Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 14

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or " ig.l W z ff Iramoepaff 9q ~ilYoeTYfW PAGE 14, ýWHTBY FREE kR8,WDÈDY MAY 13, 1992 SAUING SOHOOL Thm Whlty Yacht Clubsailln sa'hôolaisoering sailncourse" f«Uedoer ',i7t under, cyý c-mz-tnsbtS% from white sali te slver levwli.1'ail CAPIC ?METING Duxham Chapter of CAPIC (Canadian* Association for, Pro- ducti'on and Jnventozy,:Control) wll held ,a -dinner mbeetng on Thursda, May 14' at Earl of Durham, 227 Brock St.*S. Whitby. There wil be a cashba from 6 te 7 p.m., dinner jat 7 pm., felowe byaentation from 8 te p. .ti Lâunchlhury, immediate, paat preSident of CAPIiC ýll speak on 'The state of Canad" ia manfacétiuring - are we ready ',for world clase Mi49'Pre-registrtion is recommended. For further'details and registration,. oHil Sandra Sat ,576-02103 ,ext. 4790 VOLUNTEER The Durham RPegionAssocia- tion fer Vlunteer . Administ- ration (formerly the Volunteer Ce-rdinators of Durhain Regien) provides networkingý' and infor- mation sharing amen co-erdina- tors and mngesovoluner meeting i on Thursday', May 1Z. 2 p.m., at Northviow Community Centre, Beatrice -St., Oshawa. (Jarolyn Smith cf the.CNIB will p resent 'Legal Issues Concerning YOur Voluniters -and Your,.Pro- gram.' For moe information cali REFOIRM The Reform' Party, cf Canada will. hold a public information meeting wlth a question ýand answer period- on, Wednesday, My13 7:30 p.m., àat' Henry S t ie LhSchooil, 614 -HeWnry St., Whitby. .For firther infrmaionor te, contribute, oeil the office at 416-686-0278. ('l'eus Thé Durham Regionàl Police Association wîll ,agai*n hast the Garden Brothers Circus at the Oshawa civic auditorium on Âug. 7, 8 and 9.* Telephono slicitation, conducted b'RA.P Marketing Promotions le., on behaifcf the association,ý began, May 5. (People handling telephone soilicitations aure'net police officers or members of thié association.) Aniy profits wiil go towarde ýthe s ,upport and spnsrship of -charitable and community activities wivnthin Durhamn Region. For. flirther information, 'cailthé association office at 436-9494. PC USERMEETING Durham PC ý-Uéser. Club wilI meet on Thursday, May 14, 7 MpI.m.,at the Michael'Stan; bulding on King St. -W. at éC'entre St., Oshawa. Then. will be a swap meet where members can trade what they don't need for something they do need. Ail are welcome. For further.informiationi ce Bernie at 655-4156. VOLUNTEER AD)MMRITRATORS The Durham Region Associa- tion' for Volunteer Administra- tors (DRAVA)', formerly. known as Volunteer" Co-ordinators of Durham' Region- will hold their regular monthly' meeting at Northview Community-Cenre 150 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa on Thursday,, May. '14, 2 p.m. Al voôlunteer co-ordinators and administrators of non-proft.agen- cies are invited te, attend. F or more information caîl Donna Hutton at41-238. YARD SL Aian icyardàndbake sale ,Wl eheld by 'the Ajax Pony Club. on Audie Rd north .o-f Hwy 2, on May 16 a2d 17, 8 a.m. te 6 p.m. Follow the signa.> PIOIN' SESSION Pineridge, Bluegrase Folklore Society 'wiil hold a 'picldn' session' on Sunday, May 17, 1 teS5 p.m. at Camp Samac, main council hall (use north entrance off Conlin Rd.)"Piekers, ingers and listeners are welcome te attend. BOTTLE DRWE On Saturday, May. 16, 6th Whitby scouts wiil hold a bottU. drive- and. almond sale in the central Whitby area from 10 a.m. te, 4 p.m. Proeeeds wiIl benefit the 6th Whitby scouting program. ANNUAL ISLAMIC CONFERENCE The second, annual Islamic Conference, sponsored by Islamic Circle of North- America and hosted by ICNA Durham Reguon, wiil ho held on Saturday, Ma" 16, 5:30 p.m., at Henry, Street High Scoo auditorium. Admission le free although donations wifl b. accepted. CSSC ZMEEIN Christian ,Singles Ser 'ving Christ- (CSSC) wiil meet at the Christian Singles Coffes ,H-ouoe, Chriutan Life Centre, Ajax (Hwy. 41te Weetney Rd, north te Ros'ndR.,wPt eRavencroft) on, Saturday, , May- 16,- 7:30 pm Guest speaker wil 1b. seoiseth Beroche,, ministry teéingies..For more inormationcoel 686-'6193, 728-9720 or,623-2126. GARDE-N CLUB MEETIG The Oshawa Garden .Club wil hold a monthl meeting, on Monday, May, 18, 7:30 P.m., -at Norhrnnister United Church corner of Simcoe St., and Rossland Rd., Oshawa. Thon. wiil b. a lipring flower show, follewed by guest speaker Bert Card's presentation of propagation techniques. Meetings are designed te proviÙle information for the average homne gardener, and new meraîbers and visiters are welcomne te attend. ALàZIER The support goup for Alzhei- mer famihies wiIl meet on Wed- nesday, May 20, 1 p.n. at Cedar- eroft Place, 649 -King St. E., Oshawa, and on Wednesday, May 27, 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd., Pîckering. For more information eall 576-2567. IN & OUT SALE An "In,& Out Sale' will b. heid at Ail Saints' Church on Satur- day, May 23, 1 te 4 pam. Outaide there will plants and sports equpment, inside there wilb baked gSvd bookes, toys and kide clothing,'among other items. Proceeda ro the sale go te the church's outreach committee (any donations :acceptéd) For- more -information -cati Le at 668-7317 er Ralph at 668-8533. YARD SALE The annual. yard sale- will be held at Westminster United, Church, 25 Manning Rd., on Saturda'y, May 23. EA»JNU TIhe Head Injury Association of Durhamn Regien wili hold a s'up- Iring-on Wednes- ay 0, :30p nm at -459 Bond St., E., Oshawaý. F ?J more infomaton ali 723-2732. Tho, Leàrning- 'Disahilities Association, ..Oshawa chapter wfll hold' their regular monthly meeting at ý7:30 p.m. on May 21 at the Whitby PublieIàbrary. Eva Nichols, exeeiýtive director for the Leaîning Disabilities ýAssociation of Ontario , wil *speak 1,on <Advocacy and Mainstrearnng.' There wiil b. an opportunity te ask questions. Ail are- welcome -te attend. CaIl 623-4934 or 436-7706 for further information. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamlp Club wili meet on Tuesda, May 19, 7 p.m., at ONeill Colegiate (cafe- teria, firet floor). Collectera and visitors are, alwas welcome. Sta.mps, postcards an cover col- leetions can be -exehanged, appraised or sold at auction. For more inormation caîl John at, 725-7962. FQCUS ON WOMEN, Fcuïs'on Womn nwill meetfo coffe. and dessert -on-,-Tuesday, May 19,7:30'pana h Corps, 50 rru Rdn. Oshawa. There wiilbe flower aranging by Cadet, Michelle BarbymuiA ussaeMr and Lurie elusadguest speaker. is Cadet Bàbara Brown. Admission je $3. PFe information, oei 72r-5062. Durham Save-a-Heart will hold the fiolowing ,CPR ,courses during May,-and: June:' basic rescuer (12 -heurs)*, - Tuesdy/ Thursday, May 19, 21, 26- 281, 7. te 10 pa. rdySturday, June 12 and 13,G6tolOôp.mJ9a.m.to 5 p.m., -,Monday/Wednesdy, *June 15, 17, 22, .24, 7I te 10 p.m.; recertification - f basic rescuer (six heurs), - Saturday, -May 23 and Juie, 6, 9 a.m. te, 4 p.m., Tuesdaylhursday, June 16, 18, 7 te 10 "p.m.;ý infant/child (six heurs) . Saturday, May 9, 30, June 20,, 9 a.xn. te 4- p.m., Wednesday/ Thursdaj May 13, 14, 7 te i0 8, 10, 7 te 10 p.m. Advance rIeistaten. i reuar (' ail the Durham .Savea-Heart - office at 666-0995. TOGETHE TE The Whitby Public Library wil have a 'togethr time' on Thuiiday,' May, 21, 6:30, te 7:15 p.à.ý Ail ages are welcome .-- even -u can join in. There will sn s, tories and lots of laughs.ý EUCEIRE- The Ladies Ailiary te Branch 112 Whitby -wlll hold' their mntly ouhre on Thursday, May, 2, 8= umthe lupetairs hall at 117'B4ronSt. 1S. Admission ie $2 r porson, and a light lunch wiIlh served. Ihero iLe a handicap.liftat',the south door. CHRONIC FATIGUE The Durham Regieon Chrenic Fatigue Sy-ndrome/M.E. Support grouîp1 will 111meet on, Wednesay May' 20,,7 p.m., at- A.E. KUig Memorial ('mploi,- Kingsway, College,,Oshawa.-Chrenic fatigue s-yndroàme/M.E. sufferers, '-thefr> faremilies andfriends ar ewelcome. For more, information- cail Renie Leaýëhyat 655-4398.,, *FRIENDS 0F SOHIZPBENICS' Ontarie ý.Friends -cf ,Sohizo- phrelcsDuram .egWon chap- tewilff ineet on 1Wodesda May2,7tôo9 p.m.atst.Marks churchhouse, No0 Byron St. S., corner of Byron and, Coiborne streets, Whitby., Barb LeBlong, manager of health poIicies .for the Ontario Medical Association, will discus 'Proposed Legislation and the Advocacy Act.'- Admis- sion ie free. For more informa- tion caîl 404-1UW. -DEN MEETING The 'next meeting cf- the Durham Environinental Network, (DEN)- will h.b held on Wedneàday, May 20, 7:30 p.m., in the council ehambers, Township of Seugog, 181 Penny St., Port Peruy. Guest speaker Bob Almack wiil diseuse food land issues. There will b. pdates on DEN's clurrent prejecte and a report'on the walk-a-thon'held May 1. The noît meeting wiil be held on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m., courtroom #1, 132 Church St., Bowmanviile. Regular meetings are héld five times a year on the third Wedneeday cf January March, May, eptember ani November. or more information, cail (416) 286-9565 or (416) 435-0497. FIREWORKS Fireworke wili be, held on Vi- toria Day, Monday. May 18, stanting at 8:30 p.m., at Pnngle Creek park, Manning Rd. and Rlbblsale D%., Whitbvy. A "great sound -and l'tparty lu pro- mised'by th' oganizere, the Glen Dhu and'Pingle Creek cemmunityecoosstgigthe eventfor tei.third straigt yearý. --Bring--.ý-4Awnehafr -For - nme informnation éall 668-0666. THE ONTARIO MARCH 0F DIMES' Druce Aires and Cindy icelare 1992 March of Success takes place afready limbering up for the 5km May 31. Above (from left), Nonie and walkathon which'begins at 2 p.m. at Jack MeLellan, Denise Malley, Iroquois Park. Pho to by Mark Reesr, Whitby Fr. Pýreu J! CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TQWNOF WHITBY STARTING 'A SMALL BUSINESS SEMINAR DATE: MAY 21'8 1992 lIME: 7.00 p.m. - 1000 p.m. PLACE: Town cf Whlby uicplBuln Council Chaqmbeis udn 575 Rossland Road East WNhy, Ontaio ADVANCE REGISTRATION: (416) 668-580 ext .206 COST:- $20.WO per poison at the doom CO-SPONSORS: Town cf Whitby Economio Developmnent 0Deparneënt and i nisIy of Industry, Tras& Tecnlg PEDICARE ,QUALIFI ED PROFESSI ONAL FOOTCARE IN*URHM 0 N ails cut, filed'and thinned c *0 Corns and callouses removed 10 Diabetic care provided. For appointment cail: 666-882 Karen L. Brady 66-82RN

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