WMMTY ME PRESS9 WEDNESDAY, JUNIÇ10, 9%PAN2 (CLOCKWISE from above) Tarren Liotta e'ijoys a cone;' Liîttie Ms. Brooklln 1992 Shelby Chorowiec with dad E,~ Marty catches some air in the GT frestyle show; Liam Brennan struggles to lead an unwiig donkey; Mitcheil Morawetz (loft), Clark and mom -Marilyn watch Norm ]Roberts operate his miniatur steam engin.. Photos by Mark, -. Reesor in log sawing The Ilannam fmiyproved. to b. formidable atthe Iog-sawing contest at the Boki Spring Fair over the wknd. 4 Henry Hannam was.the men's winner in the swede sawl caWe Henry and Patricia Hannam thon teaxned to win the mixed division of the cross-cut saw com- petition. Henry and Dan Hannam then won the men's division, of the .« . cross-cut competition In the aged 16 and under the, winner was Adrian Walend- S won the women ls category of .. ~~ S swede saw. Teresa Yurkowski and Pearl Spurrel taze to winth women's division ini cross-cut In the naîl-driving competi- . . 4 tion, Nick Cowan was firsti the