Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 34

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PAGE 34, WH1TBY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992 __________________________________ ::.:~:.:' . . ::::::::::~:: __________________________________ *.:.x:««1 I i I :1 I I I AII~rEftu~ RRtONALfl I P,.,....,..,.~..........wj.,..,q.ww,,,,qq,,wi. :..........::~:: ~: ~ _______________________ i _______________________ t ________________ ________________ COMPATIBLE COMPANION Connoction Is holding a meeting in Whftby for singles every Friday. 77 p.m. - 10Op.m.Moet & mingle. Cali f rfrther information, 430-7022. COMING EVENTS "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us.* Professional pet/home sitters are fully bonded and lnsurod,. Custom Homewatch IntornatjnaL.666-5353. FLORIDA - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new, 2,400 sq. ft., $350 woekly. Monthlr and, seasonal' rates availabe. 985-9367. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or Sth Concession- Une, 7. km., east of Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground. Beautiful. $887. 1-416-86-2562. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA -' 3 bedroom, fully, furnlshod. air conditioned ,homes. Pools. bot tube, beaches, atotoa Child- ren welcomie. Les than- motel. $275 weekly. 683-5503. CUSTOM TILUNG- providig rototillîng service for new or old Oshaa. Ffth easo lnbusiness. 432-773. DO VOUR OWN Ilandscaping. Reasonable prices. Blue spruce, Brldalwreath, Nanking -Cherry, Junipor spreaders, pyramids, Mountain Ash, Potentila, Llac. 655-8088. SPANKY'S Property Maintenance -Residentiai and Commercial. Lawncuttîngtogoneral mainten-, ance. Gaag disposai service. Odd lobe. Se i scounits. JIm, 668-6803. LAWN MAINTENANCE, prunlng. grass seeding, soddlng, Sprlng clean-upa. Ronovations of gardons, rock gardens, plantîng frewood. Dutchay Lanscapafn, (416) '140E MOWS LAWNS" -- Wols Lawn Care.'Reasonable rates. For free- estimate, cail 430-8927,ý evenings. 'àmr. trim Iawn and. garden service govemment licensed professionals, specializing in property maintenance treo and shrub pruning Iandscaping FREE ESTIMATES 623-9711 BIRTH CONTROL and, family planning counsoelling. Free and confidential, avllabeMoa ta Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinlo every Thursday 3 ta 6 P.m. For furthor information, cail 420-8781 or 433-890t CINDYP'S ALTERATIONS. Leathor, ladies'- and men's alterations, prom dresses, custom 550orig.Tues. throughSaf,1101-V2 Marn St.W,,,Pearsoni Lanes. 430650 PERSONAL LOANS $500 a UP for any purpose. Also debts restructuredi, legal action and colodinsstoppod, a ments lowored. YOU CANNOT BE TURNED DOWN if regular Incarne from an r source. FreelInfo & consultation. 436-8104. qjU- 1326 MANY TrHANKS TO- ST. JUDE- and- St.' Joseph for favours roceived. SG. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & Sacred. ,Heart for numorous favours.. May the 'Sacred.Heart af Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preseived throughout, the world now and forover. Sacred' Heari of ,Jesus pray for us,, St. Judo worker af miracles pray "for" us, St. Judo helper of the hopeloss pray for us. Repeat prager 9 times a dyfo9 days. Promise ta publis.NG. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words pepald or $8.00 blled., Cali now to place your ad. FRAYER TO THE HOLY Spirit. You who make me see everything and who show me the way ta reach my Idoal, You wha give me the divine gift ta forgive and forget the wrong that is done ta me and You who ail instances of my Iie are with me, Inthis short dialogue, want to thank you for everythng and confirm once more that I nover want ta be separatod tram you no matter how groat matemial dosiros may be. I want to be with you and my ioved ones in aour perpetual P 16. MN Thank you for youm over toard meandmy ioved ones. Pray this prayor threo consecutive days witht your w!sh,ale theohr day your wish will be granted, no mattor how difficuit it: may bo. Promise ta publish this dialogue as soon as possible alter your favour bas been granted. SM. Consultant & Advisor 721-8038 i$10 Off first visit AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSOU Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent seloction of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. Sa oin us, every 'e.and participate'in one of Ontari o's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserv~es. "Consign- mont *and estate selling our sfpeciafty.m Càil us today. Previews from 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY MAY 15 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILE& EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 China cabinet (glass 3 sides), 2-dr. fridge, GE apt.-size dryer, antique dressers & chests ai drawers, chesterfields, new 4-pcý. wickor set, oak. ocking chairs, walnut parlour tables, coffee & end tables,. occasional chairs, modemn dressers & chests of drawems, ca-oul lamps, cracks, add woadon kitchen chairs, -pine drap- 10We table, wool winder, 5HP Broamwade twin- hoad air comprossor, National :table saw Craftman 10" band saw, CrafÏitsman drill press, 2 electric Cannon down rigoers 3HP Iawnmower, 3îaaoàfficedeseks, approx. 15 metatlolgat- *& letter-size filing cabinets,, sports ,cards, 8HP .riding awnmower, 2 boat trailers, 8HP Yamaha' autboard motar (like. new), 3HP Lawn-Boy Iawnmowor, 303 rifle, 12-gaugo shotgun, oak & ash lumber,. white GE 2-dr. fridge, SimpficiRy twin-tub ..automnatic washem (like new),17 pitE Camino - 68.00 original mles, plus a qty. of china, glass& collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R-R #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT., MAY 23 -10 A.M., Monthly conslgnment sale of tractors, farm machInery, trallors, boats, recreation vehîclos, cars, trucks, construction equipment, shop oqulpmfent' & tools,, rlding. lawnmowers, etc., Bring .ta barn or phone (705) 324-2783 by'May 14 for advertlsing. Also- booklng on- site sales. ORVAL & BARRY MoLEAN AUCTIONEERS &LIQUIDATORS SATURDAY's AucTiON ACTION .SAT. MAY 16 AT 6:30 P.M. EVER'/ SAT. NIGI-I AT 6:30 P>. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, I-AYDON, 8 MILES NORTH 0F BOWMAN VILLE Each >woek wo -have a soloction of modemn & antique furniture, appli- ances, glass & china, lots of lnterestlng & unusuai items ta be sold. For more information, cali 1-416-263-:4252. Viewing tram 5 p,!.Terms are cash, choque or visa. Sale managed& sold by: GARRY k. POWELL AUCTIONS HOUDAY MONDAY SALE MONDAY MAY 18 -11 A.M. PETHICieAUCTION BARN, HAVOON, 8 MILES NORTH 0F BOWMAN VILLE We have ta seil contents. of- local home ta include Haydon school, bell, 1876.* 3-pc. Chippendaleý cheëterfield-ste., 9g-pc. mahogany- dinfing, room ste., bedroam ste. 48a aoak ral-,;top desk, 4-dr. -oak file cainet., Wall *& -mantel -doocks,. Chippendale -chair,, Victarian staoS, Tiffany floor lamp, aId Rolex-wrîst watch, -rockers, aak table, ýoak chairs, lots'0f glass & china, Dedan,, oyai Doulton, ail raltins, imie ditionrrint' & 10 a.m., Terms are cash, choque or Visa. For more information, catI 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Large sale-- Corne eo4ly Durham Regional Police are asking fer, the ,public's help in locatin prescription druga that were !Ice n the )Pickering area on Tuesday, May 5.» At aPProxchnatey. 9:30 a.m.,, a porson left Knob Hili Farms on HiWy. 2 west of Brock Rd.'and travelled by Pickering Transit ta Aider Crt. In the MWites Rd. and Sheppard Ave. arma.' Up TFon arrivai at their reaidee, they discovered they were missing eight .syringes of Imitrez (containing six milligrams each), one auto fig~ector containing one sYringe of-Imirec, and $500 cash. >The auto injectorý looks lIike a black Pen with a blue tip and is about eight inches long. The syrnge shoild be in seaed packages. ý The drug is used,'t»'combat mnigraine headaches andd, if taken, in excese, can cause cardiac arrest. Aoe who finds, these items is aske to take them ta a police station, ta a pharmacy or ca police at 683.9100.' Obituary PATRICKDURAND Patrick Durand of Whitby died at his home on Friday,- May 1, 1992. Rie was 69. Hie was borniný British Col- umbia on May 19, 1922. he married Jean Ewing Stevenson on June 21, 1946 iii Montireal, Que. A VWhitby resident for four 'ars, Mr* Duand was. a, mem-" wer of the Whitby Seniors' Acti- vity. Centre 'anYd. 1St. PauI's Church, Ajax. , , - - He is survived b hie. wife, 'son Robert'.and bis e ZDarlene, son William'and his wife Joy, and gandchlldren Lori,- Kristy, Bill, Len anid'Christopher. tlhé funeral service was held ýfrom the W .C. ,T ow n Fnera l Chapel' on May 4,- 1992. Inter. mentat Thorntoncemetery. 6. Generations of Service, Quality & Trust e Fanîily Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettéringý " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas t. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appontmenta gladly arranged .JTACEY HARDlIBON and Anale'Van for two years bas worked twlce a Staveren were juat two of the volun-, week serving drinks at 'the Iodge, teers at Fafrview Lodge -who recl while Van Stavereln, for 25 years, ved coloured eggs during a recent bas spent about seven hours a week volp4erapprepiatlo - t perfrtss Whitby» Free Press - 668-0594 .1 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm ŽE~i0594 PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frlday 9 am. to2opim. r L- .Fax 668-0594 1 1

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