Whitby Free Press, 6 May 1992, p. 32

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PAGE 82,WIHT~Y~BEE PRE0S, WB»NE8DAY, M&Y 6, 1992 g --- - -- --- - -- - - - ~IAliNSI IPRMeNSAARMTS ~~~ I ROR f~~~~~~~~~i 1 >Pf tN FAfITi'Pf>ET ROOMS AVAILABLE far rent ln a. moteL lQuiet caUn!rysurroun- inga an Hwy. -12-near Broaklin. Weeky.$150. manthly,$500. Cail ROM FOR RENT- Share kitchen, Iujndr.yIl .throom. New houseï, ThlckaonlMnnlng area. WHITSY - FOR FIENT- fumlshed roam,.-famlly roam,.,-TV. Ktchen& laundry> pdivlleqes. Quiet warklng male. $85/week. first & last. HOUS, APARTMINT FOR RENT? Il you had advrtisd here, 1,0009 IIJc ou would b. readinü,this now. 686111 ONE COMPLETELY fumished, room for rent by mature Individual. Asklng $389 a Imonth which includes- heat, hydro,. cable & laundry facilities. Phone 666-5288, COZY & CLEAN, 1-bedroam basement apartment an quiet street. Fully braadlaomed,- sepa- ate entrafice. $525 unfurnshed, $575 fLqmshed, utilties& cable lncluded. 666-2092. NEWLY RENOVATrED two- bedroam Whltby apariment avallable June 1t $650/month +i utIlftles. Harvey Mlntz Assales Lt., Reatar. 668-8897 or BROOKUIN - BEAUTIFUL, dlean large 1-bedroam, apartment. Frldge, stave, parking. Coseta all amenities. Hydra extra. Avallable now. $525. 655-4544 days or 655-8989 evenlngs. LARGE 30BEDROOM, centrai y ad. Clean' and ht Wfb;m throughout. Dish- washer, covered parking. Reduced ta $825/month. Avallable Jne 1. 668-4643. Landlo'rcs ist your1 ro om,,apartment or house for rent wîth Housing HeIp Durham a non-profit houslng reglstry. Cali 1686-2661l 8:30 a. m. - 4:30 p. m., Monday to Friday BROOKUN 1 -BEDROOM apt. for June July & Set.lot. Close ta' ail 1menities. Cai 55W39. BA6H1ELOR APT.., beautiful country settlng. Private entrance. Fumshed, lncludingcolour TV, 3-pc. bathroom. On t.aerklge Rd., 5. minutes north of HMy.. 7;- 64-3725.. BACHELOR APT"I kitchen, Milattng room '& bathroom. Partilly furnlshed. Quiet, non-smoker. nori-drinker., $375. Head,23ro, parking lncluded. TOWNHOME. - Brock/Mannlng ý- 3 bedroom, 1-V12 baths, centriair, 5 , appliances. Avallable- June 1. $1 080ImonthW. Cai 666-1159. THREE-B3EDROOM'. HOUSE9 furnlshed,' completely.re'ady..ta reni - just waik ln. Iludes fumniture, clishes, liniens. Reasonable price ta rlght Perma. 668-6991 SHARED. ACCOMMODATION - persan ta share 3-bedroam, house wfth family rorn, Ajax. Close ta ail amenities. Centrai air. 428-3588. ANDERSON & MANNING area,' plaza & sohools neadb. 4.,9- months new, detached .2-storer, 3bed rooms, garage. Aalbeý June 1. Frit jne, stave available. $925 + utlte.Flrst & last. No pets. Ron Barsi, 434-5222. Re/Max Reflclon Realty Imc. 13EST WISHES for a Happy Bithday or Anniversary. The classifieds are a special.way to send greetingsl Cali 668-6111 O!ul ostuct om r an d Buule. *Bathromm 'Kitchens - Additions, etc. aInterlocKlng stone ZetsCosrutin- 655-4418 Greenwood Gardening & Maintenance LAWN MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL -LANDSCAPING - TRIMMING Cal us how and save up ta 10% an your seasanal grass cuttlng contmact. (416)1721-94%96 H and Crafted Porcelain Doils, Classes, Green Ware and Doll Supplies at... The Doli Shoppe 1621 McEwen Dr., WhiLby 723-6377 tIB&D Fencin9~ *WoGurnte *Garden Sheds * *Post Set Fences starting atI under $12 per foot *Decks start at $7.25 square foot, încludes railing and one set of steps tPHONE 668-7951 Tlfrepager 1-416-559-6703 LANDSCAPING by =UNI VERSITY WERKS- -since 1980 - Qualy Construction & Professional Design E Irterlocking Brick Drives, Patios, Walks *Retaining WaIIs Wood Fencing *Wood Decks Free Competitive Esimates 666-9690 Demek Dutk Specializlng in tax -& retiremnent planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FFOR ANR APPOINTMENT. * - Servîng the areafor 32 years. Vvfemfler buying or selling, give me a caîl. SENIORS!lDon't forget we have somnething in common. 668-3800 - 571-3800 SINGLE DRiVE $où95 (500Osq. ft.) -$g -Free estimates 'Top quality drtveway sealer (no additives) -Rock bottom prices 571-5979 Feelfree be cSUi Uect 'DANÇNY'S GENERAL CONTRATOMS P Waterprooting Wet. leaky. damp'basement made duy ..pemnTrtly rom n -ride and out Crdîs R9ai0 - Go"Repifs.-Caik4n Complete Renovations Chfimney Flashinga Repaired or Repîaced FREE ESTIMATES J 666-2827 Dan O'Leary7ý CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE,. ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CAIL, ONE BILL OMES IT ALL. VACATIONVTRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. live days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, sanîc Trent-Severn Walerway or Rideau Canai. privaiestaae-rooma, muais, trae brochure; write Capiain Marc, Box 6, Orittia. L3V 6H9; (705) 327-5767. <STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel 'Strailhwaîi Type.- not quonssi - 32x54 $7344; 40x72,$10.276; 50x9 $15.882; 60xl26.$22.972- other sizes availabe.- Spring Clearance - Paragon- 24 Houra 1-800- 283-8499. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING VOU'LI EVER NEED. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS la Ihe rscognlzed leader in afiordabte, top quality, Arch Style Stet Buiding. Why pay more? Cal 1-800- 668-8653. B,UILD A BETTER BUILDING- Ontario Manufacturer DIRECT ...Many sizes and types available. Ex: 40 x 60 VALUE $8,684. NOW $8.696. ERECTED - SAVE $1.988 - not Including loundation. «IF PRîCE IS NO OBJECT, WHY NO T SPEND A LTTLE LESS' Cati Pioneer 1-800-668- 5422. Firat In buildings aince 1980. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Gomenment seized/surpius vehicles. US. and Canadian low as $100. BMWs, Caditiaca, Chevs. Fords, Mercedes. Poraches. trucka. vans.. Amazing 24-hr recorded message reveas details 416-696-3307. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS. hardiop iotdown, iith-wheeî. Iravel, park modela. truckcampers-caps. FIbretine & Leer Fibreglasa & Aluminum truck caps. Parla-Service for moat makes including Bonair-LloneI-Lextra, Royal Traiter & R.V. Centre In Tevioidats, Ont. 1-519- 343-2122. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpatd taxes. Crown Land avaitabiiiiy. For .information on both write: Properties. DepI. CN. Box 5380. Sîni F. Ottawa. K2C 3J.> CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Souihwessern 'Ontario School of Aucioneering. Nexi clasa: JuIy 11-17. InformatIon. contact~ Southwestem Ontario School of Aucioneerlng, R.R.05.,Woodsîock.' Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FREE. career guide 'Io ho <me-atudy correspondence Diplomia courses. Accowing. Air condltlonlng. 'Booklresplng,. Business. Coametology., Electronîca, LegallMedlcal SeCreta>. Psychology, Travel. Granlon. (5A) - 263 Adelalde West. Toronto 1-800-950-1 972. TAKE CHARGE. provîde your own JOB today. Provice-wide pizza franchise now expanding.*10w eniry fee. n usinesasînce 1979, 30 stores« .stong. Cati 416-433-1333. TRUCK DRIVER trainingAZ and DZ courses,.aiso air brake, dangerous goods . detensive drivtnig. log' bookc and border croaslng. Rodgers SchooI. Ontario oldast. Cati 1-800-668-0031., BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance programa < Faderai & Provincial> for your new or 1extsting amati business. Information (514) 937- 2422 ext. 98. BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES PROFIT FROM THE RECESSION? Every Iew years a truîy diferent opportunity comas aiong' from ANYTING.you have ever seen. Minimum Investment $499. Cati Todayt (519> 944-6000. RAISEÉ CHINCHILLASI Fult- or part-lime. Guaranteed Income. Direct purchase or joint ventura. Guatity N.C.B.C. graded stock. Cati Tom or Grog Rsdslra, (416> 457-4660. CHINA NORITAKE CHINA SALEt Terrifiic discounts on curreni paitemst Detivered wett-packed. insursd. For pricaIliai on your Norilake, pattern~- Atexandees, «Tho Noritake Experts,* Toronto, toit- Iraea1-800-263-5896. ARTICLES FOR SALE PORTABLE BAND SAWMILES-'Canadas ieading manufacturer oliera a varieIy ol modela. Save Money, Make Money. Free Brochure Enercrait. #3, 130 Saunders Road. Barrie, Ont. L4M 6E7 (705> 734-1211.- LIOUtD LIFELINE TO HEALTH. Whotesate direct Irom manufacturer. Watsr distiller $499 leas 40% $299.40. Disiribuiers wanled. 10H Industies,,116 Vlceroy (C-9) Concord, Ont. L4K 2M3 (41<6) 73>8- 6256. MORTGAGES Home equity boans. Fasi ciosinga. Low raies. <Application by phone. No quaiifying hassies. Psy bis. Home renovalions. Cati Intransicon Financial Group. Toi-res 1-800-268-1429 anytime. Mtes FOR SALE "MtesDay* Quinte Cottectîble Show and Sale Sunday. May 101h, Bon Bleecker Auditorium, Bellevile. 10-4 Admission $2.00,. Nostaliel. kilchenware, lbye, boîllea, advertisîng. pins, poalcarda, china. HELP WANTED, SKY CHANNEL - Nationwîdle Sales Agents needed for the mosf revdIutlonary Innovation in home enierlalnmenil mInct the V.C.R. No Investment. CALI COLLECT (416) 479-6191. Il Vur 8d could appear in community newspapersInOrntario, eo- rlght acrosa Canada, i or any Individuaî provInce. Space la Llmited, so ýCal This Newspape'r Tobdayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To rach a wier maiket, adveif rs fhioughouf the mgionaf memboishî3 0f the Ontario and Canadian Community N.wspaperAssociatbins Cenra Otato Ail Canada 572 newsapra - $974 for 25 wo I IFor further Information please caîl the Whîtby Free Press CIasSifleds.-668-094 I --------- ......... .F........ . -1 r- m L- r- mmmuuma mmi

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