Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 27

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WHITY PMUE PSS, WEDNESDAY, JUN 10., 19n2 PAGE< 27 Yng tem Dmespitecol n inWib' mor peeebasebaliteainis ho.lding t on gant odr -m e > inced oppoition.ý" olre e] teyiof -,n-year- olds ýare. p aing.,teains ô' yeartoldsandtamsofplayers agd12 and 13" On May , W ygve ùup a mn thelasinniniÇto loe 241. .Soott Tomso a adouble and *two s« RanBabcock and,.m Ad ueller ,ewh-,had, a double, and'.Mlike Feret bt lauI Heinrich was strong on hemud for Whitbyi. Whitby lost two gaines teOsh- awa -on May 28 and 29.- Whitby was no-lut in the first gaine but Y tLngés romý-John Partlow, ohn Turner, Heinrich and Josh Huether in the second gaine. Whitby Was overpowered by a strongAj.ax -. team n on June 4. RyanVoépni had two singles for Whitby,FPret drove i a run, and Paul Cook and Mike Sakia each had a sinle. On, June 17, Kingston edged Whitby 5-4. Vopni had a, run- scoring. double Huether bit a double, Heinricli it three singles and drovein arun Mueller had an RBI single and Shawn Turner .had a single., Whitby ýfaces Po rt Hoe n June 18, 6: 15' p.m., at Peel Parfk, Whitby. TAMARA HMPRIS la owner of-The Aerobics Studio which opened recently in the plaza off Brook St. N., Just north of Mary St. Photo byMNark Eoear, WbItbr5vFaa. Pa $malerclasses..at nwarobistuo Tainara Huinphries started teaching. aerobics classes .eight years ago, «When there was high 1mýpataîndlnothing but.» After, g. ,,'baclr of Whi*tby, Mvnsa4' 0 8 DemChwm 4 1 8a KeeKeflma 4 1 8 Dursrlqua 82 B He~ets fnvce2 8 4 Kuaz somait 2 8 4 lu a,, 1 4 2 Whitby men's Si- dJu. BLUE DIVISON W L T PIM bnBaraenm irs4 11 i9 lhowBedrsap 4 2 1 9 INWapdMetts 4 2 O 8 eowsapopecPt 8 8 2 6 Watueiedcaet1 a 8a80O6 MMoa2 080O-4 Mvntg ~a1c 1 0 12 6 2 0 10 Clvsai 42 1 9 lABretis 2 40 4 mmoe .~p 2 S.O 4 Wblkmà i 1 9i 8 B.MAMarlne 1 5 0 2 Wabed Cu-ths il &eUm 10 CkeTd 10 na. 6 Mvui 22e UWatwbed Cuthle6 Mo lMavis Uap 10 bu BU=yca 10 IA=But lMainBedmna 14 SUS ' Hughes awhs 12 MatIgeli Uan 25 WhhskwJacks 8 IMiBdrom 9 Whlàq lacs 8 Jane? AdwUntsp 18 lbod 0S shewaa 4 H11es=as4 Natale 7IChugr~ physical and 'health education degree from the University of. Toronto,. she branched, into teaching specialized and' low-im- pact eics .classesadbea Afler teachin cleasses in just about every clubIrI the region," she decided to %tke everything rPve learned and opien up my own studio, <The Aerobics Studio' ini the plaza on Brock St., northx of Mary-t. the good and the bad, 90 what *rNe tried to do is give the people everything they want at the be!st price possible.» That icudes a $12,00 bac- teria-static 'sprungwood floor,' specially imported from Europe and one of only two in Durham Region. The floor. has two laâyers of foam and air underneath boards held together using a special clip system allowing themza to fiex individZually to absorb shock otherwiseinfiicted on the body. "Once you've worked spung wood foor, you can't go back, says. Humphries,- who notes th;e national aerobics. champlonship is held on a sprungwood floor. . The studio also has the popu- 1wr 'êtep reebok' progrfam, .With stes p *ll ad or aérobics - meï don't slip or slideliloe others. The Aerobics Studio 'is a ladies only club, and classes are bimited te 15-20 people, <'not 50- 60 like some other clubs," notes Humphries. 1 0'Weonly offer aerobics, but the aeobics are top of the lime." A three-month membersliip which entitles one te unlimited classes, is $50; a four-month summer mrembership is $65, and six- or 12-month memberships cost $14.99 a month, payable by postdatedcheques if desired. New classes are' added each time 20 new members sign Up. A special 35-minute toning clanss is- tallor-madle for women mokngnth otwn'area. Held rom 2:10tée 12:45 p.m., Humphries says the clas. fea- tured low-impact exercises that a be comfortably doneduring a lunch hour. «They don't even,' have te sahower aàfterwards becàuse we turn the air conditionngnful Whitby basebal BANIAU S Cfflersr(asa Klwanis Club 10 Wbltby Optimilat O ea 12 btbuy Tmoyt 9 Swlsh manteance 6 Brouilla q-vd" 65StE Clair Points 2 uay 18 sports Corer 2 DDuutPrlss 1 WMhy Toyota S Cunsurers Gao a efshMln"tnanc<i Mid" i Maln a Broolulla Uowcc 8 Klwanls Club 7 Cnsue.Oa il SWls Maintenamce7 sportscor Il EIVan. Club 7 May 20 Broobln Uowpltch 8 Saisit mantenancea Doaut PIe il SI. Clair Paes 4 Mfay 228 Sports Cornet 8 Whtby OptliLt 2 Idas Muler 9 Wbltby Toyota 8 DonutPies. il Broula wptch 2 Whltby Optla lst l S.Clair Pins 4 May 26 Whitby Toyota 24 Kivaiis Club 2 Slah M.lnteallnem SportsCoïaier 8 C omr.s . BrookuinsUoite-h-4 idIs MuSer 10St. Clair Pointe 8 May 29 WhidI1yTor , a 12 Wbtby Opialt.4 Jur 0 Klwanls Club 9ý Whltliy Toyota 9 Donut Pmesa SConsmera Oas 4 JUDOS Broobln Uowptch S SportsCorner 1 june8 Duiut Pie.e 7 Wbltby Opolidlit 4 St. Clr Pulti 6 Whlty Toyota 4 Jane 6 MidasMalin 4 SportsCorner 2 W L MidisMalin . 4 O Whltby Toyota,w - 4 2 DonutPfess- 4 2 BrooMin SIWjtei 4 2 SpotsCornet>8 8 Kft ilClb 2 8 Coormnesas 2 8 sit Mantenance 1 8 whitby optala .,l 4' Mt.Cllr Polnt 1 4 etmm s IsoDas là& 17 l&a" -Stalil, Brcilin isas9' Msrlgod IdMerUl4 Orsek ycoas9 Ragpl 8m PlaqusAttack Hfaiet Plasic Maid Mu Sain Ch"b W L T PIE ~el~oa 0 212 lai0.S10e BreiIIKlne1 0,I 10 Bk" tPbw"hoa4 8 30'8- WMdtwyomi.ta31 83O0 Whitby girl softbal soPHOmmMOIVSON, W LTPI DLWJ'L Lovdnnif MladdClâob'i o o a,,< l' Ã" 4 2- .01 Z e, . Kiwanlsclub 28 DL&W2Li BANrAU DIVISON w LT FE Baokln Legias Eticlub JDMO 4 0'0 8 2 20.2 l> 20 2 mlài Muffloe' .1ï otax Clb NOVICE 1V1!ON- w l T PIm Actam plus 8 Old liver Timbi.'2 Knlgts etColumbus- 2 liae..Club.Whltby-2 Castury 21-B. BrowIp O Action Plus Il Century 21-ILBtewn4 016 Siver Thimble28 OEXU. 15 Uonm.sClub 14 Knlghts et Columbua Action Plus la Burocrft Kitchea 12 WL T PIE P&Wnt Seplis 19 Miis uliet 10- i[iroolln plnss10 mlalwvmotos EuUy Rsette 15 BaM-x .. Deis 1 bu"amMuISar 21 ïWbitby0ptinlsts 14 SEIO M L TDI PM Reaux- C. cha"«e Dom à soutet MacUMm Ocbards 14t", he 80 2'0 21; 0'. 2 OS 0 4 04 04 OS OS OU 0.2 o o 0-0 Marcur7utPfloê aD dd& obo 10 LosliDff up S 0 -4S B0P'-sil 18 Dfl8Maxketg00 2 1 wi rhtby Tkqplby il-DD5Mieln T-BAIL DIVoIO. W L T PIE DomýluKn BoRena- D. Haylocki DD5Sxktn IJonclub suà MWlt Optiahi1l>41 BmnaxDHqbI& 21 LiJaSeClub 27 Srnriseett~j U..Ch~ Dastaimait DDSMa*attn< I&MaSe Mfidas Mi Brouilla teile NationalTt KlnunaClub Buddy Ebat Mldway Motets Paint StorePlus" Renii]EL.Bdei Whtb 0ptlmlst J"SeEecrne LAWBaha Plçqt. Attack 183183 14180 Kihmunnclub S 2 Wlbcleeners 42 Polar St.lllt.2 8 ButleVbDeU 3I flu Chalt 4 Design aktlg 14 P.ed Wlng Ochr6 JUne 1 aogrsCable TV The OuQe Zone Wa.ll Cuilo Jane2 Durham Dodp LranaiDrum WC.Tb"n ACCU-LiJno Doms Auto Wblte Ros Jimi Auto Bodýy Jane 8 Weut qndeVideo Pearol Ana Ooldwln Staau Viiteosea Jane 4" AuCUno =Pîotmr Jane 5 KP. copy BeaverLumber FYmnhn Food acgeraCsble TV Roeffs Cable T% NM«qup TIEsanrlee-.Botaq 9 * Thetrh ee 8 8 Marvn Enteprises 2 0s PeScori Sports S Pusta.lama S motor Clrt tarn 315 TD Bank o2TheMà[" lhop 0 2 DurhaDodgs Doms Auto Vimteose Poar Satellte LReDrum Oaba Wa adas Caste KP. Cepy WLr. Town Wltby Optlist Wltby Lkm sClub, S Pmacokairts a mter City atùuý 4 12 "..Cow laPPair satomlte '18 .8 Wbitby lIJomClub 2 17 Beaveruaber S 16 Ft*n Precon Food 9 14 Ombava GaxtenCenter 1 9 Tbe Movle Oap 7 9, TD Bank 7 Il Mlnequlp' 10 4. Osbwa GardasCenter4 10' W.C. Teen 9 Puacoci ports 12 marvlnEnitexp"t 12 JemmssAuto BoIi 14 WhItly Optimist a Doms Auto 10 OoldwlngSyt. Wltbl 18 Macla. 15 Barils Ehme&RUralAppO 9 Canetlsair Stalminia 15 Brolln Cycle Wuall& CuDas 21 Cae Clty Auto Juiie 8 Beckford Sur. ,20 Cmu ita ltyA4 13.66 &Bouter 8 -S-srrMAvasuiùo June 4 SAee Mo. 9 Dodd A Saute Weall LuMas aS SMaLa. Para Hume ABtaIApp. 15 Boliyl Jures SÃŽ= lm Paras 5S Whitby Ja cme 17 8 4 eo 8 2 w L T PIE edect moeeSp. 5 O 2 12 WMUl&Cufe 5 1 1 il Beckfoud ervle 5 2 0 10 Su mFumes 88 3 2 '8 Home &RurslAmdhmam o2 8 2 6 NurseChev-lds.sdl2-,8a 1 -.5 Dodd& Boute 2 4 1 6 CaStraCity AutoBealur 2 4 1 S stamrAvenue - - - 1 38 2 4 Bm" llCyle &Ms e 1 5 1 8 Ediffis Jane 1 WNtby Optdalut lum-es Club TOP QUaIt COL TOP uaty COL JureS6 Lmem r= Tan L CPBaII fliadas StDenWa 12 ~ ~ d 8 28 Pormislong 12 MAMMeuas 7 10 KlnmnClub 10 12 MéMMeats 4 22 WbltbyOptiss n le* WbltbyAudio 9 W L T PIM Divisto. ACPRail Dun" aStroetDental w L T PIE Dynes àIJyd Jeweller 851 012 Kiamas 6. 2 O0 12 TopQutyCoIlslo S 2 O 12 lanmDrumnLU& 6512 0 10 maMMuts 4 1 O 8 KabaucyrdCblcken 8 2 1 7 WItIy Audio 8 2 17 Feuma olng DIvihImmB 80 52 4 2 483 a81 4 4 44 2 '4 26a 26e 2 7 1 6 àCQUilO Jane 1 Beekftd Smr. 14 NSurse Cher-Olda. DougrémanCA Tsevingool Wi..Town vwDalxyQuaa Faahly Kartways vu Andloy Cumle Roseaee stWaurMi w Mtchell Brou. Pe.kimsPair"s wsPrbaË cru& Drugs ThePappmlcoy vsa l luI Favoottmotu= w N.twokArcldtec. JerryDwugWurdmhousewAndaruasVaL Wbitby Flrofltm v MitchellInvSmrno Jttle Cao" v 3""=w AudleyCor vus MtcaIlD W.C Ton.Vw'Wldtby.TroI nosedaleBetaureat vw PrlngleCraekDru Mitchell BrasL sDuiryqua cSeuusareastkeptlntnheu.) E ' -, j. E - ..~ squmr

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