PAGE 28, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1992 ONE, COMPLETELY fumishsd roam for rent by mature individual. Asking $389 a month' which inludeés heat, hydra, cable & laundry facilities. Phone 666-5288, 436-0909.. CLEAN,, LARGE roam ln air canditioned home, Whitbynéar Ajax. lasta. alfacilities. $200/month. 430-7022. BA8EMENT' ROOM for rent. Furnlshed, private washroom, use cf laundry. On tawn bus route. Cisan, comfortable, and quiet. 668-8343. NICE, QUIET MOTEL roams for rent near Brooklin. $175 weekly. oeil 655-5308. ROOM FOR RENT- Share kitchsn, leundry, bathraom. New hause, ThicksorvManning. erea. $100 wsskly. 666-0200. BRIGHT9 FURNISHED ROOM ln nswsr home. Use of facilities. Femele prefsrred. Avaleable June 1. $90/Wsek. Oel 430-8740. UNFURNISHED ROOM -,*ith bath, kitchenette, Iaundry facilities in, quiet Whitby, home. $380! monthi. 430-0267. BROOKUN - JUNE 8. Living room/bodroomat-hroam comb?. nation. Shared kitchen and iaundry. Furnished. Air, cable, telsp hans jack. Single persan. $90Iweek. 655-4640or 655-4951. 2-BEDROOM basement apart- ment. Separate entrance, laundry, 4p.bathroom. 'Narth WhRtb. Utlities inciuded. Available June 1. $750/month. 430-1972. MUST BE SEENI Spaciaus, brlght & clean, 3 bedraom, central Whitby. Broadioam throughout, covered parking. Reduced ta $825/month. Available June 1 or Juiy 1. Alsa, large- 1 bedroom, g round level, including utilties. $685/month. Avalable Aug. t COel naw, 668-4643. ONE &, TWO BEDROOM japartmsnts. Frldgs, stave. Near GO-5 station. Good. location. $605 and $679, *Inclusive. 263-4104. WHITBY, VERY CLEAN ane- bedroam apartment availebîs lmmediateiy an Juns 1t $495 manthly, aHI nclusive. Apply at 110 Victaria St. W., Apt. #5.. 666-0271, 728-2969. 1 BEDROOM APT. in 6-plex. Frîdge, stove, 4-pc. bath. Suitable for ans p orson. Brook St. N., Whby. $40/manth + hydra, negatiable. First & lest required. 623-4782 or 668-3038. ANTIQUE ýLOVERS 'ONLYI Anne, of Green Gables csntwy home, centrai, Oshawa, updated, fresh paint. Quiet street,ý close to churches, soliocîs, s hopping. $995/month +, utltes. Smai pets welcome. 721-0919. Lsavs message pleese. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, centrally lacated 16 Whitby. Aveilable June 1. Rent includes hydra, f irst & lest + references. No pets. 668-6901. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, garage, large' lot, quilet Street. $1,000 + utilities. Julyl 668-7914. BEAUTIFUL -4-ACRE hardwaod estate lot. Ysar-raDund plawed road Hydro -and- telephane avallable et. raad. $39,900. AIl. psrmits- aval- able. 668-5272. WANTED TO RIENT naw tili October, weskends anly - Weskender boat' ai slip, smal cottage or- treilor ln park. Respansible non-smakss ea pople. Want a goddeai. Kawatha, Trent'. Anytime, 432-5348. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IrS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CAIL, ONE BILL MOES IT AIL. CAREER TRAINING -LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwastern Ontario Schoat of Auctioneîng. Next class: Juty 11-17. Information, contact: Soufhwestern Ontario Schoi aofAuctloneering, R.R.415. Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. STEEL BUILDINGS. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Staal StraItwalI Type - flot quonsal - ?2x54 $7344; 40x72 $1 0,276; 50x90 $15.882; ,60x126 $22,972 - other sîzes avallable .Sprlhg Clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800-263-8499. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU'LL EVER NEED. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS la the racognlzed leader ln aff ordable, top quality, Arch Style Steel Building. Why pay more? Oalil 1-800- 668-8653. BUILD A BETTER BUILDING - Ontario Manuacturer DIRECT ..Many sîzes and types avaltabte. Ex: 40 x 60 VALUE $8.684. NOW $6.696. ERECTED - SAVE $1,988 - flot Inctudling foundatton. 'IF PRICE IS NO OBJECT. WHY NOT SPENO A LITTLE LESS» Cati Pioneer 1-800-668-6422. Firstiln buildings sînce 1980. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Compote Pra-engtneered AI/Steel and Wood/Steal buildings, OSA & CWB certtted. Self-erected wtth confîacting avattable. Cati today for f ree brochures. 1-800-561-2200. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOMEI Grow battworms ln your basement or garage. Odorless operatlon. Low invastment.* Market guaranteedi Free Information. Earty Bird Ec otogy, R.R. #l. Smilhville, Ontario. LOR 2AO. (416) 643-4252. EARN UP TO $4.000+ PER MONTH wilh a computer worktrtg Irom your home In a ravolutlonary Information processlng business. Fuîltrtaining. Cati Technithon 1 - (204) - 489- 6317. HELP WANTED We nead ou to salI toys & gits for C & M GdIe. NO INVÃSTM ENT. NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Cati 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 for friee tnto. VACATIOINÃŽTRAVEL RENT: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS. minutes tiom Disney. Epcot, Sea Wortd, golf, shopping, f ulIy equipped. 2 bat ha. Iaundry. haated pool, spa, tennis. 1 hr. Busch Gardons. Weekty/Monthty. <613) 646-2030. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY WORI< WORLD. CANADAS LARGEST FRANOHISED WORK il CASUALWEAR RETAILER - 150 STORES STRONG. Aiea franchise now avattabte. Comprehensive training and support. Souhaîn Ont.: (416) 238-6317 ýhone< 416) 238-8959 fax. Northern Ont.: <705) 89-6797 phone/lax. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS. haîdtop fotdown, ffth-wheet, frayaI. park modela, truckcampers-caps, Fibrelina & Leer Fîbregiesa & Aiuminum truck caps.. Paris-Service for most makea tnctuding Bonatr-LIonoi-Lextra, Royal Trailer & R.V. Centra ln Teviotdaie, Ont. 1-519. 343-2122. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federet & Provincial) for your new or extsting amati business. Information (514) 937- 2422 ext. 98. AMAZING GOVERNMENT GRANTS (f ree money> mont hiy benefif aend low Inferest easier credif) loana reveatad. Canadien reaident s oniy. Business or personat detalfa expiained 1-416- 482-3000 extension M01. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Cîown Land avaiiabiiity. For Information on bath wrIte: Properties, DepI. CN, Box 5380, Sf n'F. Ottawa, K20 3J1. FOR SALE Used Sotar Eiectrtc Panels, $300 - $340. imted quantIias. Wtnd Generafors, Inverters, Accessortes. Oeil Toi-fiee 1-800-667-6527 for compfate catalogue. SoIfek Sotar Energy, #2F- 745 Vanalman, Victoria, BOC. V8Z 3B6. ELECTRO FREEZE soit Ice creem, yogurt and stush machines. Excellent qualty and compeftttve prices. tnteresfed in aarntng pieastng profits? Oeil us et 1-800-465-9721. SOREEN HOUSES AND SOREEN ROOMS - SAVE - buy direct from manufacturer. AsIf about aur Earty BIrd Installation Spaciai. Cati for brochure 1-800-377-8331 Dako Hardware Producta frc. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE' GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHIOLES U.S. and Canadien tow as $100. BMWs, Cadifiaca, Cheva, Fords. Mercedes, Porsches,- trucks, vans. Amazing datait s reveatad 1-416- 482-3000 extension ViOl.. SCAREER TRAINING - TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake. dangerous gooda, dafansîve drivtng. log book and border crossing. Rodgars Schoot, Ontarlo's oldeaf. Cati 1-800-668-0031. PERSONAL UNCONTESTED DIVORCE compteted in thre <3) MONTHS for ONLY$99.00 plus cost,J.R. Campbell (416) 236-4373. REAL ESTATE HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS RESTAURANT 500' shoretîne, 3 cottages, excellant return, apaîlment, very buay location, iicansed, beaufif ut lot. Wall laid oui and decorated. Bill Payne RE. Ltd. Minden 705-286-3124. IBLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" ITo reach a wder maket, advei-ise truhu the reional membershp of the I ~Ontario and Canadian CommntyNwspaper Associations ICentrai Ontario 55 newapapers - $160 for 25 words - Ait Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 wordsAil Canada 572 newspaprs - $974 for 25 words For further information please cai the Whltby Free Press Ciassifieds - 668-0594 Qu!!Yoen*h15dlW o» Inmd Buuhîe - Badirmoms e Ktctiens aCustom ttri -Docks - Gazebos - Additions*, etc. Zmuents Co'm n-65.4418 *camrpy, PAY LESS DECKS & FENCES *Post Hole Drilling - $3.50 per *Post Sstting - From $21 oach *Dock Spoclai - $6.50 sq. ft. complets Fr.. estimates 427-9524' BIL cQEE J.W.N. McQUEEN ENTERPRISES INC. How Ki>RovEP&Nts CUSTOM WVOOD DECKS Hand Crafted Porcelain Doils, Classes, Green Ware and Doil Supplies aL. The Doli Shoppe 1621 McEwen'Dr., Whitby 723-6377- Derek Dutka Specaliingin tax & retirement. planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. e -scia CoIJteI' 727BPEzyDRvEEnegy eaicient windows reduoe draftsand icre asewmli * * ,-GETA REBATE OF$5.OO PER SQUAREFOMR i fi utectuiO.A heunla elds LANDSCAPING i by - Finmncng Avalablo.- MUNI VERSITY WERKS -sinca 1980- QuaIty Construction & Professional Design lntertoctdng Brick Drives, Patios, Walks -Retaining Walts Wood Fencing Wood Docks Ww awii.nuIot mut - your avey nuegd. W. art à Froel Competiive Est/mates -.~ hm improvimen: 666-9690 au Sorving the aiea for 32,yeaà rs.Whether buying or selling, g vo me a oeil. SENIORSI Don't forgetwe hâave something in common., 668-3800 e57113800, iGreenwood Gardening & Mainten ance. /- -LAWN MAIN-TENANCE x--- ( FREIE ESTIMATES j.ý - RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCAL LANDSCAPING * RIMMINGO Cal us how and, save 1Up to 10% on, yoùr seasonal grass cuttlng-contraci.- (416) 7-21U'9496 GENERAL. CONTRACTORS Quality Generai Repairs and Gompete Renovations KITCHENS BATHROOMS GAZEBOS DECKS SKYLITES . FRENCH DOORS' WATERPROOFING Caîl Now For A Fr.. Estîmate. 666-2827 fBiD Fencing Decks -Gardon Shods 30_7oontak Fonces starting at adiantae -Uh under $12 per foot angla alvup Docks start atI on prng miliaios. $7.25 square foot, includes. Ce eat w's1~wronL railing and ans set of stops IOBrocSt S. PHONE 668-7951.I viSy ChabertCmmsere ToII-fiee pager 1-41 6-559-6703~