Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 8

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PAGES8, WMW MYFRE P1RBR% WEDNESD&Y, MAY M ,192 whitè bsies THE WaJiTsB BANCH of Profes- sional Secretaries International (PSI) pledged to "adopt and support the residents of Fairview Lodgen appreciation for their encourage- ment and helpfuhiess. Joanne Evans (left), chair of PSI's membership committee and Helen Sturgeon,'vice- president, of the Fairview Residents Council, look at the proclamation. Photo by Mark Roosor, WbIdtby Fr.. Prou. a I o laiBoucher The Voya1 Bank 1 s1ees -,po sitive: aigus aud, predicta aasilow,,,fragile economicrecoévery this year.'ý, At a gathqringof area.-busineos representatives in Oshawa last week, Royal Bank, officiaIs said they expected the rsa domestic produet(<GDP)-in rOutarie te rise 1.2 per cent-in 1992 sund 4.1 per cent in 1993. The GDP declined by about 2.3 per cent in 1991 as Ontario became the only povnce te experience economic decinos two years in a row. nThe bank points te, an upturn inresidential' construction, a recovery in exporta te, the Unlted States and a graduai improve- ment in the manufacturing sec- teir as reasons for the increase in the GDP. This would keep the jobles rate at'9.7 Per cent this year at best and 9.5 per cent in 1993. "What we've done is spun our wheels fior a couple cf years or so," said Mark *Ch andler, assis- tant chief economiat with, the gitictr nvironmentalî struc- ture, deregulation, the goods and services tax (GST) and free trade with the United, States are just somhe of* the economic reasons Eldr workerls raise money ,whie recycling By Mlarlo Boucher Pickering nuclear, generating station workers have q4 unique way cf rei clin& whilo at the saine timo rai*smg monoy for Toronte's Sick Kid's Hospital. ý1 The Ontario 'Hydrýo Employees Union workers at the plant raise money . by collecting, ,ear plug, wrappers and-depo iing-heml special waste- containers, tbrouq.hqut the plant, says Kim McNeil, à union representative. «People have seen the effecte that have, been made and the contribution te the Hospital for Sick Childreu in Torouito,» she acs, earplug wrapper equals two cents donated by the station. More than $10,000 was raised in 1990 and 1991 combined, she Thehque of $5, 000 from last year went'teward- the* purchase cf a' Dynamapp blood pressure monitor for tho hospital's -nec- natal intensive, care unit, she mh -nonitor,-,gives out an, alarm if 'the, blood ' pressure cf oneocf the infants dropa suddenly --, often' the - difference between Hfifo and death for a baby, she < (èNil satys'this tells the com- munity that the stations emiployes caýére about-recý ycling the euivironment and can holp do somethingfor needy children. The earplug wrappera. are a nuisance at the station, she says. rTe ogazÉets 1the wrap- pers "off the floor sud ijute thes- containers says. te be recycled,» she MARY ELLEN kEESNEY (right), intensive car e unit nursm mai'ager for the Hs'tàl for SickChildren shows a Dynainapp monitorcRick Patenaude and Kim MeiNil o f "OntaLrio Hydro. Hydro union members, by recycling earplug, wýrappers at the Pickering nuclear generating station,,, provided $5,000 for the purchase of the monitor. Photo by Marlo Boucher, Whitby Fre. Prom 1STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS- Guideline s and good advice.on making a success of it from the start. iL ~ ~ iMnistry of indugrIy Trade and Tedviology S&W'( C e ,)nario that ,are' stili 'ý'hamperng Canada's economic turnaround, he said. The niedStates' economic recovery, seeme to have begun à lready, ho said. «Thero is a clear sign that they are starting to turn around.» 1A modest growthý,,cf 2.7 per cent in retail sales is predicted for this year with' a 5.0> per cent incre ase, next year when con- sumnera' confidence is expected to get botter due in, part te more emlymnototniis decline in Ontario last year.for the third year in a row with 52,800 units. But lower mortgage rates and, an increase in govern- ment supported construction will likely hefp raise the number of new housing starts to 65,000 units this year and 75,000 units in 1993. Chandler said Durhamn Region could be one area that benefits from housing starts bêcause of population growth expected to, continue in the next few years., «There are some real eucourag- ing s3igns and we're, certainly hoqping te see residential expan- sion contiuuing which will lead to new j*o'bsý,» said Ken'McLjean, Royal Bank area manager. New homeowners help other areas of the economy by buyig furuiture and other household, needs, he said. Despite some major invest- ment projects b, the provicial government, such as theé upgrad-L ing of tho public transit system in the Metrýo.Torouto area, busi- ness and, goverument invostment is expeted te decline 1.6 per cent this year. Car sales are- predicted te -in- crease. by approximately 6.0 perý cent this year and-14.0, per cent next year in part, because of a declinie in unempîcyment. The auto parts industry in Canada has been very- bard by> the recession losing about 19,000.i jos since 1989, with 511 plants shut down completely, Miost, oca- ted in Ontario' Canada's inflation rate' will probably romain lowý averaging 1.7 per cent in. 1992 and 2.7 per cent in 1993. r~a-1' uIi~M. éi........ .. *A Starting a Small'Business' seminar will -be .hold'_at' the Whitby municipal building, coun- cil chanibers, on Thursday,' May 21, 7to 10 p.m. Guest speaker will bo. Norman Rolfe cf the Ministry of Industry, Trado andTechnology, and certi- fied general accountant- Robert Leadlèy. The seminaris being organized by the .Town cf Whitby economie developmnent departmenit, in con- junction withCulp ad Anderson accountants, and theMinistry of Industry Trade and Technology. Topica te be discussed include occupational health, hoalth in- surance, plannngý- a business, regulations on ýoperating a busi- ness, establishin .-a . usiness plan, leasing- costs, capital ýcosts and varicus taïes. >Cost for the sominar la $20. Caîl 668-5803, ext. 206, in advanoe te register. Catering fo ,r iil Occ'asions 'Slow, fragile' 'economie growth predi.ted y- Royal Bank MIDLAND WALWYN INVESTMENT STRATEGY BO:OKLET Spring 1992 Where are the best Places to have.your money invested for the balance of 1992? Where are interest rates going from -here? ,What stocks or bonds should you own? Do you currently own stocks. or bonds, or are you thinking about investing? Our latest Investmnent- Strategy Bookiet will' help you make the right investmnent decision. Sinxply return the coupon below ,or cail us directly at 576-1726.< Pease send me the 1992 YE InvFREEIItraeg NameSO "ý Booklet F E I1, I'NamI 1Address City Province Postai Code'I _____________1_____________ 1Phone (Home) (Business)I Mail ta:I Midiand WalwynI 150 Richmond Street East, Unit #16, Oshawa, Ontario L G 7C7 - -Umm - - *Weddings *Banquets* Business Meetings, *Christeins 4 Private Parties & Dinn ers *Birthdays '& Soci!al Meetings 985-806ý2 - 4.985-92681 r-1- 1

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