Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992 .. . . . .. . . . .... A group 'o« parents and tea- WENSDY MY2 chers concerned about academic 6:30.m. e8:0 . standards aud achievements in Durham Retonpublicly-funded Five thre an two schools will hold its firet public day prgrammeeting on June 1inh Whitby., Moring ony. ality jduçation Newor Ages 21/2-ceertain aspects of education are WÀNTSAYNUR LILIAN CORHsaere Sumx itely R(1991) Ltd. 668-0066-5865821 MebroWAwaT oUronoBd A RARE GEM $1399900.00 North West Whitby. Lovely private yard. Beautiful hardwood floors. Separate dining room. Cosy finished rec room. lmpeccably dean. Blair. Buchanan' 436-1800. excellent, there are also «serfous, defic'iencies." The group urges «strong part- nership» between parents edu- cators sud students,, sncfwel-, cornes progranis which stumuü- late *ch ildren's creativity, resaurcefulness sud lo-ve of learning., The grouýp's goals are:, *te encourage parents te' become actively mvolved in the education of their children;, 1 * te, increase parental in- fluence within the education pro- cess; * ta increase. accountability of aIl partners i the education proces; * ashift the emphasis from teaching methods tte taaching Outcomes; * ta encourage the use of a balanced range of taaching approaches; *ta ensure that achool boards p lace a greatar emphasis on the saic skills of reading, writing and mathematics; * ta promote the developmýent and publication of clear curricu- lum requirernents' for the prim- ary, junior aud intermediate leviels inu eerentary schools sud grade 12 sud 6OAC at the high achool level; * ta increase the availability sud accessibility of proras of study (students and their parents-should know the objec- tives for the termi and year ial courses sand should know in clear terra what progresa is being snd has been made); * ta encourage students to becomeI self-disciplined, accoun- table, self-directed lesrners. mhe meeting * Whitby, at Heydenshore Pavilioni, Statg at 7:30 p.m., «lanot a criticism o tahers,» says the g *oup- «Tea-, chers teach.ta giuidlinoes sund use teaching methodologies imposed by educational adminïistratiôo.», The membership believes 'the educational administrative struc- tures and processes need to be - adjusteda that they are "more equitably representative" of 'ail those 'who' have a stake' in education -- parents, universities, employers, federal governrnent andý professional assocations including those of teachers. Guest speaker a t the meeting wxll be Dr. Maaee Wolframn, professor of "educational psyrcho- logy at York University. ýopic is Where do we go from here'? For more information caîl Patti Charbonneau at 28.6-2984. , Whiïtby. bus SYstem is 'Most improved'ý By Mario Boucher Whitby Transit has driven ta, the tep of its class.' me local transit system has won the 1991 Ontario Urban Transit Association's Spirit Award given te the most impro- ved mid-sized transit system i Ontario. Councillor Marcel Brunelle says the award is a big honour and means a lot ta the Town, especially since the. system. was considered the worst mn the mid- size category in Ontario only five years ago. «We have corne ta a bus service that people can use and that has becomne very efficient,» he says. Brunelle, says the transit sys- tem hascorne a long way from Advetsenumt Enfmi- 2 Access 200, services noiw by L joining Barter Netwoek. mwhals LB.N? The Internationa Barter Network iOws oepaies Nik< purs th. priviege of exchaning your product for croâ wichcanthen buy the products and services you need. What prnducts and services can I get on badter? Moslof thefthings you need tornna business orfto ¾ * enjoy your leisure are aIready available through l.B.N Whether if's Iandscapng., signs, carpefing, day care,> fax machines, lighf fixtures, advertlsing, courlers or genera contracting, .B.N. already has the members fa provide these and mnar. than 200 other services. New members are joining daily, adding even more f0 the 1sf of services available. If t ber. is a service you need Ihal 1s currenfly unavailable, I.BN. will fry 10 find a new memberto N11I thal need. How do 1Iknow what services are avaliabie? Members receive a direcfory every mont h withe. stafement ai their accounl.The directory 1sf s ail the servies currently ava abte. When i .9eli sao thlng t0 anoîlier Dr. Jeffery Clausner, a di member, do I have 10 take srehn Whitby Mail, offers dent ln trnde hum mtat urne member? the International Barter N~ No. When you seli ta another memrber, you receive a credit wtiicà you can use la buy Irom any ofher member. l.BN. acta as a brokerage firmn by helping la seli your products or services la others. W. keep the records of the transactions. Wii L.J. heip My businese grow? Our memnbers have tons of thousands of dollars wailing fa be spent on needed products and services. Those members who need your producf or service are ready la buy from you nowl. They wl also roer fheïircash-paying friends and associâtessto you. What are the benefts Of membership? The benefils are endless. Your savings alanie allow yau fa purchase fhings which mighl ofheiwise be just a dream. The gross profit margin of yourproduct or service la 1h. actual discount you receive when yau purchae on bazter fromn anal her member. Does I.BN. oqulre myproduct or service now? VesI Aft uqh We afer exclusivity la aur clients based on geographics, we have been groing lasfer Ihan w. can accommadafe requesfs for new businesses. If w. donl have samething taafller on baiter, w. gel k fast. Why do LB.. members prnsper ln a poor economy white others suifer and fail? We work tagelher. Our members are cansfanlly recommending each other which guarantees f hemr new clients. NETIWORKme 404-2495 the old and uncomfor-table achool buses once used., - «We've had, to malce continual adustrnents te improve sud get ta t s poit,» h.says. The transit system has redu- ced its maintenance costs con- siderably and has lowered its per p assenger subsidy from $4.02 te $2.77 in only five years, h. says. Brunelle says the continued population grwt along with the current economic climnat. has heped increaseridership. o. transit sytern for thfefuture,» h. Buel ays with the transit sstemn beig a amail operation, teTown is able te control its coats wbile continuing to improve services ta residents. ýý lentiat whosen-ffice is ln the taI services to members of vi r~.ÉtA~*jd ~ W.. Io o...t- -a. - w Ir .V U.»ýgo m GREAT GREENHOUSE KITCHEN! 2,322 sq. ft. Woodcroft Model, 4 bdrms.. 3 baths, excellent location!l Great Price $217,700. ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 ASKME BOU 8.5% -RTA£S IlIf you know someone who is thinking of selling their home, now is the time to contact me. So many sales have been happening that I arn in need of some homes to selI. 1MY 1991 HOME SALES WERE 71! MY 1992 HOME SALES TO DATEARE3!. Working hard for home sellers is something 1 oentinue to enjoy." A VAXIABLE 24 HOURS ADA Y, 7 DA VS A WEEK C£ EANYIE. ARE No QUESTION ABOUT iTm l BUS: 433-2121 ~ o

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