLY.CALtL FOR FfflE1IlUNE CONSULTATlom RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY, (416) 430-1636 iyour.h.ome There are many different. styles qof skylights ,te choose from sud yor contra etor shoul d tell you whatisstable for yur trcture sd what the skyliîght willdo for you sud*your home. . Average aizes range froém two, ta six ýfeet,'sud costs 'range anywherefrom $400 te $3 000. Obviously, thq biggor the skylight is,the largrthe prce'tagýwillbe. An additional costiflbethe type of trim you wish fte accent your skylight with. Discuss this olement with your contaora get the best possible choicefo*r your decor. When choosing a location for your, slight, expr ecomnxend that it b placed on the: northeast side 'of 'your home. -Ini this, location, ' e.'s eylight :woni't get the hot afternoon sun which'could (PP)' Assessing your home's security is the.first step towards effective burglary protection. Take a walk around your home and property sud try Vo identify the vulnerable areas of your home. e* Malco sure that you have securo doors and bott er thsu just 'good locksi.'. The door, -&âam, sud lock form a mini-security system that is only as good as it's wealcest member. *Sliding patio ýdoors o feres access points for burgiars. Most patio door loclcs are flimsy sud' can be 'easily 'pried apen; installing a special locking device stifle you home'consdorably. UV preLect6um ies alsio a. good idea to get'a skylight thýLt il help block out ultraviolet raya. The coet wifl b. slightly rhorce because .this double-glazed glass is "usualy only used for solariums. Before instaflng, and purcbasing the skylight, check al warranties -*- for, bath, the skylight sud' the, contracter. Are the skylights'covered fo r one, or two sean? Does the contractor have insurance or offer guarantees? Some contractars have s pecialized insurance that will caver their work for up Vo five years.- Once the , instalation is comiplote, youll 'realize that a slcylight <c an be a beautiful -sud praccl addition Vo your house'., will b. a deterrent Vo theft. *Always keep your garag dooz, locked.ý le Inform your,,neighbours if you, are away suad exchange: each other's phone numnbers. *if you are away, us e a tim erteo contai yur its. When your, house looks occupied,, you are s of a target'for the burgiar., *Suspýend al newsar deliveries' for the time ou pln te, be' away sud arrngeta have, your miail picked up by a' neîghbour. A ' lark., ernpty ,home with- a pile of newspapers, sud mail on the front porch is an open' invitation for a thief. Finally, there is an alternative to, costly refinitshing! Kitchen Tune-Up is a service franchise, specializing in wood restoratian and maintenance. The company originated in the U.S. over four, years ago and bas recently been introduced te Canada. Each independentIy-owned franchise bas personnel fully trained in KTU's method of wood refurbishing. The company emphasizes that they do not actually refinish,* but rather work with what is' there, enhancing 'and restaring its original beauty. This special. service, leaves 'no fumes or mess and is environmentally safe.- Best -of ail, the' cost is only a fraction of conventional methods! For example, an average set af kitchen cabinets can be renewed for about $300. This compares te hundreds, or eve.- thousands of dollars for new cabinets. For those customers with painted céab inets - or who, want' a new look - MKtchen Tune-Up also provides cabinet refacing. .Ail the doors are ,custom made, and range from solid 'oak-t auiae urfaces,,with prices to suit alLbudgets. With no salespeople,- KTU can offer extremely competitive prices. 0 f course, KTU does much' more than' kitchens. Stair railings, doors, panelling, fRnmiture (the system works beautifully on antiques) --- virtually any, wood surface' can use this service. Hotels, motels, restaurants, hospitals, etc. would 'be serviced by KTU's commercial division. Since there are many variables -in the, types and condition, of wood, KTU - offers -no-obligation demonstrations and written quotes, sa, you,-can see the amazing resuits yourself, right in your home or, business. Visit aur booth ta discuâs your needs, and while yau're there, don't farget to enter the draw for. a free Kitchen Tune-Up! LAIRD ENTERPRISES Franchise Owner For Oshawa, Whltby & Surroundlng Area 1T1ze W oW " cur e Specialisis *' K T COMMEcIA u SERVICES9 4304772 435m4446 ~cz~«KITCHENS LTD. FamiIy, Business provides, servicé, Eurocraft Kitchens Ltd. is a famnily-owned and operated business, says W.H. Bruckmann, owneraithe cmpanytwho has been in this'business for 25 years and stf11 enjays it. "W tEurarf rain aur staff to be knowledgeable about product-and the use ai the <"We don't just seil cabinet boxes, we provide knowledge, planning, guaranteed Installation dates." Mr. Bruckmann says that replacing a kitchen as is, is the simple thing to do; deslgning a new kitchen, for a house that is 20 years old, for example, Is another story altogether.% nHouses built at thattime had a small kitchen and very little* extra raomff or the needs ln toays ithe. Toay thre, are us'ually two peaple warking ln the kitchen at' once and there are more appliances ta be incarporated in the kitchen. «Twenty years aga the-average kitchen UIdid not have dishwashers or microwaves, for instance, let. alane'a ',numbýer0of ather emaîl appliances. "A new kitchen is suppased ta make iffe easier for the, homneowner plus adding beauty and value ta the home. "We do not seil or make promises we can't deliver. Our'motta remains as always, 'We will Eurocraft Kitchens Ltd. is the place where quality and efficiency make a dffference. 605 Brook Street, North Whîtby. 668-5162 To prevent burglaries, assess home security -------------- 1 1 iMif ibilu

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