Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 24

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Ajax Singh. and Jason Adame Of e Street High Sehool ear- ned a bronze' médlfor. heir- project *at the 'Ca'nada-wide science fair in Sudbury-May 10- 17. The two OAC sltudents' project was <'The Chaotic Butterfly,' and earned bronze in"the senior phy- sical scienes category. The received a $200 cash awar?. Two (YNeill grade il students Mnne ullin and Bryan Wiley, aZs won a. bronze in, the senior life sciences category., A grade. 7 student Natasha Ru4dck, t Frenchman's Bay in' ,Pickering,, won- thelDo*.Chenu-- cal communications-,award worh$50to Rudnick and'$506 fo r eri schpoolorscienceequip- ment. About 700 students an d staff partic*Lpated, in the Canada-wide event. There were also- dispILays by students from. other. countriesi. Teachers. attending froin Dur- ham,,. on were -John Borth-ý wic, of..RobrtThornton pub- lic school in Witby and* Carolyn Brittain of Harwo6od Secndary, 1 HERY SREETHIHSCHOO L] By Ramea Achoeîg atin students enjoyed a week - fied, with acivities,a damce -and a non-uniforn ay Students donated a minimum et. $1 te the Share-ife organïization- te receive -a non-uniforin Pasuon May 29" Share-life is an organization that, helpspeae o en for -~the priestmhood,elps theneedy, and prvides for eàngle pàr,- s -Last 'week4, student .council elections *-ýwere-- held for the 1992-93 echool year. Firs', Austin would like te 'congratulate the present council on itsliard werk throughout 'the ýyear. 'Thisyear's membors, ,ineld -.enYo0 Amy Aikin, .Nancy Ros, Lu%,h Gemens, Dave Brannon, Kelvin Beaudette, Julie Mclvor and Lia Colemian., On May 28, the student council election dance was held.' New student council members for By Sonia Bebbingtoe >Hello. Sonia Bebbington bore. AaMy Isat installment consisted <t a heartbreaking tribute te our soon-to-be-ex-council, this week rd like te take the opruiyt introduce the '92' tdn councilfrshly elected.> The commnittee consists. <t two repeat ,performances lyPaola Lopez and Bric Vandeeer, ïas won as sng rooldes Kristian-Iý Saý Mama Julie lHanla, and. one..<tfthe Littiejelin Siblings. Please frieMY haphazard and smwht incomplets introduction <t the above group, but since this bas been my fina year at, DOC, I cannet generate Uri the same passion and fanatical respect that I have held for Sounils <t old. hIfact, I have neticed a recent epidemic ameng MYpers counnig this dissociation. with current t ~~~~' ~ o ~ assen <the situation yMe nM tek*e arr mass uctance the 1992-93, ichool year are'as folows.ipresident, Dave Brannon; vice-president, elin'Beaudette; secretary, Jennier ,Shannon; treasurer , ia coleni;semor repsJule 'Mclvor ~dRobin Reed,, social convener, Erin Brady-, junior re, red a, id club rep, Laura el *osi. In Wildcat sports, two of Austin's finest track and field teain membors participated in the OFSAA regional 'track and field meet lest week. Esi Beiýarku receiveda silver medal in te midget girls' 200m spring. and the long jurnp. She then went on te vin agld nedal in the 100m sprint. Esi now qualifies for the OFSAA (Ontario fnals) held June ý5 and 6. Good luck.,, >»The midget b6ys' rugby teain upheld their titie by winning the LOSSA tier II Iod medal. The, teain wept a l e games, and' had shuteuts iii two of thein. Congratulations te - the teain te bo involved in, or attend school the wrong way. It is merely a shield we are building for protection in the. inevitable separation frein our boloved aima mater. Understand, and einpathize. Upon perusing past columus, I have come te the conlusi*on that ýathIetics, an 'intended staple for these reports, is sorely lackIng in MY pieces. A inisfortuneined especaily if you are amongthe who IlDow, that sort <t thing, and I hereby promise te amiend this shortcoming i future columns. As peuete thie, I am proud te repot thevictory o<tour senior girls'=cos teain at the LOSSA. tournament last week. h In y ieprence with sports ov =ioked determining scores, or opponents, or what. LOSSA ineans, but <t their victory,. I arn certain Brava, girls. w« Repýorting sp"ortsi -fan, indee& Perbma I nui ad inl olma, 1. tM i members: Yaw Donkor, -Deug Dplants, John 'Liriano , Jos, McCann, Mark McMurter, Jason Read, KMs Richardson, Erie Richter, Jon Espiite,, Darryl Pïgeau, heddy Kan, Travis Garant, Tony Di Padova, Carmen Plastina, Mike Drago, Mark Duggn Steve Faust, Dave Partow, Shailendr's Shankar, and Bryan Scott. You've had an excellent season, guys., Finally, a bigthk you goes eut to, the hard-worldnq--- Fundraising '92. stafft Auptini surpassed its goal <t $10,000o( with the help <t Mrs. clancyMr. Peever, and Miss. ProuiL Wayte go, Austin. My Meranda WàtrSâ The ehool y of '91-'92 haE f lown ýby, hopefiiilyleaving, bound many _hapy mernories foS everyone at Hier. I think that a lot of the gooC turnes were madleposible by ths year's student.counci, as rli uri meet agree. Theresa Scavuzzo, this year's president and lier tw< henchien,' vice presidente Brendan Johnston and' Jase Baccéhiochi, made this year a great sucess., Some ,-otherz eager HIenrw students ýsuch as Annette VapDerLinde, Jason Mis Jennifer Reeks, Ajay, Sinçh and Matt Shearer ail lent their turne te the student council. United Way Wee, Spirit Week anld Grad Week are ail fine examples of weil-plannd activitie brougli about by theSAC. If they could,. I tlink the entire staff and- student bodly would like -te thank student council with a riïousing 'Gol H-awks! GoP ' Elections were held last weelç for next years stýudent, council. THE RL4DE: 3 GLASSat EBA arm puick tchool received a 'discovery boie from a -Calgaryý School recently, notaiWmor posters, o.ards, peu-pleletters and budputd-a ndanng, jusy the -thlng for buddfing desperados! From -:left (Mont) are Nicole Dceny ahlGen ao Mmem . (nîiddJe) Laurenm ChaneEn Jeffeys, Johnu ýSmets (back) Krista Muellr and:Min Ranki n. Tume lamaet a'similar box 19o a mehooil li Trenton -the pYo a pant fland12 ~IW~Es.w.VMmIvU~.oP*um Candidates thought up many inventive ways to get theachool to, vote -.; free boaclibailsý, funndy sn% Hawk embroidered r boxers.need I say more? Congratulations to, Josh-Ford, future prez (Who favours, umiversity garb), and' Jeif Oullalian (great et"~t) adEi '3Dooile (we love yKi,too),ers new vicepLeraSuh($uh), th pal rtk ez' br ée th exaI w t oei hr nme Nath een Rowland wilý keep , 3.evezything strai ht as secretça7.,y ewau the a nnhual, 'Grad Weèkp Aii' entértal visit by,'Stray Bullete,' a ýgiant, gaine of Twister (don't even ask),- fab 1's, an. extended lunch aànd barbecue, a Teacher Dress Downe- jDay and an ail-inclusive grad -î were among the fu-iId activities that brought us through to the end of the week. What lias matcbing outfits, notes and h"~ony? W;4y, Ms NightocoreHnr'msc departinent, under the instruction" of Mr. Hoidgins an~d Mr. O'0¶I.bole, went eut- with a bag as Wednesday evening. Special thanks*- go -out to Lucinda Tom «4, Annette VLIàd4 orsl1eys Mr. MacKay, -Mr., Gray, Mr. Presley and. the AV crew. Congrats to 8ailthe members <t vocal and >instrumental groupe, this year's< liard work really paid oqff.' Aln'with, the end <tf the' achool year, cornes the long awaited prom. Henry girls i beautiful gowns and Hlemy guys9 in el tailored suits and tuxes,' ail commuted tothbg T.O. to Stheir evenm«g- aboard a' omous cruiseshp.-- Heres. opifng the prom was eveiything you hoped it would bo. Tune in riait week, , ame turne mme place te find. out whiclu graduates were publicly embarrassed at the prom this year. I Draw held by" employmentI centre, ,-I The Whitby Caf d Em fyent Cm ete fom tu e t -',lhod a "rw fSr two local sMenir to each %in Uhn»ehours < The draw will take lIace June 3,il a.m., in Rotauy Prk. th.ft~hi ameaveabe at * r Singh, Adams earn THE> BIG BAD WOLF pleada for which picks up the 'Three- Littie mercy iu a scene from Leslie McFar- Pigs' stoiry the day after. the utragie lUne Public school's production of events" in thefr lives. Theý Trial of thue Big -Bad WI'~~WfbF.P. -I Ail * . -.. 'vo ,S',~. ~ N V - 14' ~ 'osa c~ ýýj DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOLI .Ç

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