PAGE 34, WJI1TBF=EPRERS, WENESDAY, JUNE Io. 1992 KITTENS - FREE te 'geed homes. Eatinliter trainod and rarlng to gol CalI 655-3716. ANIMAIS UN DESPERATE need of permanent- or fester homes. Volurtoors and donations alwayi appeclaed. all the animal GuarianSocetyat 263-TAGS, 723-1927, 655-5256 BOARD AVAILABLE - 92 acres. New barn and arena, full facilitios. Beautiful, rolling land.' Rolaxing atmosplere. Lessons, training and traleorlng available. $200 per month. <416) 985-3397. REGISTERED German Shepherd puppies. Ready te go. Chiam- p loshlp lins, CKC reglstèred. $00 oaci. (416) 986-4526. COLUE, FEMALE, oe n year old, for sale. $500. 728-5207. REC YCLING ONIE I TON 0F NEWSPAPEIS 19 TIIES : BIRTH CONTROIL and family planning cunoli ng. 'Froe and confidentiai, avallablo Mondayte Friday, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Clint c every Thursday 3 te 6 p.m. For furtlier Information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901 PRAYER TO ST. JUDE. Hloly St., Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtus and rlch In miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, the faithful intercosser cf aIl who irnvoke your special patronage i n time cf ,need, to yullihave recourse from the depth cf MY heart andi humbly beg yau, te wliam God has given such great pwsr, to corne te my assistance. Hlmetln'my present and urgent petitien. In return, I promise te make yaur name known and cause your narne to be invoked. Say throe Our Fathers, throe Hait Marys and three Glanies. St. Judo pray for us. and aIl who invokey aur aid. This novena has nover, ben known te fait. This novena must b. sald nine consecutive days. Publication must be promlsed. BD. STRESSED & DIS- EASED. Why net try shiatsu, reflex- therapy, areaherapy, chakra energy balance/masag, improvod nutrition. By appolntment. Cali, 668-5159 PERSONAL LOANS $500 & UP for an urpose. AIse debts restrutrured, logal. action and collections stppoed, payments- lowered. Froc mbf & consuttation. 436-8104. CINDYS ALTERATIONS. Leathor, ladies' and mon's aiterattons, prom dresses, custom tailorlng. Tues. qIJ h Se0l 10142 MarySt .Uero Lanes. 430-6550. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Love ls the oe means that onsureth* truc fehiclty both in this world and the next. For information and dis- cussion, call 668-8665. THANKS TO STr. JUDE and the Sacrod Heait ef Jesus fer faveurs rocelvod. May the Sacnod Heait of Josus b. adored, gloriled, lovod and preservod througheut the world now and fenever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker ef miracles -pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopls pray for us. Say t litsprayer nino times a day. Ely thc iglth da yeur paer will be answerod, rogrdl o f liew iopeless yeur situatien sema. Publication must b. pnomised. AH. THANKS TO ST.' JUDE'fer, faveurs recoived. AG. BEST WMMES for a Happy, Bithday or Anniversary. «The dassiffedsare a specWa way 1te sendgreengst, Cal 668-6111 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTIE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS, NOMINATIONS FOIR THE OFFICE 0F WHITIBY HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONIER NOTICE Is heoeby given that a: a meeting bo be held onM da1Jy 13 1992 at 8:00 &.m. in, the Meeting Hall at the Whiby nicpal Buldng, 75 Rossrard Road East, WV.ltby, Ontario. the Couni ofte Corratibon cf the Town of Whitby in accordance vlth the provisions of th Municipal Act and tho PubL Utlihtes Act lntends ba appoint a poison b lli a vacant seat an the Whitby Hydro-Electric Commission. And notice is furtiier given that nominations will be recived at the office cf.the Cierk of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby. 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Otio, during normal office haurs from Thursday, June 4, 1992 b Fnday, JuIy 3, 1992, Inclusive, for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persans b fil1 the vacant seat on the Whitby Hydro-Electric Commission. Every nomince WiIl be requlred to file wlth his or lier nomination a consent bo sucli nomination and a declaration of qualification indicating that lie or she, (a) le a Canadian citizen; (b) lias attained the age of 18 years on or before Navember 12, 1991; (c) le a resident in the Town of Whitby or the owner or tenant cf land in the Town of Whitby or the spouse of sucli an owner or tenant; and, (d) le not otherwise disqupalifled or prohibited by law from holding the office of Whtby Hydro-Electic Commissioner. Nomination forins and ful particulars cf procedures ta be followed may. be obtained from the undersigned. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO UIN 2M8 PHIONE: (416) 668-5803 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY JUNE. 14^- 12:30 PJ. THÈ, PROPERTY 0F'- MR &-MRS. ELMER BROWN' 7A TO SCUGOG ISLAND RD. TO MA BRO>WN RD., TUAN RIGHT' 11HP M&D rldlng lawnmower, -5 section harrews, 9N Ferd tractor, 2 funrow Ford plew,, 6"',Weods mwr<scraper blae, Lincotn ,,rck ap, 4 antiue ca wrespeke rimés, tablé saw, a srted tools, ait lamp, assent- ment cf disies, Blue Motintain pettery, chairs, now tact Icabi net Mofi many job lots, plus many more items. Ternis:- cash or choque with ID. BRUCE KELLETT, AIJOTIONEER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - (Cash, VISA, choque rocelvod before deadlo.i) $63.00 for 2 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 150 each additional Word; (140-+ 1oGST>. BILLED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PWS GST 150 each additionaî word; PWS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 890 Per agat, lUne (14 agate lines per lncb) minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid,. $7.50 biled' DISPLAY -ADS 1UN CLASSIFIEDS, (Mds wth bordoM.s, picturos or graphtcs) Regular display rates apply - 94 per agate lire. Minimum size . 1 column inch $13.16 DISPLAY ADSý«j AS LOW ASý $10.99 PER COLUMVN INCH. -GST!s'oxtraen alads uptess atliorwise indicat9d,-, DEADUNE- Monday nooný pnior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594' Please check yaur advertisement for errors, an Uic fist day c'f publication. The Whittiy Freorees wiII not be Iabl for faJh-ure ba pubtisli an ad, or for typographie erns in publication beyond the cost of Uic space occupied by Uic error up bo a maximum cost of thc insertion. lba Whitby, Frec Poes reserves dmc riglit ta classify or rejcct ail advertisements. IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HER1ITAGE ACT,ý R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS, AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS, IN 1THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO' " * NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council cf« the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends te deslgnate the property, inciucing lands and buildings, ýat the following municipal adchess as. propetof liletorlo and architectural' value or interest under Part IV cf Ithe Otaria Henitage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.0.111. The James Br.b.icr Houa. 407 Byfron Stoot North WITBY, Ontarlo REASONS FOR DESIGNA71ON 0F M0 YON STREET NORTIl, WHITBV The James Brebner House was built in the early iBSOs on the Iands onglnally awned by the faunder of Whitby, Peter Ferry. ARCHIECTURAL This 1-1/2 sborey frane lieuse lias a thrse bay facade witli a moderately pltched gabled roof shlngled wth asphait a gabled front centre donner, and a one stomey back kitchen wing bulilt b forin an L-plan. The, most spectacutar etement le the enclosed front porcli whicli postdateà the construction "of tlieliause by about tliurty years. The liouse Is a very attractive example of the madest houseH built b a design tliat was equally applicable on tlie faim or in Uhc Town and stylistically contains elements cf bolli Gothie Revival and Georgian Architecture. An y persan' may, before July 3, 1992, se nd by registered mail- or deliver b Uthc Clerk of Uic Town cf Whitby notice cf lis or lier objection to the proposed desi«gnation together wîtfl a staternent of reasons for the objection and aDq relevant facts. If sucli notice cf objection is received, the Council of Uic Corporation of Uhc Town cf Whitby shall refer Uic matter b Uthe Conservation Revlew Board for a liearing. DATED at Uic Town cf Whitby this 3rd day cf June, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THÉE CORPORATIION 0F THE TOWN 0F wHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LIN 2MB8 PH0tME: (416) 668-5803 P$YCHIC &SPIRITAL ADVISOR Joan Monday f0 Fvtdoy 9oa.m. fo 9 ,. 4M0-132 The War AMPS CHILD AMPUTEE PROGRAM for information dia]) oII.frec arca codes 519. 613, 705, , 1-800.268-88ý21;othcr arc-% codes dia) 1-800-268-8917g -1