Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 1

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I i BILL LI'ITLE stands in front of bis the top floor of the historie structure new home, the Brooklin MMii Little iu September, .1993. and bis family plan on moving. in to Photo by Mark Roegr, Whitby Fr« Pro Miii l"operation.ends, but historic building to stay .By Marlo Boucoher1 Just *hat wiil happen with the derelict boat iWityar- bour remains -up lin the air for now. 1The case is now back in pro- vincial court at the request of the Town of Whitby which noted that there is no work underway to dismnantie the Prince Edward Island, a former ferry, with the May 31 deadline approaching to remove the boat. Boat owner AÃŽt Robinson. and Town: lawyer David Sima waited ail day icourt on _Thursday last' week te -have the case -heard but a busy'schedule.pushed the mat- ter te yesterda:y, and "then te tomorrow (Thursdày) because Robingon's iawyer, Bernie O'Brien, was not present at the timne. The Town of Whitby wants the boat removed by the end of the month, or have .its: owner face a contempt of court order and pos- siblejail sentence, said Sims. A court motion was adourned iast fali on the recommendation that Robinson have the PCBs removed by Nov. 15, 1991, a condition which was met,'and either sel and remove the boat from the harbour Iby Dee.'31, 1991 or dismantie it by May 31: 1992. "Nothing has happened sine December 31,» said Sîms., He wants a' court inj'unction agalnst, Robinson te ha've the aii irninved frôn, Whithv'n har- Wihitby Hydro to store 500 gal- ions of the chemicals at its site on Taunton Rd. Robinson. had originally plan- ned te sfel theÃ" Ship and another one as .electrical generating stations te an --island i the Oaribbearr'area. By Mark Reesor iterior work on the miii in June; August, and will live i the boinour by Ma 1 o reuh a Brookli-n Miii may againý be he, his wife Carol and their two house immediately east of the posit-fionenoJ ne1te etr tOfI used for miiiing flour .-- i a chidren are hoping te move in miii until their, venthouse resi- cor, esad S~U hundred years or so. by September, 1993. 'Ildontwang o e er ne milwihwôUiti Bill Litle bo ght'the historic They're movig te Brooklin i SEE PAGE 2 15 on the sanie subject,u he said. iieè over two years ago. isadth Tonwt, He plans on living- on "the tep Robinson tohonour lus deadline. comriadl, opithis esie zlrese sta u ra t Last Thursday and agaiyes-, clomrciadldevelindthe ie- zlr rt for L anterday, Robinson said Sima .was tiai use. gin e obringing up the matter «pre- maintain ail the ori&JinaI ui0 1j was stilI pienty o? time te gt ourhitntin hatit aywoi re on in. ndemth. addoe e that 21dteo2 ment within the building... ivs p an thhigs done befre the end o? th abete be started back up again Mi we Robinson said bis iawyer Ber- dbo the road a hundredI years By Mark Reesor Whitby alonrAti nime OBrien had other commit- from now.» Whitby planningdepartment Lang and Scott's and Sizzler L .monts and couid net be prosent Little says in the past when is rocommencbng, providd that announced last Decémbor that a for the matter. oid mille were renovated, the certain conditions are met, that 260-seat Sizzier Restaurant Sima said hie wanted the mat- equipmont was taken out end the Town okay a new restaurant would be opened i Whitby as tor disposed of and deait with sodoff. and video store i the Whitby eariy as mid-June if the project immediatoly. «It's basicaliy ended up being a Mali narkin g lot. recelved speedy planning appro- The ship has been in tthe har- sheli and could nover again A1e300 sq. ft. 'Sizzler Res- val. bour for the last five years. reaily bo what it was.» tauraut' ls pianued for the north- It would be the Les-A.ngeles-' The PCBs lu the sip owere The miii equipment wiî be wes crer (beside the aas bar) based chain's fÃŽrst restaurant in removed from the pEINo.1 used as "props throughout Our and a 6 100, q.t. kbuster Canada.- foliowing 'an agreement with. residence, sud througeut the Vdeo SÏore i. pianued.for the Tedeveloper, Tuje Ltd., a *."*** Little. uea elaassoietcrnr . «Frinstance, that big, logrcovdaprvlfomtocrn fleur sifter,, buffet-looking mttee dismetfo 0?.-- maqy weli be in our diningroem. vrineIcraig the maxi- wh reisit Little says h vdeotAe tho ros léraroas, ,floor miiin luoperation the iast day it' space sud loverage mierr ,te was running, spoko te the man construzct the Itwo buildings, 'etr * peatngtan gt hoprviusaccording to, a planning* depart- AndreW Canada has been for-' being provided outplacement Business,8. owner te document *al pieces Of mont report. ced tely off another 29 workers. counseiling. Entertainment. 21 nqipmn, where' , they ' wre -The ýIvarianco was appeaied byý its second liayoff in three menths. «We cousider these permanent RLeBEun Rpr 14 fM"dwento' ~it twe corporations <, net named i The workers were lot go a iayoffslie said. eyle qr 4 Ho aiso plans te vidotape the th port. Those appoals have week. ago Tuesday because o? a Andrew laid off 38 people in 9htsO____1 entie exerir beere tar inshco been withdrawni. usiowdewn i the Canadian sud February.Boki 2 reèaros«ecuete r i l 4nug department recom- global économiessud itensifled Martin, says around 260peopl' Spors 26-2 b e s m e h a n es.. ai h o u h nen d à a p p r v al o? Til j 's site w r d co m p titio n ,» a cc o rd in g t e wv o rk e d a t th e B e ch S t. na n t , c l n w 0 3 overthhg w 'ro goi g t dois an p plcation if iayout, eleva- a p r os rel ease. which produces sutenn a, efor e Cnme st p es3 tj d ie n sd landscape plans are Personnel Manager Denuis the, layoffs started. gI"g te nhncoth oegi t weke sWere, The Plant thrived during, the Li ]te la pýlanning to -start PEI ferry boat case Back in Z court

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