Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1992, p. 13

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WT-TITPRV WR1'I~'. ppi~ç~.q WRfll'WRflAV MAV 97 1999 PA(~R v~ busmnessnewsi Ten ways flot to get ripped off by 'yo ur a nswering serv ice Brent 'Briathwaite, owner/ systemas manager of Whitby's A & L. Answering Service,' has an important message for business owners in Durhami Region: MDon't get ripped, off by your answering service." According to Brathwaite, there, are at least. ton ways that iananswering service can rip you off, and he bas.found. out; the biard ýWay - he bas loet'sales or -profits on each of the following tbings. Your. firat impression of an answering service. represents the 1'quality and leVel of the best service-youI'lever get from them. 'Did you.. get immediate information on service or prices, or did you'bave to wait for a decision-maker to cal you back? If you waited for a call-back, you know that tbe service's operators will not be helpful to your customers, either., Were you put on hold? If so, it's very, probable that your customers 'wýI be listening to tbe' same musia you were. Get three references. Answering services rarely give out references. If tbey do, tbey are seldom from businesses in the sanie field as you. Ask your service for tbree references from competitive businesses to you. That way, youll know how well tbe service understands and services your ind of business. Get to know the owner. Some owners are wbat Bratbwaite describes as "the invisible man." You can deal with tbe company for years and tbe owner neyer takes enougb interest1 in you to corne and see -you.-You neverknow whetber the owner understands your business, se, you neyer know how nimucb better the service could be if tbey did. Make sure your service conmmunicates with you. Answering services are commnunications professionals. Communication is tbeir business, se tbey know about tbe latest tecbnology and tecbniques affecting it. Do tbey tell you about devlopments through a regular newsletter? If not, they aren't really doing tbe ir job as a valuable member of your business teamn. Your service sbould aise, find ouf; what your needs are, and how they change over- time, by a regular srurvey. If not, they will bave a mucit more diffi¶cult time meeting your needs. Fnlyyour service should say 'takyou' by giveaWays such as free air time, free service or even free trips. Customer service. DOs your service cali you» at regular intervals to find. out; how well (or poorly) tbey are doing at serving you?, Do they send you thank you notes? If not, perhapa you just aren't important to them. Staff turnover'- is it ýhigh? Does your answeri ng service compensate its employees well? Does it* show. tbem bo* to, take opportunities for g rowtb, and creativity in'the business? If not, tben tbey probably bave high turnover of staff.- And, that means that their staff are treating our customers in a way that dcoesn't reflect your commitment to superior service. Try before you buy.' A good answering service bas notbing to lose and everyhing ta gain by allowingyouttry out tbeirservices . (telephone answering, paging, etc.) for free, before you buy tbem. If your service won't offeryoa free trial, ask yourself "wb?u Buy service, not size. When. evaluating answering services, remember tbat another small business is 'muchbebtter able to understand the needs that you, as a ernail business owner, bave. A large service is apt -th treat you just as fi number, not as an integral part of tbeir business. In conclusion.. By foIlowing Brathwaites advice and asking potential answering services about- these ton tbings, you have a much botter chance of finding a service that will meet your needs. And, you are lese likely ta get 'ripped off.' >Why you won't find ,-Zeller'sÈr, K-Mart in the Yellow Pages It won't ho long before you're asked. to renew your ad in the Yellow Pages - but does it work the way they sayit does? Certainly if you're in'a busineds in wbich your services are required' on only an occasional basis, then directory advertising like the Yel low Pages niakes sense, but if you seli thingu, that people shop for regularly or buy compulslveély, then your marketing shouldbe reaching tbem before they reach for the Yellow Pages. That's why none of the big merchandisers like Sears, Eaton's, Canadian Tire etc. spend any money there. Their. promotions are aimed at getting people BIG 'in their*, stores NOW. To, do titis they concentrate their advertising dollars, on more* immediate advertising methods like newspapers, radio and TV. Such strategies can be used- effectively' by smaller companies just as well. Hundreds of Whitby companles -spend more ~ ~ co thnagad C er the Yellow Pages. In many cases that sanie money cud b spent more productively getting people into their businesses before they reach for the Yellow Pages where the competition bas just as good a presentation and it's rigbt beside their own. Or they might just buy it at Zeller's or K-Mart first. Whien you uVaain Jnjobs anda srne economy EVERY TIME YOU GO SHOPPING, YOU'VE GOT CHOICES TO MAKE AND DECISIONS TO REACH.4 CERTAINLY, YOU SHOULD COMPARE PRICE AND, QUALiTY. THEN, TAKE A MINUTE TO THINK ABOUTý CANADA.*4 BECAUSE WHEN YOU BUY A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT OR SERVICE, OR SHOP IN A CANADIAN STORE... THERE'ilS A PAYBACK. 4 IN CANADIAN JOBS AND A STRONGER ECONOMY. 4*CANADA. BUY INTO IT. ý4 Competing successfully in the office-furniture market demands high quality and competitive pricing. Canadian companies provide both, which would explain why they export more than $300 million worth of office furnishings annually.' V Canada's recreational watercraft builders experienced some rough sailing during the recession. But with better times ahead and better products on the market, the future looks a lot brighter. That's good news for boating enthusiasts and the 3,000 Canadians who work in this $300 million industry. >It may look simply like footwear to you, but its part of à'* $1.5 billion industry that employs more than 12,000 people. ........... -- 1 ýl*>ý ",- t ',%,' 1.1 ý 'ý l»,;,ýe WMMY PREE PRESS. VEDNESDAY. MAY 27.1992. PAGE 13

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