Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 27

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W&I!BYFRE PRE88g WhEDNJDAÏ, MAX u ué LOSSA TRACK AND ýFIELD PREVIEw Exciting,, quality-match-ipsn tore The' LOSSA~ track and .field champ*ionships wifl b. takring place Fridây and Monay Ma8 and il at Civic Fields. At this proliminaiy- qualifier, many former and potential OF;= medalista will ho taking part and the events will b. strongly contested. The following is a look at som. of the schools and their athietes. Àndersom 'Anderson cornes to LOSSA with two roturning 1991 OFSAA gold medalists, junior boy Adrian Woodfley m, the 1llOm huries and senilor boy Andy Breroton in the long jump. Woodfley will also ho competing in the triple' jump. Breroton is up against Pickerings Samn Davis, 1991 junior OFSAA silver medalist in the long jump. This could bo a previow for tIns year's OF&4A finals. Look for an excellent 100m senior boys' race where Brereton will meet Davis again' and Harwood's Roscoe Flemning. It is conceivable that thre could o lining up against each other at this sO0 Sm finals. rIn'-,the sprintsi, Anderson appears, to ho strong and versatile. The junior and senior boys' an d junior girls' 4x100 relay teanis are impressive with strong individual atblete;s like Brereton aid Woodl'y, and as the junior gils im Miller 'and -flfth-placo 1991 OFSAA, flnalist Pennie Santiago. In the distance events, flfth- place OFSAA flnalist Stephanie- Duffy is returning to run the 1500m and 3000m'junior girls races while second-year midget Jef Clayton, top ton finalist in OFSAA cross-country,. is up aginstough compeiinfrcm Mclaughlin's LUCa Hayes and Dwyerls Craig Marshall. Henry Stree It is oxtrelyraeth1 among th aduof athlotos who mak it totheosprint final of an OFSAA race$, you flnd two fromn the saine school. Jason Bacchiochi and Jason* Brumley did precisoly that laut yoar in the 110m, huries with Bacchiochi winnlng the gold ýmodal. This year these fine-athietes return in différent categories as Bacchiochi moves on te senior and Brumley stays a second year junior. Strong performances should also corne from junior boy -jumper John Hopkins who bas been an OFSAA comptitor for the lest two years and Grog Smith, a junior distance runner, who won the Durbem-York-Georgian Bay indoor meet lest. year and who bas been running. impressivo workout turnes. Other hopefuls include midgot bo1ys Jay Jobnston' and MmAmber in the 800m and 1500m races. Pïckering Tho school i sprinRts.,Few, high schools in the province can match Pickcering i talent or depth in track and field. Ranked flrst overall in boys evonts i the province ét OFBAA lest year, it la the best hot for repeating its overail win et LOSSA this year. Samn Davis lu the athiete te watçIJXi!i seio cj,4 Afirst-year AMDY BRJRTON of Anderson CI% shown winni ng the 100m race at the OFSAA regionals least year, wiil be competing in LOSSA on May 8 and Il. lVhitby Free Prou. file photo niedalist in long junip at OFSAA. In this lest ovent watch hlm compete anst lest year's senior gold modaest in long jump at OFSAA, Anderson s Andy Brereton. Few associations at this level will ho able te host an excellent a.field as LOSSA will bave in the lOOmn race as Davis faces Brereton, Ajaxs Roscoe Fleming, and Dwyer's3 Keith D'Andrade. Pickering should, once agai, niake a strong showing in the 100m relay races. Although renowned for ita strength in sprinta and jumps, Pickering also bas an excellent senior distance runner, Derryn Hughes. Vory competitive in the 1500m- and 3000m races, ho placed fourth. overali at OFSAA i the 2000m steeplechese. Dunbaroe A strong school lest year in the girls' relay. events, Dunharton lu returning with 400m runnor, Angle Gaam Who fnse fouth, last year at OFSAA. Indicaions._are.. that - ah. lu.s Hao This rather small team consistung of 10 members appeers te have a disproportionatoly hig percentege of faoe track and fie Id competitors. Tho big name bore is senior boy Roscoo Fleming in the 100mi and 200m. A fourth-place OFSAA finisher in the 100m and first in the 50m et this yearls Durham-York-Georgian Bey in- door meet, ho is considered by bis coach te hoe a 1992 OFSAA modal contender. Ho will have tbe chance te prove that assertion at -LOSSA where ho will go up against' two OFSAA gold medalists,, .Andersonls Andy Brereton and Pickerineé Sain Davis. Midget girl Colleen Pefley, another flrstplace finisher at the DYGB meet in shot put, looks like a potentiel 1992 OF&A competiteri the shot put and discus. Thora lu aloreason te have- bigh hopes for 4xlOOmm senior boys' relay toam. Eadu4 A building ear for Eastdale as fit4 stm OSA with a young teambiii~I sn- Showing promise 'are midget girl shot put and' discus thrower Penny Konidis, junior boy' pole vaulter Todd Siln, andmiudg~t boSeanRicbar io nte Javeli. Look out also in the 100m 200m races for mnidget boy Ohad Macdonald Who, had a good showing in the junior relay -at Harwood Husky relay moot. O'Neill A school wlth an excellent tradition, in- distance running, (YNeill is taking approximately 45 athletes to LOSSA. Once again distance events rule with their senior boy Milce Haywood in the 800m, 1500m and 3000m races. Recent clockings of 1:57 in the 800m and, 4:16 in 1500m show that ho is gong in*to this meet in good shapeAlsoclooldng in fine form is junior girl Erin Bunker in the 800m and 1500m races. With a tume of 2:32 in the 800m, expect a good race against Ànderson's Stephanie Duffy. Also look for strong ,performances -by -tho 4x400m boys and girls teanis. O'Neill is not lacking talent in the field ovents. Shauna McRae, a senior,. and Erica Hutchlnson, a J unior, were both OFSAA finaliste last ai î the long jump. They Winll talcing another start down that road at this year's LOSSA. Scott Brown, a. senior, is, according to bis coach,, a promising tbrower who could prove bimseîf in the upcoming chaznpionshiups. Another thrower with promise is midget girl Rose Clement who placed second in the shot 1put at. the' »Durham-York- Georgian Bay Indoor Meet. Paul Dwyer Another- school with a fine track and field history, owyr will hob 1 taking abut 50 competitors to LOSSA. Look for senior boy Keith lYAndrade in the vory competitive 100m race. A dedà cated athlete and a conipetitor as a senior in this event at the 1991 OFSAA championship, lho will ho gOng aranst some big guns i what cold ho this year's premier event at LOSSRA. In addition the senior 4x100 boys' relay, .wth lYAndrade, will ho strong asits flrst-place finish in 44.5 se'a the Harwood Husky 'relay has already shown. Sacba Benlisa, a junior girl and laut yoar's -ilver meda]ist in the discus in OFSAA competition, is a' sure -hot at this year's LOSSA.. Craig -Marshall rounds out a competitive flèld in the 1500m midget boys race which'Will alo includo - McLaugblin's Lucas Hayes, Anderson's Jeif Clayton andAjNaies Neil Scott. Junior boy Kyle McLean with a 4:20 min. clockig at, the Queen's University meet this year 18 given an outside chance for first place a LOSSA. Ho 15 u~ l3.nst fellow teaninate Tom Drynan, a two- year OFSAA competitor who is capable of running a strong race. Another* junior boy, Richard SEE PAGE 34 Whitby Itroquols Soccer Club SELECT 'SOCRRkYOUTS FOR 1992 O)UTDOOR:SEASON (BOYS) Open. ta*Ail Registered Ho use ,LeaguePlayers. If interested., please telephone: Under8 Under 10 Uncer 12 1&udrj4 (born 1984/85) Alan Kerr, (born 1982183) D ave Naylor (born 1980181) Bill Groden_ --- 197 /9 .S m Co'h 579-4796 668-09001 430-6026 -' r~ #s~~ --- - ------------ . ................

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