Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 23

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Whitby minor BOUSE LEAGUE May 28 Juxuny Brinbls Chrisioplaer Noble Erik Petirac Dean Ratlif. PmlKaetway YoanMaby May 30 Brie Patrs. Duan Bataliffe3 May 25 Brok.Plnl Creek 6 Brysa Mnnon 8 Davan Brick 4 lnniavle Avards 8 Michael lModedans Ryýan Putok 2 3 Mitcel Inauone9 Agi- Denth 6 aysnPqza Eric Nov Derek WmyW Brie Colins 5 innovative Avards 5 Bobby IMd2 Kyls usé. EnlcHove 2 Adora DSth Tyler TrimbeU Brioclines Michael Cryst a AdoaeR" MequaEectrl 18 Joe's Pizzri MCha" Hmsa Sott Moulson 2 CM. Vonachachota 2 Shane Bagent 2 Darmi MeTous2 W"mneTurcotte 8 Bradey TasiMri 2 Zachary Grer MoBaaim May 26 Northam Amena Marty O'Bnlen 5 Pat Jouies4 DsroylWaldock MieDanshara Zac Allie. Danyfl McArthur Iacrooas ldimers twee.Dth 8 Rom Deth 2 Oavln Prout Lua I MKa May 29 Iaenias ldIlier Rom Daath 8 Steesa bth 2 Peter Clarke Matthsv Adair Houas? ll»1 Davd Stabils Pa u tlivan, Bradley Raed Jas.1 W.rd Baul Çdgar May 16 simpyWood B. Coner8a D. WMto2 L Paver IL Vatnil DIA Inuranc C. Col"s8 M. Mayver B. Bom EL Bcheeper- 18 Whltby Troplby Bed Besi 7 ComaryBuilding a Arthur Whley 8 Dmun OeNash 7 Northern Amersa8 Chats MaIsn Zac Allia. Pat Joues Cashway Bu ilding 6 e Nash 4 NiO aMynrd 2 M~oePasw 7 Whlt. Plrengters4 B. MacRu* 2 J. Ln J. Eu 7 Whilby oeptnu 3s SJEfLrey ý2. a.Pihp WH1TBFM1EEPREBSWUNMSAYi -JUNEM 19,PAGE 2 Bantars win.- fir sttwo leaguegames, Whitbv lHughes Hawkse bantam 29 batters and had 14 strikeouta. Kett hâd 'a iglo andà d&Ûble; rep softulIl te=m dofoated., East Good defonceby h eiwt hralRbra oton and Gwlimuy 14-4 last woek i solid batseed the Whitbhy ornoahh e W ib Con -_e _ pitched a~r~,, ~ . Durhamü womens fastbel leagile W- . L T P PbmcotPirate 8 O a IDghland-Atluaa 8 10O a Whtby Oma 2 1 O 0 4 B'W prt 2 1 0 4 DodilASuter 1 1.,1 8 W.R.WhtInsm 1 2 0 2 Brooklm 0g. 2 1 1 Ter0'el O 4 O O - aa. reooted Ms7 8 ta Maoe 29 HlhadAls16 WL White lms.0 PctePrts21 Tersa. Rées 5 HlghlandAtla 7 Termon Rels - 2 *Whtby SOms 24 Bay Sports il Braoklln Lgic. 6 Dodd & Sauter O ElghbLsndAUt 19 Whltby Suuns 10 Pleotte Pirates- 17 WL Whte lm .6 'Dodd & Sater 20 Taras RBais 18> Bay Sports 23 Broolin eglon 3 Plootte Piratesý 7 Hlghland-Atlas 8 I.3aySports 21 Doâdd& Soutr5 Whltby Sâns 21 BroolnLeglon 7 WL Whte hna 17 Tenon Relsil1 Pringle Creek IGA, fought Easit York to al-1tio to rtain ashare of fRut place in the Scarborough/ Durham rep under-li soccer Anthony Plastna scored the lono goal forPningle CreeklIGA. To daePigle. Creok'IGA is undefated havng a12-win, one-tie gamesrek Whitby .girls softball SOPJIMORS DIVSION W L T Pis ilovol Dro IardLù Klwanis Club 4 4 4 o O 0.- DLàW.L 14 Marigoldi Lncoin Fldahnna'sFrd 15 Kivunis Club Beciers Mii 20 Loveà Dmug ANTAX DIVISION W L T Pis Bi alon Midas &Mfer, R.otM'~Club Jan%Drun SpeedyMuiler 80 0 2 00 1 10 0 20 03aý0 non BotmryClub. 21 Speedy MuMier 6 Midu sMier 18 JoaDrugs 6 Brocibl ogc.22 Spoeedy Muier 7 NOVICE DIVISON W L T Pý M lghts o(Columbus 2 1 O0 Action Plus 1018l .E.U. 1 018a OdSilver Thimble 1 2 0 2 IJonesClub-Whltby 1 1 0 2 Eurocraft Kltchens 1 1 O 2 Canty 2-IL.BrovnO .2 0 .0 Boom Action Plus 15 Old Mver Thln.ble 12 O.H..U. 20 Knlghts of(ColumbusIS uooaesClub 22 Eurocraft Kitchens 12 Knlghts of(Colum. 18 Century 21-R.Bownl SQUMrrDIVISON Mmn .Club MidisMufle Rrocklin Optimus Nationa l trust, Midvmy Motors Rud4yrElectrc Bons, - IL Ravi WhtbOpthnist Paint tmrePlus L55W&&A dilus, VA'aWcau &le 4e AI, Merci Rowland 'and Susan Penton each had triples. -Ke Heather Goulding -and rn Kett doubled, Kelly Morgan bail throe singles,, Ellis,, Jonny Cole and Nadia Roberts each had two singles, and Kett had a sngle. On May 21, Oshawa, Shainrocks came to Whitby and once again, Whitby came, out on top by a score of '13-3.- Winning pitcher Rowlandfàced 25 batters and had eight s triloeouts while' allowing only' three bits. Goulding led, the way with a granslam h ome run in -the flret inning. Rowland was also bot at bat with a single and a double; Ki»àinun Club 26 Nations Trust 13 SEfN lm DIVISION W L T FIrS Ruezm- C. Chadier Karbat. Dodd & Boter MacMlan Orchards Whitby Logioea Macmilan athurot Bracilin Optimis Mereury Auto Body Partr Lael BigV go Dodd & Bouter l6 Bema-Ciander20 Whltby laoic 18 Maclan Rathurai16 Mmry Auto Bo4ýy 15 1 0 00 10- 1-0 2 0 2 0 Kat MacMiln Orch. B18V Pàrier l&Wes BrbokUnOptimat UImOR MlEDIVISION W L T. FIS LoeirugA 2 O 0 4 EPOCH 1 0 1 3 FaroyNMI Krway i1 1 O02 Whltby Tropliy Houa.1 1 O 2 DDBMrktig 0 1 1 1 13a 0 a O2 O O BRP où1 19 Boll canada Pamiýy Kartvay Il DDS Marketing Imvai Drugu . hy Ttoph it mAL:DIVlu ION 'w 1L -T'S Douwnine.Knit WhtbOptlmlst Bem-au- D. Hayock DD8 Marketing HenzysDo-lT C@nn Lions Club Lionea Club 22 WbiiliyOpUilt 8t Rem - n DHuykck 21 Dosai. Kt , 25 W L T FI SqulntiKvision 210 04 Whtby 2 0 04 NvSDv 2 O O *4 NolcdlvWe 1 2 02 Whitby ýl110 2 Wl 1l1 0 2 RontaraDvso 1 1 02 Whby 0 2-0 O0Whlt 08a0 0 Whtr Midvay Matons 14 Paint BStore u Bjuddy Elctrie 13 Paint Stor Plus Mids Muffle 17 Beaux - H. Bs"l Brocilin Optl.nitslB Whltby Optialts whJlby Wbjtby 0 o Gi1 O'1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 Hom"ysDlT rcent. LionsClub DD Marketing BoTosSwe 7 N.wmarkt 1 2 os.k ISdge 18 4 Oohva 18 18 Osha 8 12 Stoumfvll. 2 8 Aunai 1 12Scadbouush i 18 msrkham 4 S'-tflroe-lttor. lShe .taced a total, of PARIICIPANTS of CANVADA'S 1251h DIRTHOAVY E~RRV's 241h AN CanoetheKx~ ~.. Set, Jne th,1992 PORT PERRYS 3rd ANNUAL, Nonquon Tma ~ SATURDAY, JUNE,6THl1992 STARTING 12:3OPM, Triathlon consists of 4km Canoe, 18kmf Cycle & 4 km Run. FOR MORE INFORMATION 985-2323 985-7014 I -J If Meet Michael W. R. Runtz author of "MOOSE COUNTRY" at Latcham Centre ' JUNE 6th, 1992, 11:00tol :00. 2:00 to 4:00 I ~~ABOlOKS GALRE& MORE' 175 Perry Streêt., -I ~Port' Ferry 985-8645- The -Whitbýy Free 'Press would like ta wishi ý'Happy.-Bithday toalal its carriers with JUNE birthdays Christian ýBegley Julie Cha ntier» JLuke iHarknett, Jaâco0»b, Korczynski Willie Mann. NirajPatel, Shawn Perron Jason. Pottinger Meghan. Stewa Gordo nVe nne, Sheri Willought Ph.iIip Wright, El ----------------------I victories formidget Wb4yHuhsHawksromain une eatd i idget girlas sft baIl. Whitby gt ak Rdgs"11-9 onMay2 as Shano Jones and Lsa Drake each drove i,.' two runs. .Jemiifer Carroll and Adrienne Marlowe, each . had three bits, Shannon-Jones and pitcherUs Hicks each had two singles,, while Nancy Ponton, Melissa- Elliott, <Jheryl Ma.ckay. and Cor-' rie Dewitt each had a bit. One of Carroll's bits was a double, and she scored tbree runs. Elliott had three btsand scored three runs ini an 11-0 win over Pickerig Hicks and Lyn Michaud com- bined for the shutout.* Tara Faller had two singles. Carroll hit a triple, scored twice and drove in'two runs. <Hicks 'had a single and drove in two runs., Corrie Dewit had a single, scored a mni and drove in a run, and was strong defensjively. sith W L T.PME MargodFo1141ZO HanetPls.ca 8 1 08 JanD.itrsMNotons 2 1 'l 6 MaselOcro. , 2 2 1 6 Wateebed Cadstl 2, 2 O 4. Shwnlppot 1 '2, 2A, AdmatageToem 4 1 0 8 Hughes Hawks 8 1 OOa Mode Shcw 2 3 0 4, la lratts ý - 2 8 O 4 lskey Jàcks A 8 1 8 S.M.8arlnenr 1 4 0 2 May 24 Advsntage '7 Hughes 2 Master Bfedrace» 24 Mvia _8 Waterbed Coutie*6- Msrged 1 HaUMt 4 -bn Barmu. 6 S.M.S Marine 8 Mode ..14 May 25> au&S Marine Il La Bratts 25 Shavan 25 Movida 10 WhlskayJacks 18& movlaebp 8a Ha"e -il Muter edressa4 May27 Circle Taxi 14 nu Il8.Marin. .a la Bratts 12 Adsate 7 Ian Bsrron 15 WatulbedCastje9 11 --l"

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