Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WHITYFRMU PRESS, WDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1992 WticRTCHAR LINICs The. YorkMlurham Region,. of the Ontario March of Dimes and Doncaster Home Health Caro Centre wl, host two wheelchair clinica in June, in support of National Accesa Awareness Week, June 1 to 7. Ib. Oshawa clinic will b. held on Saturday, June 6 at the Oshawa Centre, Il a.m. to 4 pm. Doncaster wil provide fre. cleaning and minor repairs to wheelchairs, and give cost. estimaiteu for- mqjçruPira Refrealiments will b.ervdMFo mme iformat--- ii, eil the March- of fmes office at 853-0388 or 434-6280. YARD SALE Emmanuel Christian School, 849 Rssland Rd. W., Oshawa will hold-their annual sprjing yard sale on Saturday, Jaine 6 8 a.m. te '3 p.m. There will Ube furniture, clothing, lants, knick- knacks, etc.. A bar ueluc wiil b. served. Proceeds to'Chris- tian education. EPILEPSYDURHA4M E1fieps DuhamRegion wil hol Lts- monthly meeting on *Tuesday, Jane 9, 7 p.m., a t the Kinsmen comdmunity centre 109 Coibomne St. W., Oshawa. ¶fax- *ily'Night' wlll include clowns, magic show, face-paintingn- ma balloons, 'Oàhawa-Whitby Old Time Fidâll. Club. Call 43à! 3152. This is the lest meeting of the season until September. PANCAXE BREAKFAST The. Brooldin scouts will hold a panake breakfht and bake sale at .the Broklin Comrnunityr Centre (Cassels R&., easlt of Hwy 12) on Sunday, Jâme 7, 8.-30 a. te noon. Ail are welcome. *Proceeda wiil benefit the scouting *program iniBraoklin. LIVING WITH CANCER Ile Living With Cancer Sup- port Group *il meet on Monday, June 8, 7 te,9p.m., at the Ajax Crcket Club, cornerof Clements more information caîl 686-1516. Â.QUAPIUM SOCIETY The Durham Reagion Ateiam Society w*il myeet on Tesday Jane 9 8prn. thecàfeteriaoi RS cLughIlColegiate, 570 Stevenson M. For more informa- tion cail Wayne at 725-7911 or * ly Fisherat 686-7368. 1"$ A PART * Ail are welcomne te attend the *25th anversary clebration of the. Robert MLugun..Gallery on Sunday, Jupie 7, 2 te 3:30 p-. Featured wiil b. the. Music cf 'The. Jazz Cats? and 'Fascination,1 *tagether with magfician, the Gret Brandini . Bring a lawn chair. LKAMEBS LUNCHEON Preston Mfanning, leader cf the. RefomParty cf Canada, Winl attend a leaders luncheon on June10 at noon, at Mill Run Golf and Country Club,, Uxbridg. Party members and the. public are welcome.' Tickets are $25 per person and rnay b. purchasedby clig 655-3408, 55806 987-2214. DURHAM AVICULTURAL SOClETY Theb Durham .Avicultural *Society wil hold a meeting and yung bird sehow on Tuesday, rune 9, 730, pan, at Pickering HlEgh School cafeteria (Church St. north of Hwy 2). For information *calDale at 683-50381. NEWCOMERS CLUB lb. Newcomersa Club cf Osh- awa-Whitbyll iold 'their annuaiptluckUdner and sulent auction on TuesdayJune 9, 6:30 p.m. at te. rigle Creek Co-op n * hy. Women new te tQu. area are weloe. For more in- formation caîl Information Osh- *awa at 434-4636 or Information *Whitby at 668-0552. MWACHINE KNYITERS Oshawa Machine> Knitters Guild will hold 'a eeting on *Tuesday, Jane 9ï 7 p.m., at R&J. PhilliPsNublic- scioël 625 Sum- coeSI.V (t Rossland), Oshawa. New members are. welcome, iiand-knitters or machine-knlt- ters. «Magie cables' will b. demnonstrated. For more informa- tion çalU. . eggy Royal at 576- MODS BENEFJT'ONE PARENT FAMIES, Th. AIDS Committe. -cf lb. North Oshawa chapter, Durham will. launch a « Red One Par.nt Families Asoiation ]Rlbbon'campag at the. Dance. will 'meet on June 10, 8.m., at 0 wyAr Z enefit produced Christ Church, Mary and a ndl pef ed iysuet at Hiicroft streétsý, Oshawa. Guest j'e >CV on" June ý9 at 7:30 speaker wiil b. Gary Challice cf p.m. Tickets are *5 and are Architetural Plus, an avid available at the AflJS Committe. obystapekng on one c i office >at 78 Shncoe'S9. N. For fvurtKobies. New memibers more information, oeil 723-8201. and guests are welcome. For information, oeil 668-7579 or 434-3687. <JMf AID.COURMS FOR CHIDEEN ý A summer spcal wiil b. held by St. John Amuance, 1517 Dundas St. E., Whitby' on emergew yfirstad for ldds (aged 10 te .14), for two daqat$4 each, or $80 for tw eewil also b. courses available that will educate thase aged 2 te 18 on pýoer roedueswhen dealing also available, for aduits. Cail ,668-9006 or 668-4159 for more information. BRUNCH Women's Growth Ministry will hold a brunch on Saturday, June 6, 9:30 a.m. te noon at Community Pentecastal Church, 416 Taunton Rd.L W., OshWa. Th. tepic will b. the. teaching series, 'Th. Women in Jesus' Life,' and guest speaker wiU b. Gaetane Lecours Marshail. Admission is $5. For more information or tickets, calI 433-2964. The Head Injuiy Association of Durham Region will- hold the. annual general meeting on Wednesday, Jane 10, 7:30 p.m., at Cedarcroft Place, 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Thýre will b. a presentation of the. assocation & n.ed, study and election cf the 1992/93 board of directors. Coffe. and r.freshments wiil b. served. >FOLKLORE SOCIETY' lb. Durham u oUclore Society will psent an evening of stoytelling and traditional drumxnink at the. arts esource centre, Civic Square, Oshawa, on Saturday, Jane 6, 8 pan. Featured wiil b. Ted Potochniak wevnhis Ukrainian folktales, te th ompay of ýlocal storyteilers, Bon Gotz, Sher Leetooze, George- Blake and others. lb. concert is for adulte -- grade 9 te, great-grandfather. Admission îs $5. For information, oeil Carolyn Hart, 434-1975. YMCA CAMPS There are stii a few spaces left in tii.YMCA riding camp for children aged 7 te 14. Ther, wil b. daily riding lessona, and chuldmen wiil learn how te, groom and came for horses and participate in games, sports, nature hikes, crafts and other camp activities. An arts camp wMi b. held for budding artisto,. dancers and dramoa types. Group size wiil b. kept small, giving each child moaimum opportunity for expresson. Transpotation la provided for both camps, and extended day camp lu available for woing' parents. For registration and information, oel 668-6868 or tol free from Newcastle (404-2020), or from Plckering, 686-7849. oerimmCAPMS Th. Oshawa YWCA wiil offer summer campsfiom Jane 29 te Sejt. 49 9 am.te 4 pan, with extend.-d supervision available. lb. camps are for chldren ag.d 3 tue 12, and include bail preachool, omutejunior aà~ soenior Camps Fr more infoarmnation Cail tii. YMCA office ANNUAL MEETING Oshawa Deaf Centre bic. wil, hold the annual general meeting on lbursday, Jane 4, 7:30, p.m., at the. centre, 750 Kling St. E. Guest speakers wiil b. Heather Gibson and Juanita Petrone, teachers at E.C. Drumy achool discussing the bilinguallbcultural pragram. Refresbmnents wiil b. servd FLOWER DAYS The Amyotrophic Léateral Scleraslis Socievof Durham Region will hold Fiower Days' on Jane 5 and 6. at Oshawa Shopping Centre, Jane 12 and 13, Pickering Mail and Harwaod Mail, Ajax, Jane 19 and 20, Woolco Mail, Whitby and Jane 26 and 27, Five Pointe' Mail, Oshawa. Proceeds wiil go towards research for the. incurable disease. SENMO99 'MONTH Jane la , 'Senior' Citizens' Month, and 'Aging in a Changing World' is the tiieme. Th. following events wiil b. iield at. Fairview Lodg.: celebration service,. auditorium (Jane 4, 7:15 p.); birthday-party, auditorium, (une 11, 2 p.m.); barbecue, 'BP wing, outdoor patio, (Jane 12, 11:30 a.m.); Environment Awarenée Day, auditorium (Jane 16, 10:15 a.m.); perform- ance by George Frçaàk, auditorium (Jane 18, 7 p.m.); Strawberiy hilhig, auditorium (Jane 22, 10 a.m.); Seniors' Awar.ness Day (Jane, 23); Canada's 125th birthday celébra- tion with barbecue fir ail seniors fr-om the. threeDurham Region Homes for the Aged (Jane 29, 11:30 am) LA LECHE La Loche League Oshawa willl hold its regular monthly meeting on Jane 10. Mothers and nursing babies aie welcome. For more inforixiation, including-- location, calI 723-0542; CELILAC ASSOCIATION Tlhe Canadian Celiac Associa- tion meeting will b. held onj WednesdayJ *une-10, 7:30 p.m.I room 10 l, Oshawa Generali Hospital. For more information calîLinda Stewarrt at 666-1993. 1 FPUN FAM Come out for a Night cf Entertainnient at E.A Fairman public school's seventh 'annual FuPaim te b. held on, lbumsday, Jane il1ffom 6 te 8:30 p.m. There will b. something for -e veiron including a haanted house, dunk tank, bake table, Krazy Castie, games and a barbecue. Come main or shine. THEOS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE THEOS International Confer- ence for the widowe d vil b. held on Jane 12, -13 and 14 at the Baptiat .Leadership Education Centre, Taunton Rd, Whltby. Th. theme wiil b. 'Building Communities,' and keyot speaker wlil b. Betty Jane Wle author of «New Beginnings! Several workshops will b. offered. AU am welvm- o,e~p o more information, call. ANNUAL PICNIC The .Head Injury Assocation. cf Durham Region wii hold -the. annuel picni onSaturday, Junie 13, 2 te,6 pm.,atthe Knights cf C liqscamp, Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa. There will be4 food, fun and musice. Bing a lawn chair, bathing suit. and tewel, games or sports ,quipment and famfiy and friends. I you-need.a ride, or can, give someone a ride, oel the, office' at 723-2732.- DANCE Westminster United. Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby wiil hold a- dance on Saturday, June 13, starting at 8 P.m., with music by Oshawa & Whitby OId T -e Fiddler's Club. Tickets are $5 euch, and proceeds will g ot the church building fond Cail 728-0417, 576-8218 or 668-4Q19 for information and/or tickets. VOLUNTEER ADMINITRATORS Th. DunhamRegion Associa- tion for Volunteer Administra.- tors ý(DRAVA) will' meet on lbursday, June 11, 2 p.m., at Northview Community Centré' 150 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. AIl volunteer co-rdinaters/adinis- traters of non-profit agencies are welcome te attend. For more information caîl Donna Hutton, Apx-ickeinsRed Cross, 'at SUM mEmCAMP EXTNDED HOURS Bellwodcommuniity schoo summ er camp off Thliàkson ]Rd.' juat north of tli 401, runs from Jue 29 te Aug. 7. A full day for ages 6 te, 13-ra froni 9 amn. te 4 p.m.; extended hou rs are 7:30 a.m. te, 6 p.m.; fe. ls $75- per, week. Presciol for ages 3to 5 i8 from 9:30 te 11:30,a.m. Monday te, Thursday. F.. is $lh for two days. For more information cal 571-4770. - Euchré e -held every riay m. t h Whitb, IOOF Hall,- 11 Bock LS. À is$1.50.. Refreshments provided..Ail wel- ý corne. DOG SHOW AND TRILSâ The Ontario County KFeinnel' Club,,wiil hast their ýannual dog show and obedinnce, trials' on Friday, Saturday and Sumday, June 12, 13, and 14 e'Harmony Vaey Consrvation Area.- Ail are Welcome- to wa<ch the competition,.,aýnd ,refreshmentsa wil beavailable. ,Directions: Take Harmony Rd." north, from Hwy ,2 to -Corbetta ., turm ýeast toô- Grandview Rd hen turn left and foilow signe to area entrance., A. danc. with , music by the Oshawa-hb Old Time Pdeý Club wîlll be h.ldat Westmins-, ter Uzgled Church, -25 ann Rd, Whitby on.Saturday, June 1î,78 te 11:30< Pm. There will b. pzen and refreèshments. Tickets fr$,arr avalbebcaln 67-28or'at the door.Proceeds te, the church building fibnd.ý CLUB CAMB DANCE < Club Carib cf Oâhawa Inc. wil hold a 'Pre-Fiesta' Dance' on Saturday, June 13, at the YWCA, 33 McGrigur St. (corner of Simca. St. S.). Admission is $15 per persan. Caribbean snacks' will be served between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. There will be door and spot dance prizes. For tickets, cail 725-7195, 435-0139 or 728-4293. GOGOLF PASSPORT For the month of June only, the Ontario March of Dimes will be selling their GoGoif Passports for only $50. TIhat's a $25 discount from the regular price of $75. lIn addition, seniors may now nik up a Passport for only $40. §;GoGof Passport entities the purchaser te ,play'one roundý of golf free at over 100 different' golf courses acmis Ontario.- Ail manies. raised from. the passports ar used te assist adults with physical disabilities. To purchase a *GoGoif "Passport oel ,the York/Durh m fce of 'the Ontario."Mrch >c"f fimes at 853-0383'or 434-5280'. HOSPITAL METING. Tie.. annual meeting of the. WhitbyGeneral Hospital'will b.* held o n WednesdaLy, June, 24, 8 ., i the hospital's cadtra Business will includeboardelec- tions -bylaw ,,amendments, reporCs, auditor .appointm.nt, expansion panupae PARTYEA OTIC Reflecting t 0 ar â.polie--of'. public consultation."Cfie REI 0 we Invite. TRUSTWRHY EFR-RIENTED, ABLE,' and ELECTABLE Incividuals to submlt their name for candldacy to repmesent the'*Ontario Riding in th, next fecieraljelection. If «interested..in seeking the, candldacy or Information regaîrd!ng membership, please contact the Ontario Riding Constituency Association (Rick Brown, Chair.- Nominations Oornmittee) (416) 831409. CORPORATION 0F THE TOW OFWHITBY,. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. RENTAL GARDEN PLOTS FOR WHITBY RES1IENTS The Parks and Recration Department of the fTown of Whftby has re-estbished garden plots for cammunily use for te19 summer season. The size of the plots wil be 20Y x 45'. and will rent at a cast Of $5000 pego te user. ihe land wil be rootned by the Town, and water The plts are locaied ah the south.ast comr of VICTORIA STREET AND JEFFERY STREET, at the north-west cornier of #We Whitby Genera Hospital site. The plots will be avadaible tonta*",eY June 10,- 1992 ho October 12, 1992, and MIl be prooessed on ra t corne - ire-t seved basis. Interested residents are invited toapply ho: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Iroquois Park Recrsation Complex 500 Victoria Street West * ~hhy Ontario Ll N 9G4.: -1

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