Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 6

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PAGE 6, wIilTy F PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1992 The only- Whitby, Ne wspaper o wnedand, opera ted by Whîtbfiy resîdents for.Whîtby resîdents!" PuÙblished everyWednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at. 13,1 Broclk St. N., Whitby, Ontario L1N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Lne 427-1834 Doug Anderson -, Publishe'r Maurice Pither - Editor., *Alexandra Martin - Production ýManager 2nd 'Class Postal Registration #05,351 'Traýinstiliwh!s'tleýs: 'Out ofeasht, ouà"t of mmdc?' To the'Editor: ft Is now some ton months since Whftby a councili triumphantly passod' bylaW declaring the Garden St. lovol crossing a 'whlstlo-froe zone.' i ht appears'the fonces and signs have boon erected, as roqulred by Transport Canada,. and stili tihe cwWe ontinues ta screech long and ,hard, 'day 'and ,night, sevon days as week. la anyone on council really ceneredwth this very rosi problemr Is it Just a matter cf- tout of oarshot, out of mmnd?' 1, for one, arnm ust as tired of this whlstle issue as larn of hoaring the. scroeching of. the. whistle. Would somoione ',on,.council make stopping theo whlstle ýa personal' crusade and give tii. axpayers in the. vicinlty of the. Gardon'ý St.ý crossing some.,peso. and quiet aftor, a hard day'swork al on wekonds? R would be nice thissumfmer te b. able otesit !i- the, backyard, to relax anidte oriejoy 'conversation with fsmily' à'ndfrends without frequently--eIng whistleddown by To tho Editor:' >Re: 'Resds deliver,' lotter by V. Skinner, Brooklin, Fr.. Press, April 29/92.' Mr, Skinner, your letter puzzles me. You state' that 1 do net roprosent i- the residonts of rokn, which is absolutely correct and fa-ctual, since at ne time have V ever stated that 1 ropresonted residonts of Brooklin. My .concern. stems frmth technilally preferrIed freeway Iink route -idontifiedI as DMZ, in the Ministry .of ,Transportâtion information summary,, yet you link my petitien te the technically prof erred route 0f Hwy_407. Utoplan state'ments.-- Vou suggestý that 1 should boost revitc-dization ef Whitby's downtow n. in order to- make, cars leanecessary, that 1I should become a proponont, of ýcyclin*g and' walkling and ,.buying locally-ýgrown goods and services, and t hat' by doing se,I will. help reduce glbal'.warig zn destructionà and' air and noise pollution. How.dare y ou? You - support hl' ha's, Ïhat dostioy fsrrnland and. wi dlife ýse you- can, as a consumer, maintain yur lifestyle and have accessa te btter .rads te take yeu te work snd escape from u*rban pressures. Do .yu net know what causes globalwarming, or what dostreys thé ozone or c auses arr.snd noise pollution? > How dare you]teiplythat I do net support local business and -do' not buy locally-grown goods-.and that 1I 1should ,roduce My- dependence on cars or trucks.- Vour letter* gives the. impression thaty ou- kneow meý intimatoly when tho truth isthat you do, Pot know me àt ail. You sttomt te convey ,tii.impression that 1 am1 the -villain, and this-you do' from reading on. article in. which 1lwas 4uoted. I f~ ;~ ~ You have the choice and the right te form your ownl opinion, and Iwould nover'dony y 'uhtiatriht. But,, b. very careful in.What you iply o algeoutme or, m acions Iln aà.public -,medlum wïhon you hav -ne .basis -In fsct', 1aýnd ,nover make statemoénts'0f any klnd about pooplo youdo,'neot-know.,ý Thore ,.Is ne ,ýSanta .Claus ln gev 1ernmont oritRs 'bureaucracy. Consequ'ently' 1 have taken my stand tosavey my qualltyef lfo and have taken yours. Lot'it be., RobBurgoss Ottor Crelek ~iI~~IJ IGII. YV UILII 1 have nover argued againsttho e-I ~ ~ IU~ V a experience as many as four trains no o w 0,btIhv ln. an heur screeching ever the. crossing., Is this noise environ- epesd m iw t5 i.woke you Up, and made you think long-termre osidents., 'are very mental pollution or net? Ifanyone propoe ot lldsto otoEîo:just as Rob did te myseif and, 1,000< much Nalivo and klcking.11lt's aise onM coni obsmWerd§ i invite valuale, foed-belt land, whereas other area residents., Rob ;aisei a shamre our, seniors muât « gotUp hlm or her te spenJ sorne tîme ln r doesr tisadhai Rod elvr' r.Prsnet, opposetobulig Of sp.a u ad'make tii. youngor my bac ndyard n a nd'enjoy. ehash elàta ut ofninà generation aware11 while, onc Tht hstlo is truly an outrage. propesed route" eliminates tgvomegatpasr proposais. given te the ministry, again, ,they teach and1'show us te I knew that the Immediato fcod-preducing, land te accem- negvsm ratpest tgw could they justify placing stan padb. heoard. response te my cempîsînt ~ i t modate a vastly increased ts timeete -writete you and your eight lanesof highway.next toei .Sknoyou ,spoak of being a safety sa- big issue. 1 agree population.'I askç you, where will, readershlp .r.garding thei. above borderline1 of s community, and. net consumer, 1,and, the. ist cfUitems en tiroly. Why thon did the. Town of wO get the. feod te food tuis lettor subnmftted bd V. Skinner of, have any- impact, se tthe ministry uyou. requîre o ,te maintain ' your Whibyaiiw eveopontse increase ln population il we Brooklin. tous us?_et's ais standard côf living. Weli, ploase b. close tte itrack; and furtiier, why dost atualtaeermlan F 'roirsetly Ireapod t titi ri^eremember they say tii. highway prpard t1lceryour -standardsý are members cf couincil Yusaeta vrtigyu 'Poic ersodt eîinwiI net b. buit fer 10 te 25 yoars, of living, .because-tii. i mpact cf considering additicnal d.velop- ne emitiyursadr faantfrea lk F0 rss, se in. ils senior years. tus' eight lanes. of ..superstructu.rod, mont ln evon doser proximty? Are lvn ae eWib yra - Arl1/2 gentleman is trying te, proeot the. hîgh-speed,'high-velume traffic se dollars and cents tiie issue hore? m1,shocrs al pr- nd I een1ota aeha =uuegene'ratlons from paying for close te ýyour homne -will that you probably would net live in tii. great _pleasure of meeting Rob smting that wiîî have a direct immediaely do se. Se, V. Skinner, My personal feeling is that the your cemmunity if it wore net for Burgess. Robhbas the clear facts,imato ti.evomntby Ihpyuwiletupinor whistle contibutes net on. e t te heighways tha ps trugh ItL and ,bas prer.ented them In -an creat ing tii. awareness req uired te car and drive away*; ,maybe.y ou, safoty. ln support of this You aise require fast, reliable unbiased mannor. Roèb has net, and make ulfo, itlign ewl o eaiettewrdi statemont, I1 refor te tthe tragic transportation te and frem work. will net, speak, on béhalf of the decîsion. n ogri u akad dotic tO12yared o wo Why >do i get tiie impression'that residents cf .Brooklin, aitheugh 87 V. Skinner'commentla Is was struck by a train, and the t yu drive te Wiiitby, Oshawa, Ajax mebr of the Brooklin prebably would 'net ]ive in tus Gr akno happoned despite the. fact that the and Pickorngte do yeur regular community have sffixed' their commuünity i were'net for -the. ttor Crook train whstled long and hard, as sheçping, ratXor than Brok? signatures on the, petition that was 'iniastitps hog t. uprescribedbyti minist 0 o shudder at the. thought of prosent.dte the, Minister' of UZll v. Skinner, iftatiyorq ov r n s If Whitby=couni s goîng te b. the noise, pollution, incroased local Transporation, ln Queon's araPafrklvig ntuâ s yares, l'me 'raliroaded' on thus ,Issue, thon traffic and industrial' development recontiy. sersa yo u have mn tissed the' mayb. R should lebby whoever bas tha thte higiiway will bring, and 1 have a great deal of respect bg ptùe RscJd .nh-quty c vciated sujfcéi authority te imploment a vou express sadness- for the for Mr., Burgess,, ae C,1 flfrwý'saei.tli pïlu reducod train, sciidule, part iculiarly nIghway slicing through the omlteylack1ofer 10 1 ror Ofledteqalt jj for evoninga, ni4hts and weekends. counrsdmn i.dsrcin0 rnpotation. Rob la a retlred Bay and picturesqu e a,, 'net the To tho Edîtor:ý Or maybe considoration should b. wildlifo and farmland. Yoe, yoiu wisii St. worker who laaise a In-em uufiyo uity0 igiwy. -Yeur siubmfisslon clearly shows The Headt and Streoke given to acquiring permisison .from. me te support ý'subsidized residont cof our cemm unity. u i h :Ûdto ý'f:Otio u1ra the. appropriato authority te close co-operative townhous'es that wilI 'Once Rob gained 'acces te Sai ha ou have yet te .attenid a Funaon fOtae, ura off Garden St. afthte levol crossing pollute Lynde Creek. the~ information, rogarding ,tNs- Town cucil meeting on anyeof -ioe xtonda ifsma icr altogother and honce> make the. You furtiior state that elI daim iighway, ho teck tii. Initiative lnti rilsi sin. ay. apprecaio el yor newspapor for hotin n tolg unnecossary. tii. residonts deteat tii. subsldiz.d the. middle of.tiihe wintert Our- fenco-sitting approachmy alti.mdacopayu hv Finally, and the. b.st option ef co-operative towniieus.s. VeYur personaily hand .doliver oer 1,000 justify - your inability te, get the. providodi for our organization.- ail, counicil siiould regularly make choiceoef Werdsnimakes R seem as flyers te aur area residences - facta,, decipher them and thon> Public- awareness la the key te renewed and vigorelis efforts te if I had. made tuhs up, -and 1 rosent without the. aid of an automobile. if make an intelligent Judgment, prior our succosa. Witheut yoursupport obtain funda for a long overdue that. net for Rob's initiative, something te your uninform.d judgmonts., h 'n making us ,knôwn within -tii, udraaDo ycu really beliove tha totehte minister cf transportation la in aise seoms quit, cloar that yeu ,cemmunltY, wwe uidb. unabie te Mr., Mayor and elected 'turn Whitby inte an urban sprawl need, of, wé., as homeowners, rey vr evl n yu er otvluner n ais.eud reosentativesof the. people of would savo the Town meney, and weuld b. recelving'a document automobile, -as you just jump in for valuhI e .sarch prejects. Whitby r you going te ielp y=u that sucii savings could enhance from -the, ministry. inferming -us of and drive away.7 For'a Strong' Heart -"-.Our logsuiferng oos ad Public transit,« s.wago 'troatmon rtcn icaîy provedrutL Rb BurgSBhas: don, uhs.HatetTak. taxpayrs, or nt? and- other seýrvices? My sincere that most-cf -us, ineaIl, woeot' communaty .a great service, advico wouid b. te wake up, study made awaro of by tii. ministry. sem etiiing in-his senior years we Irons Thompoon Cathorînbe Dabbordt tii. world around you and read the. I aise tiiink, V. SkInner, that should .:commond. lt's -vry- Arsa Co-ordinator e qgý -- lp Jjý t rs ipte refresiiing te knew aur seniors, Durham Reqlon' 1 ote edir. e Proposed',Iink'route destroys-farmland

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