WBPffIREEPUR% WEDNESflAY, MAYO6, 190t PAGE 35 May 1 to 7-is 8Spinal Health Weelc througout Ontajo. Local chiropractic societies wiU b. proqnoting spinal, awareness and education .to elementaryeho Spinal «*le'alth ,WeeJ children in grades 3 to 60 With'the co-opration of the local achool, boardstheDurham Region (JhiroPractic Society wil VIE WPOINi'T: Water ,conservation aunta FPROM PAGE 6 (IfreaCb»ng oly when the probiem reaches crisis 'Proportions, its time that consumnere and political ledrhpbegin now ta conserve .Water. It l e sim'ply more econical and environemtalWy prudent toconserve than ta build new,\-Water treatment plante. Conservation will. ensure that thora ,will' continue 'ta b. suffiient water ta ho shared thogout the raglan. We- now rôutinely recycle, compostcut bock on, our thermostats,'insta]l energy-saving lighting and even tae. pride in being 'green.' The ~a Inconsistency le when we flue il, that clear water down' the drain ini an otherwie closed loop. ony engcourages conservation, but. Canadiens must revolutionize ralses the cash need ta ilind Our >,pproech' to water resoturh and ýdevolopment ta Manam ent beginning wlth'a, ensure future supplies of pure, reaistic pricng plc that not clear water. Nee dless,.spending PRO PGE whatever level), please tbink of ÈROM E 6.the people who will ultitoately- neceesary, grn ment-providod pay or your 4écsions as1 you s3ervices, but - hae aig piioblem carry otyo rd iities; the sinali with, paying. for ' services' that expenditures may, not seem like 'appearto b. unnecessary- rnuch (at the time) in comparison veifour gcevernment was taô total govermment expendituies,1 in- the black, dol they reall 'ha-ve'.but they ail add up theý: rightta spe 4nd i this- way? . One final appeal to < enyn mnngig a gavemoent office (at, Albert Costick whitby KA-OOM NEWPSPAIPER. You neyer saw it corning. You were thumbing through the. paper, minding your own business. When suddenly this ad caught your eye. And. your interest. Newspapers don1t read themselves, you kriow. It takes two, a newspaper AND YOU! That's why newspaper is such a powerful advertising medium. It requires your full attention and complete concentration. The. radio can be playing to nobody in particular, and the TV can be' on in'an emp'ty ro om. But when people tumn to their paper, they turn there with inter- est. Which means that's where your advertising message needs to be." With ail the choices available, it's difficuit deciding how best to advertise your business. But everything becomes a littie simpler when you remember one rule... OVER 30,000 SQ. FT. , Taunton Rd. W. ~ 0F BARGAINSm d HOURS: Mon. Tues. Fi., 10-8, Wed. & Thurs.10-9, 9 locations ta serve you w'tnwuf&IwIwatmwwdw~fi~9w~*w kM ay111111117 ééhdo _________________neinSforaon taughti b. dietribut-ing tover oletswillhlnclude:ppr 'InspMector, Spine boolets to s1leping and lifting; streng- tnugand stretching exorcises fur a stronger opine; basic tpped 18811 C anatomny of the sipine and nervousl sysem;proernutrition;#ad' ho oplaysae .ta avoid.spial Ric& Krechowicz'sbusiness, i n rn oi'o hv Callrich Services, markets eniy Mtchlrndfotav and water'conservation podu back pain. However, chiro- -fnd *eruiceg. patosfeel it ils important to IOpinos expoeesed are those of eduûcate hildren, about their tI~e whor. sines at a young age iSPRIN G PATIO0 SALE! : -!"jFESTVAL MIX MAT-H CARIC SET SETe J. N hOosefroe ýj. - 7 plec s 7 pIec sý &1uelaete 0 «R 1Ti ed u Tbl -T BLE 4 Ro"ruo«d Q T"-4Md haise 4ReSýhCh 7 If- 3 os. 10% & " UU ELL UMBRE b bas 11 j FESV LL MIX & MATCH CAPRIC SE Choose tram AILSOLSDESEPTEL MAilREe 11. ~. i pleces Iëe ÃD UBELà 0 38'xloe Tempered Gcai -4 p « W ,WTpeowdw * Tale 4 " S4Tia mud Gis t I. dakswl*s 100 of colscurs to chr.ouom.ont $0000 e UMBECYPERAES CK XTR 40 Rond 0 U M B R E L L A E X T A H I C P A S T I O T R K A TI" O undB L E 0 *Over 1,000 le choose CUSIONLOUGE 999 *rm IKYU OWN. '249' from CUSHIONS irprdIs Slghl slighlly sinuildm si umrlas soie (0 SIgh100% .d $1490 $4900 huityear for'Il29M 0 Umxells'39-s,.g.e l 4 LOWEST PRICES IN DURHAM 'MATTRESSES >LARGES IN STOCK: 0 LADY ROSE ORTHOPEDIC SEISPECIAL. : 0 10 YR. GUARANTEE 15 YR. GUARANTEE REEST0 0 "atmsOI ars OnIy LEGS e 0,SINGLE SET 390"$900 cSINGLE SET 39" ifQ0MATTRESS & * 0 OI PME'7r ~0 PRICE19r $1i a.' 1 0FOUNDATIONs 0DOUBLE SET 54- $ loo DOUBLE SET 54" $140 IGE 0PRICE 119N $2>9 PRICE =r 149 SIGLE pQUEEN SET 60" $ Ql0 UEEtlSETr60" $ » 0 WI 14 iPRICE 3908 "$1900PRICE 1289m 1189, DOUBLE 116r" * 0 BACK SIPPORT PEACEFUL SLEEPER QUE:EN '99 0e ORTHOPEDIC NON*ALLERGENIC NON*ALLERGENICORTHOPEDC TharsRighl cl ios i '* 20 YR GUARANTEEc 30 YR GUARANTEE 0 SINGLE SET 39- '~ 6" HIGH DENSITY* PRICE 127r « 19o0DOUBLE SET 54" $ 00 FOMATRS* Q U E NI CQ E E N 3 9 r2 4 9 3 9 ' S I N G L E $ 7 9 0 0 bDOUBLE SET 54- $ ml00PRC 98 I PRCE 13W09" 19 * UE ST60 M G Sý'7" 0 PRIE '89"$2900 PRICE 149r" '9 5411 DOUBLE9' bMA1TRESS AND BOX SPRINGS SOLO SEPARATELY 60" UEEN '119"