Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 17

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Wfl1TY FIREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1992, PAGE 17 COOKINO CLASSES' The YMCA will hold'a 'frazzle free desserts' cooking clas on, Thurada, May 21 an a csera s'class onThard a June 4. Both classes will o e l from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Aniderson Collegiate, room 244., The cost' is $9.63 .per class incluiding GST. To register, cali the YMCA at 668-6868 or drop by. the office at 814 Broek St. N., Whitby. TOGETHER TIE The" Whitby PubliceLibrary will have a -'together time on Thursday, May 21, 6:30 %o 7:15 paxn. AUl agos are welcomne - even grown-ups can join in. There wil be songs, staries and lots of laughs. BABY & CIUIDBNIS SH[OW On Friday, May 22, 10 a.m. te 8 p.m., and Saturiday, May 23, 10 amr. ta 3 p.m., there wiIl hoè a 'for mnmy and me' show and sale at 55 Si1verbirch Place, Whitby. TIhere will b. a solectioný of fine quality, value-priced products for babies, children and others. Handmade nursey bumper padg, qjlts, infant clothing, educa- tional toys and books, cotton diapers- and accessories, baby : Blinga, cosmetics, fiower arrange- ments, designer children's wear, containers and much more. IN CONCERT Kawartha Youth for Christ & Christian Infe will presont two liv. concerts at hroquois Park auditorium on Saturday, May 23. Christian comedian Mike Warnke wilperform froim 7 te 9 p.m. and KenyMak, with hits fi=m Isa new lumi 'Pire of Forgivenese, will ho on stage fr-om 9:45 ta 11:45 p.m. Individual tickets are $12, double in advance (Warnke/ Marks), $20, GST included. Tickets are available from the Testament Bookshop, 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby (430-0880) or. Navigatore of Canada, 214 Dundas St. E., second ficer, WVhitby (430'-8388). SPYINA BIFIA The Durham chapter cf Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association cf Ontario will bold a picnic on Saturday, May 23, 11:30 a.m. te 3 p.m., ta ldck off Spinïa Bifida month and ta help raise public awareness cf Canada's #1 disabling birth defect. 'The picnic will be beld at Grandview Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa (Hwy 401 te Harmcny Rd. te Bloor St., thon, east te Townline Rd.) AUl are' welcome ta attend. For more information, caIl 839-7923 or 839-7641.' YARDSALE The. annual yard sale will ho held at Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd.,. on Saturday, May 23. CLUB CARIB TIho regular general meeting of Club Car*b cf Oshawa .lac. will b. held on Sunday Maty 24, 7:30 pan., at SunsJ Park club- bouse, Staoey/ydcKim Avenues, Oshawa. Persons interested in joining the oranization are wel- ceme te atend. MAY FESTIVAL 0F SONG The Jubiee Chir will hold its sixth annual "May Festival of Sg on Sunday, 7ày 24, 2:30 pan., at the Cnn- al Building,. 416 Centre St. S. Ticke are $5 for adulte, $3 for seniors and studeqts, and may bho cbtained CF FUNDRAISER The Kinette Club cf Whitby needs your support for the 'Turn Your Empty *Cans and Batties Inte $$$$' campaign in aid of cystic fibroeis te ho held on Saturda, May 23, 10 a.m to 4 p..Bnngyour empty cane and boties ta Wh4.tbyBreworOs Retail, Dundas St. E. Trhere will b. hot dogaE, pop and bailoons. PRNATAL FAIR On Saturday, May 23 ,.a prenatal 'fair sponsored by* the Childbirth Education Association cf Durham and- the Cesaran Prevention, Suppr and Edu- cation Group wiil h ld at the Oshawa -Centre. Local businesses and community oraiations serving expectant ad new parents will ho on display -ith information an a variety cof tapics including prenatal classes, cesarean support, breastfeeding, cloth diaper options, day care, cbildren's bocks -and teys, plus much'more. There will aIs e h speakers and demonstrations ini the court in front of Eatones throughout the day. For more information, contact Childbirth Education Association of Durham at (416) 420-3890. COUNTRY COLLEUrABLES 'P'rom Our Hands ... To Your Heart' is a country collectables show and sale te ho held on Saturday, May 23 (10 a.m. te 6 p.m.) and Sunday, May 24 (10 a.m. ta 4 p.m.) at the ]Bowmanville Rtecreation Com- pîex, corner cf King St. (Hwy 42) and Martin Rd. (Hwy #57). The juried show, with over 80 exhibitars, ailows only the finiest craftwork to ho displayed, including wreaths and arrange- ments, quilting, clothig, stained glass, cut-and-piorco lampshades, wooden collectables, folk art and jewelry. For further information about the show, cail (416) 985-1616 or (416) 985-0572. LIVING WITH CANCER The Living With Cancer Sup- I rt Grou will meet on Monday, I)25, 9 p.m., at the Ajax' Cricket Club, corner of Clements and Monarch. Ail welcome. For more informatin aîl686-1516. FIELD NATURAISTS Durýham Region Pield Naturaliste wil bold the next meeting on Monday, May 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Northview Public Library, 250 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Thoecbheduled speaker is Steve LaForest, a park naturaliet at PresquIle Provincial Park, who wil taik on the forest, fiera and geology of the' Presqu!Ile eco- system. new members are welccmo. NMMERS'NIGRT The Whitby Photo Club wil hold a members' night on May 25, 7 -to9 p.m., athe Family Trust building. Members will baa chance ta present their audio- visual presentation on themes such as shadows, shapes and patterns. DiSBLT S The Learning- Disabilities Association, Oshawa chapter will hold their regular monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. onMay 21 at the Whitby Public Libr airy. Eva Nichols, executive directer for the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, will speak on 'Advccacy and Mainstreaming.' There will ho an opportunity te, ask questions. Ail are welcome ta attend. CaIl 623-4934 or,.436-7706 for further information. IN & OUT SL An 'In & Out Sale' wilI ho held at Ail Saints' Church on Satur- day,, May 23, 1 ta 4 p.m. Outside there will plants and sPorts equi pment, inside there will be baked gods, bocks, teys and kids clothing, among other items. Proceeds from the sale go te the church's outreach committee (any donations accepted). For more information cail Lee at 668-7317 or Ralph at 668-8533. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN COMMNICAION To First Oshawa Club ITC will hold a meeting on Tuesdlay, May 26, 6 p.m., at Hong Kong House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. The theme will ho «'Time te Applaud. Cost of dinner is $14. For more information, calFat at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. ONE-PARENT FAMIES North Oshawa -chapter, One Parent Familles Association will meet* on Wednesday, May 27, 8 p.m., at Christ Church, Mary'and Hillcroft Sts., Oshawa for coffee, cards and conversation. New memhors and gueste are welcome. For information, cal 668-7579 or 434-3687. CLOTIIING SALE The Witby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a 'Spring Clothing Sale' at the centre, 801 Brock St. S., on Saturday, May 30, 10 a.m. ta 1 p.m. Donations cf dlean lothing will ho received after Wednesday, May 27. For information, cail 668-1424. SAILING SCHOOL The Whitby Yacht Club sailing achool is offering sailing courses for juniors (ages 10 ta 17) under CYA certified instructors, from white sail toafslver levels. Cail 668-1391 for more information. FNon-profit communltygroupa which are basedIn Whltby or have a substantial Whitby mem bershlp may place their or activities on ths page at no cost. Pront maiing or non4b groupewal b. drarp. IFriay si Sp.m. - J CoMPTBECOMJPANONS Compatible Companions Con- nection in Whitby is meeting for varicus social events, iLe. dancing, bowling sWimming, golfing, cards, theatre, nightcubs, bingo, pctluck and dining out, etc. Meeting, for singles, are held eve *da 7 ta10P.m. Mom- bersip appLà. Newmembers welcome. Phono 1-800-461-7391. A GRAND NIGBT FOR SINGING The County Town.-Singera wil p rosent 'A Grand Night for Singing,' a 25th anniversary cabaret and dance, at the Kinsen community centre, Oshawa on Thursda, May 28, Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30. Doors open at 7 p.m.-, with show time at 8 p.m. A cold plate wil ho served at il p.m. Tickets are $20 each and may ho purchased at Lafontaine Trading Post, 122 Brock St. N. and Discs & Data, 25 Thickson Rd. N. in Whitby, Northorn Traditions at the Oshawa Centre and Tabi- at Pickering Town Centre. For more information, call 668-5469. STAM UP Pickering Museum Village (3 km. east cf Brock Rd. on Hwy 7 at Greenwood) wiil hold a ' Steam Up' and cpening on Sunday, May 31, il amn. te 5 p.m. Gas, and steami enginos will came ta life, dance ta the fiddlers, and saveur the sights, sounds and flaveurs cf an old-fashioned spring. David Morris' 'IlEstory Cames Alive'will «'visit' Sir John A. MacDonald and William Lyon MacKenzie. For more. information, caîl 683-8401 or 420-4620. PIEDICARE' QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOOTCARE IN VOUR HOME " N ails cut, filed and thinned 0 Corns and callouses, removed " Diabetic care provided For appointment cali: 666-9882 Karen L. Brady R. N. WEVENING & WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE from chai members, or by caling DUCKS UNLIM.TED Rose Law at 668-2832 or the Duk Unlimited Canada, Satunfay, Maly tfie Tzoenty-tiiù-d seniors' centre at 668-1424. Oshawa/Whitby/Newcastle Chap-f iudednmttm tr.wiil hast the feurth àn annouu0 PUBIO FORUMfudasn dinner and auction ofc The Whitby braanch of the on Thursdéy, May 28 at St. Ar.tnjts Soiet wfi poent Gerge' Ukania Chrch vivFor over 118 years, Trafaigar Castie has offered a strang acdel poramme that public. forum, Meet the EUl,. Jackson Ave. Anyone prepares yaung women for university entrance. Offering bath resident9ai and day ?reeeienals who EHelp you Ceo' interested; in donating or positions from Grade 7 ta OAC, Trafalg9ar provides a w ido range af programmes- on Monay$ May 25, 7:30 p.m., at spsoring items for the auction inciuding athietics, doaating, music and drama. Paivie Loge 632 Dundas St. may contact Bob Boychyn at W., Wbitby (at Dundas and 576-2670. TIckets may ho COME AND BE PART 0F THE TRAFALGAR EXPERIENCE' Cochrane streets). Guest speker obtained by calling Bob Stroud at wflll ho rheumatologis Dr. 571-2322. D)ucks Unflimited have - lbi t 401 REYNOLDS STREET Hahr McDonaldg hysio- been building, imp avnad there Dam Rse nr . te e gad nd1<WHITBY, ONTARIO thrps ine il anad Mthg w:im s nd401 I668-3358 occupatienal therapiet Pam Philp.upad where waterfowl cmi------ Admission is fre Ai are h.atch and grow hi a healthy Forc> furiher Information contact Tracey Addison, Development Officer, Trafalgar CasteSho weè~eCl4o2 i.r 'rs>1*,vrOnent for, more than.t t .4 4r, 4< IflOM0 MSvi "~.r rr* ê..4 **44**S4 4 r~ %0,i. J~0.1 su .. 'i4-,p.. , 1r. fTafa4arCa.çtleSclzoo 9qt6y, Ontaido extend Uoeq& rintcipaI tMe Staff aïtéStudènts _wun oyl&andyourfràw& a cordia(vitation toe ent ont&cocsonotgi MAay Court Testiit le and Opcit Y9iwe~ NEWCASTLE HEIUTAGE May 2 3 te' 31 has been designated by the Town of Newcstleas. Heritage Week. Some af the week's events include a country quilt show, old-tixne 'tea totallers' dance, breakfast with sports figure Paul Henderson as guest speaker, bike-a-thon, antique 'show, chicken dinner, and many more ways1 in which ta join in the celebratibns. For more informa- tion call 416-623-9147. LA LECENE MEETIG The new1y organized Whitby graup of La& Loche Lamgue meets the fourth Thursday morning of each month. The next meeting will be held on May 28. For more information, cail 723-0542. SATURDAY AT TUE MOVIES The Whitby Public, Library will hold a'movie in the program room for school-age children on Saturday, May 80 from 2 te 3 p.m. WALK-A-THON The Ontario March cf Dimes will hold'the ' March of Succes' 5km walk-a-thon -on -Sunday, Ma 312 p.m., at Iroqas ak Wty.A t-shirt contest is being ther ld orgoups of walkers, and thr iIbe an early bird draw for walkers Who submÙit complete Plodge shoots before'or an the dayof the ovent. Registration begins at 1 p.m.Fo more infor- mation or te get a'pledge sheet, caîl 434-5280. ENVIRONMENT FAIR Sponsored.- by Environment Canada, the, Town cf -Newcastle and community environment organizatio ns, will* hold the second annual Eniviroanment Fair on Sùnday, May 3,11a.m. to,5 p.m., at Bawmanville Recreation Complex (Hwy 401 te Waverly Rd. eit, an the northwest corner, cf Waverly Rd. and Hwy 2). Admission is free. Day care is free (chldren must be toiet trained). Door prizes. Puppet Pée Wee Worman and Steve Donaghuet wiil ho there, along -with more than 50 exhibitors.

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