Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 22

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PAGE 22WnM WIITBYREEPRESS,WEDNESDAYMAY 13l 392 I~~,~myiPorta'ble camping appýlianes:Handie with cr FORAL £ *j GARDEIN * iutnorizea Service lr Gardn Tols QC' Mero and Volvo A Garen Tois,ý «Stern, Dives A Hoses & Sjrnklers Mobile 'Service, A Grass & Garden, Seeci A Bug & Weed: Killer Trailer Park Clea Gaden agsFully Serviced Sites A Clar GrdenBagsRestaurant & Rec Centre _____________________Licenîsed LOBO. Harwae .ystviad -Pant2 Heated Pools 66 .5 0Goreskl umrRsr 39BRQ.CK ST. S. (416) 98 5- 9 76 3 (Whitby Plaza) (416),985-9764,FAX .. -- t CORPORATION 0F THE. ...... TOWN-OFWHITBY NOTICE TOT PROPERTY OWNERS T DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS'..,<". Notice le hereby gliven .to ail pins m osesinof land; ln accordance wlth Sections 3, 16 aid 23 of OieWeed ControleAt R.S.O. 199, c. W.5, that unlesa noxlous weeds growing on their as Wthln Oie Munlcupamty of. the Town of Whitby, are destroyed.by =oday June 1, 1992, and throughout Oie eason, Oe eginlWeed Inspctr may enter- upon dhe sald lands .aid have eweeds desroed, hrigte ot glstOeliad that such amounts shi 0e olctdu "iesne ara s ýtaxeésunder Oie Municipal Abt Trhe co-opertion of ail citizéesla eamnestly sollcted.' D. ADAMS REQIONAL WEED INSPECTOR FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY DONALD 0. McKAY TOWN CLERK DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE TO THE' RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY& THE CITY 0F, OSHAWA The. Reglon cf Durham Works Department wili b. conducting ils annualwd spray program in 1992 in accordance with the- Weed Control Act. Spraying will b. undertaken in rural areas of the. Regional Road S se ntIiTown cf Whitby and the City of 0shawa (excluding envÃ"romntnly sensitive areas). Public notification of this activity la required under the current regulations cf the Pesticide Act. ibis work will b. conducted from mid-May through July 1992. Information pertainlng to the activity is as follows: Pesticides: Dipahenoprop 700 R1 ith onNo.: 17507 To Cnrl Noxious Weeds as per Rogulation #944 For information contact: Brian'Tatchell, Superintendent OshawalWhitby Depot 825 Conlin Road Whftby,'Ontaflo'LIl N 6A5 Telephone No.: 1-416-655-3344 VA.,SILGAUSM PEtEG. Many campers are on thie road again, scouting out likeIy spots for.. sumimer-fun weekends. Experts at Ontario's consumer nunistry suggest they' make the. season safe y ming sure portable camping appliances that run on- propane, naphtha suad kerosene a 're mgoo Nýdwoedng order sund.used crfly Unsafe' use .cf fel-burning heaters, lampa,'barbecues, atoves and fidges 'leada ta rý mny accidents hi Ontario every year. Pires"inside tenta sud'trailers, or outdoors, can resuit in" death or serious injury for campera. Carbon-monoxde posnn >from usi*ng , fuel-burning equîpment -in an unicloaed 'space, is another danger for ampera. This 'peril la' an invisible iller that, has ne warning odor. It doean't give the. caroless a second chance. John Gerdels, acting chief engineer with the.ministry's fuels safety branch, saya, "W. want Ita renund people that, whether they're using a fancy roae stove built into an RVora ltle nptaheater for back-packing follwin soe smple safety rudes will,,ý help., -keep their ,holiday happy. > Before .using any appliance for the. first time this seaso'n, in9pet It' carefully. No »matter how cautions campera, have been when putting,,,camping .,stoves sud heâters away for, the, winter, spder, webs, dust;sud oéther tiny bits- of debris can ýclose burner pors Followý manufacturera' service instructionsa carefully. That may include ,replacement- of' some saalipartsa, sucii as the generator of a- tent -eater, but '.inve4ipg few 'týdoôllars will p11i- event aggravation and danger., <f any parts appear worn or corrd, havetiie unit checked- byr a qualified' aerviceperson. beëfore use. When buying new equipnient, read the. manufacturera labels and suggested use 'for tiie appliance. Only outdoor-ventinig anliances are appropriate for In the. confined area of a tent, trailer or recreational vehicle,ý exposure to carbon monoxide can quickly result iný disaster. Tent iieaters siiould only b. usedwiien fresii air is' circulating, 'sud siiould neyer be. left r nning, when cam'pera are asleep. Alwaya look for tiie Canadian Gas Association (CGA), Canadian Standards 'Association (OSA) or Underwritersd Laboratori*es .cf Canadà (ULO) symbol: ta ensure the prodijct'has -been tested sund comphlies0 it- i Canadian' Protect aganst fire-bazrda Napiitba (asoknown as white ga o cmping- "fuel), ,keroee .1*11 .t..,<4 They cbirp sud 'che.p,- tree do. It's not exactly conversation. But tes certairtly information.' More importantly, tes informnation» that scientiats are sigta help save our, forests frmdevastation by ýinsects, eapecially tiie voracious bark beetle. 1Water -in' a tre. is, sucked upward'tiirougii tiny conducting tubes. During, drought, the enormous tension of this water coluren'intensifies; Eventually, some water columns break apart. Wlien tiiey do, they crate ultramonc chirpa. Thi eater a drougiit becomes,, the. more frec1uent these ultrasonic sounds. "The discovery of ultraaoni acoustic emissions --from dr-ougii-streed trees '-was Brut reported in 1983,"sy R obert Haaàck.:cf -the' USDA -Forest Service. "W. can put a transducer on a tre. sud monitor the.'trWes ultrasonic signals. These signals aretoo iiigii-pitciied for iiumans to hear,. but tiiey're audible ta many ]Linde of insecte." Hlaack reported bis findings ta a meetin of the. Acoustical Society cf Aerica. Among tii. predatars seemingly attractedta -a trees high-pitciied sound is the. notorious bark beetle sud otiier tree-boring insecte.- >These insecte selectively Pe on trees tbat are weakoee by diseae or drougiit. The. greater a drouht, thei. mor. vulnerable a tre. becomes. and' propaneë cookers and barbecues aremeant .for- outdoor use only, 'and siiould neyéer 'b. brough'ii inide' any tent -- including a ding tent. Cooldng applianceà -sliould ,alos e b. kept well.awaýy fromcomnbusibles sud ont cf tii. patiis of cbildren suad pets. Be a afety-conscious 'when bandlfing fuel. lets imporntful is' kept . only .in .-appred containers,"i'Bayas Gerdels. "At the. campuite», the fuel.: should" be stored out,.cf direct, sunlight and* away frmmotivehicles oçr any othe posbesource cf iginion." To receve a fe.ninitry< brochure on thi e tù'sê c-.f' prpaeapp ncscontacït)xe Consuer borm~aton Core tMà 555 Yog ýSt',,Toro)nto, Ont.,'M7A 2H6. Cali' <416), 326-8555 in thîý Toronto area,'or cOllt't from aremi-a coe807, only. Plrom o ther . partsý- of tii. province, caffil 'ôlf 1-80-268-1142. 1T lDlUne for- the. hard-*:f .hearing is (416) 326-8566. Parallel reseaciiby thé forest servce ýfocSea on éthier drougiit factors- that atfract inaects including 1ý iher e tre. températures and the hieigiitened aroma cf volatile compound.. In, -an additional eldrmiaii agit ins t psts, Haack and otherspcalas rioping touse a tre.'s chirpa ta turn the tables on insect predators. Dit may b. possible to produce a more effectve hiaect tmap by coebining inaect piieromones,.,or sex attztactpnta, with,,ultrasonic beeps,",asHak If h. succeda, the. çhirps of trees wmllb. like the. alluring ca cf Uic. ocean sirens wbo lured unwary sailors ta their watery deaths. Brîdgigte .-flower,"gap Roe - Crawfish Fishing, Tackle Buy 2 Doz. Minnows, GET 1 DOZ. FREE, wfth this ad. * Expires May 25/92. FR OMPAGE 21 X A ca.ulmeumà, about the. sme iieigiit, with dense flower clusters a half-centimetre widé in brigiit blue;, A À chistapbi (aka.. A. albo]pilosum), called ..Star of Persiàalase aboutf 50,.cm (20 ins.), Wh"oseilvery purpie flowers are 15 toi5 maswide; 'eA. roseumn, again .ro , -,-- '40 cm (16 ina.) =t&.beZ mft rose-coloured umbels about nine cm wide. The, smaller alliums include several suitable for the. rock garden, such as: IL A. neopolitanum, 30 ta 45 cm (12 ta 18 ina.), sweet, white filowers in Imoe cluster; fIowers; and e* A. moly, 25to 35cm (nine to 14 ins.) is oftencall thelily leek BE 4N W-mAu i- A- s 1 ý - - . . - -.i.&"

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