Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 8

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PAGES8, WUMFY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1992 *hiby usies Committee for training, annual.meetingMay 2 Durham ,Région Action Committee for Traing (ACT)ý will hold the sixth aul general meeting >at Cullen Gardens, Whitby, on Wednesdey, 'May 27. Oshawa, Mayor Nancy Diathond will be guest speaker. A cash 'bar is available' fromn 11:30 a.m., and the meeting, wntih a compimentary- lunch, will commence et noon. During thé 1991/92 fiscal yeer, ACT has provided .training for:- approimately 2,150 exnployed.-- and unemployed. individuels in' DurhamRegion. in its drive towards building a training. culture in Durham Region, .ACT, bas .initieteda number cf industriel * sectoral sub-com mittees ý..and bahs developed innovative initiatives including .àa ,first-ofeits-ljd multi-skIlled worker certificete for fýont,-line workçers,. seminars fo eirand '-middle managers, and multi-course : certificate .prograe. I ail, ACDT bas offered,96 courses in a brodad nge cf program àskill', *areas, and bas spnt * 2.5 million in, delvering DurhamCilege- was awarded 75 per cent of' the training dollars, wbile the other, 25 per cent went to privete sector delivery agencies, that were awarded courses based on a tendering: p roces8 which involved a' fopr-layer commite. pproval. structure. ACT je one of 57 community' industriel training committees that operete'in Ontario and are fudd bobth the federel and' provincial governiments. Tlhose1 interested in attending the annual generel meeting should contact the office of Durham Region ACT et (416) 430-8511. .... ... ......n............ .. .... .... .. . . . . . . The Canadian- .Sanitetion Supply Association sy the first recipient cf. the CSSA7 Environ- mental Citizenship Award' is Swish Maintenance Liinited of Peterborough. The femily-owned business is. involved in the manufacture and distribution of saniteiy supply products 'with offices e nd werehouses in 10 Ontario'cities, including Wbitby, and' Burlington, Vermont. The new awerd was inspired by Environment Cenada's soon- to-be-announced Canedian Environniental Citizensbip Progrem, a program designed to promote the concept of 'renvironmentel citizensbip' by inczeasing awereness cf environ- mental issues, end encouraging Canadiens to teke responsibility fortheir surroundings. The association says Tony Ambler, president cf. Swish, is showing a. strong commitment to the environment by edopting the folowing practices: 9. initieting ,A total life cycle audit cf theirproducts from credle te, grave; 0 constructing a 35,000 sq. ft. stert-of-the-ert menufacturing and distribution centre in Peterborough with specific safe- guards for the environment and the heelth cf their employees; a reducing plant cardboard by 80 per cent;, *purchasing raw meteriels, where possible, in, .returnable totes. Drums, if used, are returned te the manufacturer or are reused in a compatible manufectured product; a reducing discharge by over 50 per cent by recydling weshouts ,from mixi*ng vessels back into a compatible batcb, and monitoring ail discharge ta, comply with MISA reguletio6ns; 0 instituting a returneble pail policy with their customers by uigtheir own vebicles and eiiating the need for any pails to go to landfill. Pails are then sent back ta, the pail manufacturer, *using only pails containing e minmu content cf 25 per cent poot-consumer regrind'; * leeve-lebelling the mA.jority cf their pails thus elimineting cross-peckaging contaminants for recycling and reuse, and are fully removable. This encourages the end-user te reuse the pail; 0 using only cardboerd shippers manufectured with a minimum cf 90 par cent recycled content; -and- 0 uing returnable carboys for'- certain producti. In manufacturing products for use in today's environment, Swish is: *.currently engeged in extensive biodegradation research and development, investigating raw materials. using OECD guidelines cf biodegradetion; *eliminating formldehde in ail formulations; 0 introducing a zinc-free floor finish tbat does net contain toxic dibutly phtbalate -- a volatile organic compound thet leeds to thé creation c f- ground smog -- and, al phenoic substances tbat are known te contaminete the water system. 1Swish bas been instrumental in educating their customers through environmentel seminars, and actively seeks out1 and promotes. products thet are sefe to the environment, says the association. The OSSA represents close to 400 compani*es involved in the manufacture and distrbution cf senitary maintenance products acrosCanada.,* 'Fun in the Sun' will be' the theme of the next 'Business After Heurs' held by the Whitby Chamber cf Comimerce. on Wed- nesday, May 27. Chamber members -are being encouraged to wear shorts swimn- wear or sports clothiýng. Àfs- ion show wiil be held uring the evening. Starting et 5' -p.m., tbere will be a seminar about the chm- ber's group insurazuce plan. Fol- lowing the seminar at about 5:30 p.m., exhibitar ýboths will be open. DATE: lIME: PLACE: ADVANCE- REGISTRATION: OOST:. CO-SPONSORS: DIL WALTER Ingwerýseni,"'head of meclicinea t MacKay Anltnail*.Clinie showsôsme of the instru- mente used ýt the ciie cto viisitore a ttending1 the May 2 open hiouse for the -clinic's 35th an-nivere- ary. Photo byMbarlo Boucher, Whitby Fr.. Promu Summer, Start" employment'for y Out h The YMCA Youth Employrnent service cf ,Durbarn iRegion ennounces the return cf a summer Poe~ for orerly known as W Wit Wor Oientatio> n ýýWrlcshop (WOW) bas changed its name-te 1'Summer Start.' Suminer Start is a YMCA program designed te provid a positive sme experience cf parsonel develop- ment and empîcyment for youth aged 14 ta 16. Funded tbrough Canada Empîcyment and -Immigration Comimission, youth ceix earn up ta $850. Anyone wisbing te know about Summer, Start can, ceilGemr Waltan or Jon Lake et (416) 427-7670. 'Learnin'e play for kids By Marie, Boucher A new nursery program 'in Whitby concentrates on the fun cf learning for 3- and 4-year-old children. Lynda LeS offers a Child's Play- Nurse Pogram in ber borne in westWhitby. She separates the nursery info several different-'ýcentres;» such as kitchen, play room, doctar's office, restaurant, hairstyling place or other types to, help make cbildreii, feel part cf a specific environmet .Lee is an, education teacher ý"with. five years experience in- daycareand two years in nursery séhool. Shie started the program. last September and is looking to expand it into the afternoons and a co9ple more' mornings. ieesays her pirogram is effec- tive becaiuse it llows chidren to, ild en. - u t eirfeeling and emotionsina' omfrtbl evrnent, .witba"professional MTils form cf -play helps chil- dren develop, an understanding cf, their world as -well as an ebility te cope with, their envmrnrnent.» Leesays the childrenbave free glay with p -doug crats'aciec ndmath.' There sa.circle timein.whicb, the cbildren 'singsonge; ýdocrea- tive drameas and participate in discussions., 'Wbenever..the weather Per- mits, children'learn moter skills with- activities ranging fromn .throwingand cetching a bail to' an obstacle Course. oi qu pîi;q .et*l Âilz u., MAY 21, 1992 7:00 p.m. - 10*00 p.m. Town of Whitby Municipal Builcing Councli Chamber 575 Rossiand Foad East Whitby. Ontario, (416) 668-5803 ext 206 $20.00 per pemon at Mt door Tomn cf Whity Economic Developrnent Department and the Mnistry of Industry, T"ad & Technology M Ni MIDLAND WALwYN, INVESTMENT STRATEGY BOOKLET Spring 1992 Where are the best places to have you.r money invested for the balance of 1992? Where are interest rates going from here? What stocks or bonds should you own? Do you currently own stocks or bonds, or are you thinking about investing? Our latest Investment Strategy Booklet wil help you make the rîght investment decision. Simply retun the coupon below or cail1 us directly at 576-1726. Investment Strategy9 E 1 Booklet 1 Name I Acidress 7Cityj 1Province Posta CodeI 1__Phone_(Home)_(Business)I Phonei(Home Midiand WaiwynI 150 Richmond Street East, Unit #16, Oshawa, Ontario L1 G MC CORPORATION 0F THE' ... ... TOWN 0F WHITBY STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS SEMINAR

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