Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 33

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WITBY MlE PRESS, WEDNESIDAY, MAY 20, 19n9-PAGE 33 ROOM FOR RENT 1 kftchen, Iaundvy, bathroom. bouse, Thickson/Mannlng $100 weokly. 666-0200.> Sharoi New arlea. BROOKUN- JUNE 1.- Lvp room/bodroom/b>athroom combi- nation. Shared kitchon and laundry. Furnished. Air, cable, telephone jack.'Single person. -$90/Week. 655-;4640 or 655-4951. CLEAN, LARGE ýroom in- air- conditioned home, Whitby, near AI ax. Close to aIl facilities. $3OO/month. 430-7022. AJAX',- LARGE 2-bodroomn Wcondo. ý'2 bathrooms, fireplacèî, Llakevlewý,profosslonally decorated. Pool, tennis, sauna. $950/month o.bo. Cail 686-7827 for appoint- ment. 2-BEDROOM basement apart-ý ment. Separate ontrance, Iaundry, 4-pc. bath'room., North Whitb. Utilitios included. Available June 1. $750/mPnth. 430-1972. ONE -& TWO BEDROOM ap artmonts. Fridge, stove. Near GO station. Good location. $605 and $679, inclusive. 263-4104. . . . I. . .I .- BEAUTIFUL 4-ACRE had estate lot. Year-round plowed road. Hydro and tolephone available at road. $39,900. Al pormits avail- able. 668-5272. COZY& CLEAN 1 -bedroom basemeift apartment on ýquiet street. Fully broadloomed, separate entranoe. $525 unfurnishod, $575 fumished, utilties & cable lncluded. Available June 1. 666-2092. 1- BEDROOM basoment. apart- ment for rent, Mary St., Whitby.ý $600 monthly, ail included. Phone 666-4859 or 723-ý1760. BROOKUN - 1 -BEDROOM apt. for J une, July & Sept. t. Close to ail amenities. CalI 655-5539. WHITBY,' VERY CLEAN one- bedroom apartment available immediately on June 1. $495 mronthly, ai inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria St. W., Apt. #5. 666-0271, 728-2969.1 MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE sale, Saturday, May- 23, 9- 5 201 Ontario St. E., Whitby. Commodore 64, typewriters, fumni- ture, sports equipment, etc.-etc. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 23 & Sunday, May 24, 9 a.m. to 3 ,p.m., 830ý White Ash Dr., Whitby. Lots of family Rtems & toys.' I HOUlES. FOR RENT ANTIQUE LOVERS ONLYI Anne of Green Gables century home, centrai Oshawa, updat ed, frosh paint. Quiet street, close f0 churches, sohools, shopping. $995/month + utilities. Smai pets woîcome. 721-0919. Leave message please. HUGE STREET SALE, 9 -to44 Saturday, May' 23. Home/offie furniture, golf clubs, ceramlc/ folkart supplies, clothes, toyec Carter Ores., Whltby. yec SATURDAYp MAY 23,'10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 315 Dunlop St. W., Whitby. Toys, chlldrens clothes, miso. Excellent condition. Ram -date: MULTI-FAMILY garag ae Saturday, May 23, 9 mto 3 p.m. 701 & 705 Sugar Maple Ores., Whitby (Palmerston Sohool area). Something for everyonel GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 23, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Ramn date: May 24.) Linons, luggage, dishos, baby Rtems, ýetc. Great stufil 104 Melssa Gros., Whitby., No early birds, pleasel RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Croative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. f0 5 p.m.s< LWANT Aj~SIwowoaJsrs CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT S EASY! ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DÃ"ES IT AIL.j LIVESTOCK LLAMA SALE (Legacy Cîassic Liama Sale V) 56- tiamnas belng sold by auction June 6, 1992. 21 pm. We sterner Expositions Fairgrounds, Red1 DerAB. Cat (403) 346-3148 for detals. 1 CAREER TRAINING IEARN AUCTIONEERîNG ai the Souithwestern Ontario Schooi of Auciioneerlng. Nexi cîass:1 Juiy,11-17. Inormation. contact: SouthwesiernF Ontario SchooI oi Auctioneering_.R.R.#5,4 Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake. dan gerous goods , delensIve drivîng, log book an d border crosslng. Rodgetsc School, Ontarios aidesi. Cati 1 -800-668-0031. 1 VACATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five day s aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR,' scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private staie-rooms, meals, res brochure; write Caplain Marc, Box 6, Oriiiia, L3V 6H9. (705) 327-5767. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steet Straitwail Type flot quonset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10,276; 50x90 $15.882;ý 60x1 26 $22,972 - other sizes available -Sprîng Clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. THE LAST STEEL BUiLDINGVOULL EVER NEED. FUTURE'STEEL BUILDINGS Is the recognlzed leader in affordabis, top qualiîy, Arch Style Steel Building. Why pay mors? Cali 1 -800- 668-8653. BUILD A SETTER BUILDING - Ontario Manufacturer DIRECT .. Many sîzes and types avallabîs. Ex: 40 x 60 VALUE $8,684. NOW $6.696, ERECTED - SAVE $1.988 - not lncluding foundallon. *IF PRICE IS NO OBJECT. WHY NOT SPENO A LITTLE LEss' Cal Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. Flrst In buildings sînce 1980. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAKE CHARGE. provide your own JOB loday. Provlnce-wîde pizza franchise now expanding, low entry tee, In business since 1979, 30 stores strong. C al 416-433-1333. UNIQUE HOME BUSINESS. become e Watlins dealer. Full-. part-lIme opportunîtles. Fise Information: (306) 374-2335 or wrll B & L Bell, P.O. Box 22075, Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 5Pi. PROFITI'FUNDRAISINGI North Ametlca's Hoîsest Trend. Glow-in-the-dark neckîacss sean et concerts, fireworks, evening evenîs. Fanastic sales opportunity. Whotesais prices. Rsgisîersd Dîsrbutor, (416) 338-2422. MORTGAGES Home squlty boans. Fast cîosings. Low rates. Applicat ion by phone. No quallfyîng hassies. Pay bis. Home renovations. Cal Intransîcon Financlal Group. ToI-res 1-800-268-1429 anylime. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as $100. BMWs, Cadiiiacs, Chavs, Fords, Mercedes, Poraches, trucks, vans. Amazing details reveaied 1-416- 482-3000 extension V101. BUSINESS SERVICÉS GOVERNMVENT WZRANTS, LOANS & assistance programas (Faderai & Provincial) for your new or existing small business. Information (514) 937- 2422 ext. 98. AMAZING GOVERNMENT GRANTS (re money) monthiy benetits and low interesi fessier credit) lbans reveaisd. Canadian residents oniy. Business or personal detaits axplained 1-416- 482-3000 extension M101. MUSIC LESSONS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy msihod. Guaranîeed! FREE information. Write: Poputar Music, Studio -(131),.1031054 Etîs, Keowna, B.C. V1Y Zi. HELP WAN1TID We nssd y ou 10 ssii toys & gifis orC & M Gifîs. NO INV ESTMENT, NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Calif519-258-7905 or fax-519-258- 0707 for ires mbf. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES» PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaiîabitity. For information on boih wriîe: Properties, Depi. CN, Box 5380, Sin F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. SWIMMING POOLS POOLS POOLS POOLS. lnground pool kils. Do ti yourssti «SAVE THOUSANDS.' Brand name, ail sîzes, limiied quantifies. Phons 705-721-1206 day. 705-722-8815 nighi. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Used Sotar Eiectric Panels, $300 - $340, lmiled quanîtiies. Wind Generators. Inverlars, Accessorles. Cali Tol-fîse 1-800-667-6527 for complete catalogue. Sollsk Soier Ensrgy, 92F - 745 Vanaiman, Vitoris, B.C. VOZ 3B6. FOR SALE GASBOOSTER. 'SAVE MONEY. Improve mlsage for car/truck. Up f0 20%. Simple tooi- res instalfation. Money back guarantes. $39.95 plus $4.95 S & H. To ordsr: 1-800-661-8106.> TORONTO ACCOMMODATIONS Ailordable Toronto overnight accommodations. Non-smoking dormitory $14.50/night. Marigold Hosiel 2011 Dundas Street West, Toronto MGR 1W7. Open daîly 7 pm. (416) 536-8824 loi brochurs. (Save this ad). RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COAC HMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, hardlop Ioldown, fifih-wheel, iravsl, park models, iruckcampers-caps, Fibrsiine & Ler Fibregiass & Aiumlnum truck caps. Paris-Service for most makes incîuding Bonair-Llonsi-L extra, Royal Traiier & R.V. Centre in Tevioldais, Ont. 1-519- 3.3-2122. Vour ad cOutd appear ln communîty newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada or any indîvidual province. Space Is Ltmited, so Cali This'.Newspaper Todayt BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wider market, advedlise thmoughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Communiiy Newspaper Associations Centrai Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - Alu Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 wor-dsý- Ail Canada 572 newspapais - $974 for 25 words For further Information please cal! the Whttby Free Press Cîassifieds - 668-0594 Serving the area for 32 years. Whe!her buying or seIling, give me a oeil. SENIORS! Don't forget we have somnething in common. 668-3800 -571-3800 *Deck»* Interlcklng Stone Fences . anecplng Grenwod Gardening & Maintenance Caîl us how and Save Up-to 110%/ on your seasonal gmass cuttlng contmact. (416) 7219496 Deek Dutka- Specializing in tax & rtirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT.1 ~,The Mutw.iJ Grotip HEB TRAN 725-6>564' M Hand Crafted Porcelain Doils, Classes, Green Ware and Doit Supplies at... The Doli Sho pe 1621 McEwen Dr., WhiLt 723-6377 -LANDSCAPING- by EUNI VERSITY WERKS -since 1 9W0- QualÃŽty Construction & E Professional Desigmn E - Interlocking Brick Drives, Patios, Walks à -Retaining WalIs- - Wood Fencing - Wood Decks M ~Free Competitve Est/mates 666-9690 DANNY'S GENERAIL CONTRACTORS Waterproofing Wet, Ieaky. damp basements made dry permanently from inside and out Cracks Repatmd -Generai Repas Ca uIng Compete Renovatlons Chlmney Flashings Repairedor Replaced FREE ESTIMATES 666-2827 Dan O'Lea M - 9PAY LESS DECKS & FENCES* *Post Hole Drilling - $3.50 per *Post Setting - From $21 oach *Deck Spocial - $6.50 sq. ft. complote Free estimates 427m9524 SINLEDeU *Free estimates Top quallty drlveway sealer (hà additives) eRock bottom prices. '571'-5979ý Feefroe toctcoicrWt B&D Fen'cinqi S& Decks,. *Work Guaranteed Gardon ShedsI *ePost Set Fonces starting at under'$12 per foot * $7.25 square foiot, inlue * * railing and one set of steps * PO E 668-7951 Tolfeegr1-416-559-6703J We elverfler 66-61 HQU$..P.T......N. LICENSED 'BDNDED *INSURED "Leave your cares at home- W/tii us.' CUSTOM HOME-WATCH NTERNATIONAL p. A a a la, a a 0 a-ira r- à-% HHIFS - ANNUITIES UmhommmmLz-" &ýj m numuma 0 1 Li e t Z Ire-* 'dr Ar J,

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