Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1992, p. 15

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WHJTBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1992, PAGE 16 business news Fnnilplann foueldin Whitby In response ta concerns of customhers about tho economic environment aànd tho need ta plan for an uncertain future, TD Inveetment Manageen sponséred a :financiai, planning forum ýon Mày '26 atLéeGala banqut hall, Whitby. Th. ormfee of charge, featured remarks by leading ec .onomist Dr. Douglas D. Peter, tex, expert Alan M. Dewling -and, senior Vice p& resident of TD's Onitaiio oast division, T. Richard T.rpvQr. Bardens, More confidence. needed In theý past month, Ontario has opened the current session of Parliament with. the Speech from the Throne, 'and, the NDP budget for Ontario has been prosented. Ch g=rdnî te hone speech, lot me saythat the hIMtby ChamerofCommerce will continue Wo fight for a, changed perspective to -the Labour Relations Roform Act that will ho effectivein job 'creation strategies and that will offer incentives for emall busin's and the manufacturing ector, thus creating a confident environmient. In regard to the budget, the governinent believes that new jobs will be created, despite the 'fact that a surtax has been added to icornes of niiddle-class working people. The motivation of job création is necessary and politically sound but, unfortunately, y ou can almost see longer lineups at unemployment offices because the govenment has faled. to build real business confidence. Recently, the governmont relations conirittee, of the chamber addressed the ministers of OTAB (Ontario Training Ajustment Board). Attending the OTAR meetings has raised sorne concerns for me. I support the need to have a solid and stable training prograin and the need to revitalize Ontario's training system for the nineties. However, I feel that the government must do it right. .Thé composition of the local board (LTAB) must ho representative of the entire Ontario labour force. There is a neod for more representation-from sinall business, the service, sector and non-unionized workers. The Ontario workforce is made up of' 70 peor cent non-union workers and 30 per cent union workets. LTA neods to botter reflect these proportions. There-is no doubt in my mind that business and labour must each play a part in the running of the training programi. They need ta work together and support the retraining programis. But, based on the percontago makoup of the workplace, I feel that business leaders should be 'driving the bus! 1hey require better- than-equal representation on the board. Small business, entrepreneurs and the self-employed are most likely ta show emaploymont growth ini the ninetios. Jobs will ho generated and wo will need trained workers and business owners. I hope ta have your chamber represented on the LTAB when the business representatives are picked for our area. This would be one more way that the chamber supports its members. 209 Dundas St. E. Pl ---Ufi- *Suite 201, Whitby s" i1 OPEN to the PUBLIC MON. - FR. 10:00 TO 8:00 SATIJRDAY 10:00 TO 6:00 CONSERVE PAPER!. Be environmént ftiendly Complote 386 DX/33 Systom' Inci: 105 Mb Hard Drive 2 Mb Ram MS DOS 5.0 Mouse and pad VGA Colour Monitor $ :1349-0 1501 HOPIKIN ST. (416) 430-8081 WH ITBY '430-0 7950 Davies, in addition ta investme 1nt expert Mark 'Wettlaufer, managing -director-of T Invostment Manu.gomont. .According ta, Wettlaufer, the forum, focused on the need for. fnnalplanning, in' an era of government cutbaclcs and ocono- mie uncertainty and roviowed eoients of planning (including planning for- emergoncies rotiremont and tax planning ana famniliarization with ,invostmoent options). Ail these, concepts .Were. oxplored thiough speeches -and a müulti-media presentationl' as well as'a question-and-answer period. E.veryone,;ag1rees where arbagéý shoulId not g. Agreeing on wheregarbageshould, go- is much more difficuit. Thedýreater Toronto Area needs three new la'ndfill sites. And soon, a long ist of possible locations will be annou nced by.the lnterim Waste Authority IWA>. The IWA is looking for one site'in each of the Regional Municipalities of Peel,,Durham, and the combined areas of Metropolitan Toronto and the Regional Municipality of York. Over the pas t few months, the IWA has worked with the public to determine the criteria that will be used to select the long listof candidate, sites. However, while this Iist is an important step, il is not the final one. In about three months lime, the list will be shortened to a few potential sites and next year, one preferred site in'each area will be selected. Many more difficuit decisions need to be-made to shorten the long list and make the final selection. The public has an important role in helping to make those hard choices.i Your input is irnpotantto the site selection process. For more information on how you can get involved, caîl the Public Information Off ice in your area. Interlîn Waste Authority Limlted Office provisoire de sélection de lieux d'élimination des déchets Ltée. Peel: 1-800-361-5448 The toil free numbers are: Metro/York: 1-800-463-84841 Duffham: 1-800-661-9294 WAREHOUSEJ Put*dbMMiWd lhrd Itlé làËdfdl !Sltégêàt.btf pýôcess,

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