Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 1

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Vo.2,N. 0W dedaM y1,19 ae rest program reje*cted Dy Marlo Boucher Thero will not b. a test of the modified school year program i Durham Region after parents and teachers votod against the new program last week.. On Iy one of the schools pro posod for the study pro ect, RA Hutchison public school in Whitby, was close ini voting, with 47 p or cent in favour and 53 per cent opposed ta the new pro- gramn. The other resuits were: West Lynde public school i Whitby, 23.3 per cent i favour and 76.7 p~er cent oppose,;Heuhpb si chool in Pickering, 14 per cent i favour and 86 _per cent opposed; Athabasca pubic sehool i Oshawa,. 23. 1 ,per cent in favour and 76.Sr per -cent opposed; and Coronation public school in Oshawa, 24 per cent i favour and 76 per cent opposed. SNE PAGE 12 Boat owner goes back to court By Marlo Boucher It's still here, but a court appearance tomorrow may help determine whether the Prince Edward Island ferry boat leaves Whitby harbour at the end of the month. The boat's owner, Art Robi- n,îi to appear in court in WhtyThursday ta explain whateh plans té do with the derelict béat as the deadline of Maiy 31 approaches for its remo- val from the harbour. David Sims,'.Town lawyer, said thero has been no response from Robinson as to whether the ship has been sold and will be hauled away, or if it is ta be dismantled. Sfims said. the Town hopes Robinson wii honour hils under- taldng to get the ship out of Whitby's harbour by the dead- lime. Nothing seems ta be done at the moment with the PEI, ho said. Tho ship bas been i the har- bour for the laat five years. The PCBs in the shp were removed from the PEI Nov. 15 following an agreement with WhlitbyHdq to store 500 gal- Ions o~ the chemicals at its site on Taunton. Rd. Robinson had originally plan- ned to soîl the PEI anid another ship as electrical generating stations to an island i the Caribbean area. DR. MARK SMITH, who has hie office in Whitby, is the only. sports psychologist listed with the Ontario ?sychological-Association. Photo byMark Roear, Whftbyr..« Prem Sports psychologist is a onean only in Onta'rîo, By Mark Reesor Whitby has at least one thing Toronto doesn't - a sports psy- chologiat. In fact, Dr. Mark Smith is the ony sports ehlogist listed wil the On o Osééoi prIofessional [, olfers, football pl7ayerslympic athletes, wrest- lorhkey players - you naine it. SpOrts psychology is a new field just bgnnnto catch on i Canada, says Smith, although ho notes eit. athletes have been using'sports psychology techni- ques for years. "The ones who are really good are using these techxiiqusail the tune whethor- they k"ow it or not. Ai of the best golfors (for example)... are ing ta sports psyholgiss - eipBock Tom K1ie; Tomn Watson h8a a <iegree os iof the, basebal teains have sports. psychologisté, Canada's Olympic skating teain has one. It's so p revalent in just about every athletic field now." Smith says the techniques work >u4as well or botter for weekond, athiletes who can't train or play every day 11ik. the.pros do. "Hf people want to becomo bot- ter a t sports that's one quick way ta do it. IPeople spendtwo or thre thousand dollars on, clubs -they could do a lot botter by Ctting an hour cf. training on Sports psychology techniques workbest 'wýith People, sager to improve theiraiIlîs at a particu- lar sport. Weekend goMfrs, for oxamiple can tako 10 te 20 strokes off their gamo, «dopending on'how much thoy Pbearn and how niuch they practice mental training.» What you loarn for one sport cari bo transferred ta, others, says Smith, who teaches p:op1oho ta build confidence, takpst- ively ta themselves, relax, b. non-evaluative and non-judg- -mental about their perfiormance, have fun and enjoy tho gaine. The key is visualization, accoding ta Smith. "f you can se it, feel it, bolieve it, thon you've done it. -Youý don't have te wait until you win a ouirnament te feel, tik and believe you can win a-tUmnament... "Tiie confidence cornes bofore the win. You oent' win if you don't have the céonfidence Ac 13~4~i. it. 1992 TAX BILIL Share of 1.992 taxes STown #Whltby .Shool Dolr Dollr hnrame Ices The 1992 increase on the'average property of a sparatic hool Supporter assessed ad $5,500 Wll be as follows: 1992, 1991 Dollar Percent Dollars Dollars Increase Increase Municipal Purposes 601.15 587.40 13.75 2.3 Regional Purposes 519.75 455.40 64.35 -14.1 TlSchool Purposes 1,33210 1,299.10 32.45 2.5 TOTAL 2,452.45 2,341.90 110.55 4.7 Figues rs DnofllayresuIreas nes

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