Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 23

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WEM1Y FREEPUE8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1,92 AE2 w -~ $0mlion spentý on revita'zn prvica aks Ontarioo, provincial parksa willopenfor « 1992 semsn wth revitalied fadlities 'a new fee sitructure and 'an expadd Lest year, mmR pent. $10 million revitehzing- provincial j Park to provide,' more Opp9rýtuntied for ail, Ontariens ta enjoy. their naturel .features. In, to build, on its cqemmiment. te making. p"aksmore accessible for personswithphyical >dis"blities. ,Whelchair accessible trails were cons*trutd, at Awenda and PresquIe .'parks. In>' addition, many ý comfrt stations and pr omces.were renoôvated. "In 1991, 'there , wereëmore taehtnillion visitorsiýtoour parlcs.ýT hnumber broke, a attendance records," said Natuirel Resourcsia MiniseMr Bud WVildman. MMR revises -,park -,fees annually ta remain competitive with-other, park -agencies and ta, recover .a- more equi table portion of park operating coste fromn park users. This is* in une wit the etrategy, cf the :govrernmenýt and the -ministry ta have usera paya greater share of ,the c"of i services. <The fee increases. VM7ry depending-on the service, ýbut most .icreames ran ge from 25 centp ta $2.25. The daily vebicle permt fee i.6 (2-cn increaise'mer Ve]icle permit $36.50 (41.50);, reguùlar camping. site with electricity',$16.6O (75 cents>. 1In some of, the, more highly vjalu 1ed"parks, fees for. camp ing have increased'a bit more'than M. oat6s a eflect the different level of service avalleble.- Many, of thÏeeparka a]soprtect 5cme cf the -most ignifcant n-aturel features in the parksasystem The fee for a cemna*te with electri*city. ithese mu àc iiUl b. $1 *.5increS); a site ia par"kwlth showers wlll cot Î15.25 -and a ite in a park witheut showiers wiil coot * 13.75 -. n increase cf $2 lei both cases. The iterier camping féebas been izcreased 41$lta$4.25ta bring t in lino with othier feo increases over'the peut l0 yeams The new -fe. more accurately reflect the edded value attached ta iteridr caniplng.-. To brino senior citizens? .fees more ita line withthse charged by other pivate, sud public caprudý, senior citizen wil ber ge d balf-rate for evry day of the -week. The cazupsite reservation fee of $4.50 remains the-same, but~ now thi processing fee is non- refundable if reservationa are fPrenk ,Verrwey of Owasco in * Whitby bas been 'selling'top-rated,, VWs for 20yeas, butbis greatest Jpasson in the'recrea±onal vehicle, with-ité fas-rwing market to complement toia~ life 1l9 Now, Verwey saysO0wa9co has been appoented the Toronto and area dealèr .for the Nome and Park franchis. This is .-the camper against which ail othor clasm B motorhomes are ,judged and which han proved tobe aleader in itsilld wysVerwey., Owwicollision centre also Mpeia1ze :0RV 1olinon las wel as rs and service for recreatonl vebicles. Owieâcosrentai fleet' also iicVudesmotor oesvans, buses, cainperé and cars with Campn equipment optional. In conjunction *wýith' European and domestîi agenicies, Owasco covers iLwletlzrFE We"n" FedasaW e Con5rsuton02R.E.139 SALE$9.9 Stafl the VEGETABLE GARDEN this week with ail rôady to plant PLANTS Ç~per DURHAMS LARGEST Bag-.Your-Ow BuIk iIsAggt Centri 3/r' auhed OInmon 3f4 cmihed grava .12,50 perba Celgz, HoilandGrany and, This is "complemnented by a rentai staff, fluent i Duteb, -German and Frencb, vwho will provde, free transportation to and from >Owasco whether the >customner is leaving from home,, hotel or office. Owasco's 1Ieaseb-ack prcigram'l is a new initiative. in -the rentai department. This is' an effordable way to own a motorhome -- you buyr the unit. and Owasco will rent it for you, says Verwey., 1 The mncome .you, earn will almost fly cover your payment on the vehicle. ln this .wmay, you dont, have, to worry about storing your vehicle at home. Jnstd, it is out earning income, for you, ,gays Verwey. .Verwey'feels that the succese of, Owasco and its'meny awards are due to the. excellence. of bis staff who believe idoing things "ight the firat iim. 1-THIS WEEK'S1 MANURE FOR' TH-E GARDEN f~U 90IÎATTLEI 9- iANUI Reg. $2.49 PLUS FLOWERING 2; 1SHRUBSý> 21.Popuùlar Varieties have beenreduced in price. THEY INCLUDE: 2 gallon -(potted flowering'shrubs) Coronation Triumfiph Potentilla Moonlight Potentilla Gold Stàr Potontilla,ý Goldfinger Potentilla TangorFne PotenfiIla Weplngorsynthia Lynwaaod Gold Forsynthia Arnold Red Honeyeuckle Morrow's Honeyauckie Frobei's Spires Fase Spirea Goldfranie Spirea Yeiiowedge Dogwood Red Osier Dogwood Yeiiow Twig Dogwood Golden Ninebark Pride of Rochester Deutzla Broadisaf Snowbry Coloratas Chokeoery Pink Princess. Weigela Ail reduced to ý$6.99 Regularly priced elsewhere, from $12.99 to $16.99 f *~ I We sUli have'a good suppiy of ready ta plant - HADE TREES al specialiy priced ta & 29.99,ml . ... ........ I fyou -want to. buy a camper home whYnoj(ro th'ele-dr wh nt -ý - d Anddriin ti. tamte heaam rovaD ISGDFOCAIG.ISCOOIATOrUNMUiSO ÀL O VeksvalabeErpaDlieyIRnai:Wi»van e&~lga UA. E2oe Eary ear<tio isctst p t 2% U t eryenpefba rj o ea., r j J Leaseback is affordable way to rent a niotorhome mowammm OPEN: Monday Io Friday 9:00 am Io 9:00 pm, Saturday 8:30 am Io 9:00 pm. DOORCRASHER SPECIAL

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