Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 3

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PMTB FE PRES. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992, PAGE S Town .turns down. application Viïde sore rnay be>,forcedto cloe -Items from- Whitby oucil MondnyMay Ï811992 Recommen da- Planig and Development. Com mittee That counicli approve of a site plan application from, Halloway Holdings Ltd. for an expansion ta the exlstlng' sprntendont'soffice and rsdnce and ta the exlstlng public storage'facililty (ta 472 units) at 200 itra St. E.. Carr~ That councli approve an application by Ma nfred Llebrand ta amend the' Reglon and Town 0of Whitby officiai plans ta permit a gardon centre on his proporty iocated on Hwy 12, north of, Columbus Rd. Staff rooommends the application as'an exception ta the, rural deslgnation ohthe froperty.. That council receive as Information the Ontarlo, Municipai Board,(0MB) appeaaiy Wolf Wober concernlng the addition of a storage shed at his apartment, building iocated at 605 Green St. Town staff had no' objections ta the application as long as ail building and f ire codes were satlsfied. Town c,,ommitee.0fý adjustment on Feb. 6 denled the application. Adate for the 0MB hearing hasnot'yet been set. -Carred. Recommenda- tions from Operations 'Committeeý .That council exempt the Ministry of Transportation from the Town's noise bylaw, aliowlng the minlstry to carry out resurfacing work on Hwy 401 from the Rouge River to Brock St. beginnlng Immediately until the fail, durlng the late nlght to eariy moming hours.. Carred That the low tender of $2851 ro ntro u The next meetings, of planning and operations committees willi be held on Tuesday, May 199 affer the Victoria Day weekend,s lnstead of the regular Monday night times. B'MdBoucherý lées' an woweeks alter its opemng Century Video may be forced fo close its doors followmg Town council's- decision to deny an application for a video store at 513 Brock St. N. Alter. a two-hour discuss ion, Town ouil ý1ontMonday deci- ded,* by a vote of 5-3, té deny Peter . Baluszek's alication, withcouncillors Maclrune;, Don Mitchell'and Rosa Batten agaiÎnet the motion. .Baluszelc got heat from council ,for- fot, following the Town's bylawand not waitingfor council ta approve his application'before opening hie videa store. Following the meeting, Balue- zek said he, wasn't sure whether he will'keep hie video, store open, but added that nine employees would likely lose their jobs. «Iegget ay business. stay. out of Wbtby, ad .* Baluszek said council made aý decision baàed on personal feel- ininted of what is best for Whitbyfrom a business peint'of view. "TM very. disappointed 'that' sometbing so eiinpe'ended Up being a total' debate that shouldn't have been"»he said. Baluszek said he Iad bis video store at 443 Brock St. N. for about eight years and has employed -local residenits during that time. For financiai reasons,- Balue- zek said he needed toopen the store as soon --aa ssible -and added that the building at 513 Brock St. N. has been empty for at least, a year., .Baluszeit said the C2S desig- nation, a special purpose com-- mercial zoningý category, still sllows hlm ta stay in the. bûild- ing, and that ho ,Will coneult with his lawyer before deciding what t« do., IROTARY CA$H 'C.ALEU "I -go buy my own building and thev tell me té shut. it, down," he Baluszek said if he can seli the bldin Phe m ay niove ta Peter- orougbecause Whitby doesn't know how ta handle business proper4Y. 'As far as, n concerned, there a re too many empty. buildings in Whitby,» said KimberljyI'cke, fulI-time employee at Cntury Video. Most of thecouncillors had made up their minds before the meeting anid forgot that vnine employvees will lose, their joçbs, she sald. dit is all tatally riîdicu'lous because he (Baluszek) is good ta bis employees and helpse erploy students and 0oung, people as much aspossible,' she said . Baluszek has mnvesteéd a lot of money into the buildin gand the businiess at: a time- when -otherý stores are closing *'ýdown in Wbitbya he said. , Locke said ishe hopes Baluszelc fights the decision a nd keepe the' store open'for the., sake. of its enxployees,ý and business, in Whitby. -Ceuncillors-discussed details of the application before1 finally, reachingà their decision ta. denyr the appUcation. Councillor. Marcel ,Brunelle said Baluisiek has pushed council %t the .wall' because the zoning in th rai oen foinep- tations.», Pool owner: Now, take only 5;minutes a week to deéan, yorpool w'ater -..iess vacuuin..lss time .>openIng> a:d 'lsn .adn n i-has to take c are of your pool when you go on vacation.@' Now there is a systemn, caled Caribbean Clear, that usee mnras to lece, your pool water. It la m o' effectve, it gets the water. dean enough to drink. 1 . -It uses a computer ta put silver and copper in yor polwater to lm the bacteria acedwagae.SBilver kil bacteria and copper kiflealagae. 1.> Once or tWic a week, it'is up te you, yuu wl test your water and then ture a dia! on the, computer. Thatfs al thern lu te pool crewith Carlbbean Clear., Turning.the dia! will put the. correct amount of silverced copper> ions in your pool to kil the bacterla ced algae buildup. The mllverand copper are used te very small amounts ced are tetafly harmless te humans but deadly to bacteria ced, algae. These minerals, are the- very, same metals that we carried around au pocket change. WhaVt'hoii advantige for you? It saves you a.,Ilot of lime., It eliminates -need for chiorine and makes pool cmr the turn cf'the dia). No frips to t.he store -for chemicila and no storage problemu cof hazardous achemical. Do you wryaotyu children getlng into thechorie? W.), now ý you ,won't have te warry because thore are no deadly chemicule around. Ilas ayone ,tne your- family aflergic to chlorine, or do your eyes get ore frot i. chiorine? ý ,WelI, you cen now swim in comfort. You cead your family can swim in water t.hat won't damnage your hair or dlry yc'ur - s1id. You con go away on, a two-week holiday and uot worry about the pool turning geen. The sun won't bura off the mineralis so you won't have great fluctuations 'te dca! with ifycurpool sits'in -the sun or in umed a- lot., Do yýou know that di.lorine bures off after 15 minutes blake"t covae~ of ALL the homes andlor buia ein Whbv B 'ecb re only, coe ite if you did not get a fier which is iiste for fuil distîibuUon, give us a cal. to an hour aller YOD have put it in your pool Ile slver and copper. stay in your pooL The oly lime they are used'ia when pe<>ple are' si igad splaahing. To hear infarmation about (Jaribbean Clear listen to our recording cail434-5107. ,, Brunelle called for cou ncil to deal with the. zoznin g along 'Brock St. to more properly haýndie futurie applications. -,, % this the -waLywe want to proceed in the futurer»he said. <Ceunclor D en i s",Foisaid: the entire matter has challenged.the credibilit~y of Town etafi; as the sttare opened'before the 'ap'p ica- tion has ben approved. He, -*Whltby Optical (selectedh ornes) < Oneè Hour Motophoto (selected homes, Brookl[n, Ashburn, R.R. #1 & 2) *OGS Gardon Gallery (selected'homes, Brooklin,, Ashburn, ROR.II#1 &2) V'îc te . a Hliday deadlines for advertising (classified and display) and coeniig events will be this Frida May 15 at 4pm, <,Eke L ýpý,ý éehoII&y 41 Ull 0 ICI

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