Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WHTBYFRPMPRES, WBDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1»92 COMPATIBLE COMPANIONES CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are holdn meetings for, singles --and',have' varlous sca vns ..danin, bowling' swimming golfing,. carda, iheatrei,,nigitubb, bingo, y Mtlýc,,' ,dininmg out etc Ltins ar hed ever yFriday 7 to 10 pm Memhershxp applic: abl..- 'eCmmembers welcome. Phone 1-800-461-7391. WIDOWS AND wIDWR ý,ýA pleasatsocal club for wldows and widowers will hold ts next meeting on Sunday, June 21, 7:30 pan., in the 420 Wing, Osiiaw;a 'Airpor>.Dancing shuffleboard darts and cada. For mor. informiation ca Ermie ai> 683-2045, Forbes ai> 430-0130 or Marion ai> 683-3855. GERANIUM DISPLAY The. Geranium & Pelargonium Society 0f Ontario will put onm display of geraniums conimon iri Victorian gardens. The. displa) will b. held June 20 ta 21 ai Lynde Mouse, Cullen Garden& Admission and hours are suject ta Culen Gaxdenes. n a y, Lt .LOW FAT EATJNG \A new'video, 'Hearty-Eating. Hatby Eating For Your Hear,' bas been made by sponsors Durbam Save-a-Heart and Whitby General H spta1 (funded b tw OntarioC**str,, of geh.The. video covers tapics sdh s ear> disease risk factors, <What is Atiierosclerois? thefr importance of eating lesa fat, types of fat, and simple ways ta, reduce fat and calorie intake. Tue vide., can b. borrowed free of chage fr-oni Durham Sav=a-eart (666-0995), Hear> and Stroke Foundation (571-1582), or for a nopinal fe. from the Oshawa Publ4IàLbrary (main brancii) 579-6111. BUSINSS CLUB The Durham Business & Pro- fessionalWomen's Club will iiold a znilni-trad, fair on Wednesday, Jun. 24, 6 ta 10 p.m., ai> SwanE Marina, Livrool Rd.,, Pickering Ail are invi ta «o network» witb, club members who will: have about 35 dàsplays ai> the fair. Cost is $20 (includes hors d£oeuvres). For reservations cali 725-9179 or 427-6930. Palmerston commumity achool will hold summer camps begin- nin June 29. Every week will have a different themne: June 29 ta, Juiy 3 is Adventure Week; July 6 ta, 10, Sports and Fii>ness' Weiek; July 13 te 17 Carival Week; July 20 ta 24, Ialmrston Wacky Summer Olympics Juy 27 ta 31, Wei> <'WîdWeek Ang. 4 te 7 Be a StarWek tu«. .ï7 ta o, Tue Grea Oui>: doors. We.kly coats range from $65ta, $90 for tiie camps, for ages 6 ta, 13 (pre-camp for _ges3 ta 5). Registration is on Tu.sdays and Thursdays, 7 ta 8:30 p..m., Saturdays 10 te il a.m., during June. Cali 666-0959 for more information. COFFRE HOUSE 'Christian Singles Coffe. HouW.'wlll b. held ai> Christian Life Centre (401 ta Westney Rd. ta Rassland Rdl. west ta Ravencroft. Gues> speaker is frene Standisii (Simonsen). The. cff. houa. will b. held on June 20 ai>7-30 p.m. For more U-n--ormation cali Julie ai> 68-193 or Verna ai> 728-9720. SURMMR FEIAL' Fairview Lodgewl hast the. third annualSnme Festival on Saturday, Auge 29, 10, a.=. ta 4 Ti.proceeda of tii. day will' r s ta enhance ,mi-houa. sent> programs and,.the. Alzheimer day program. Anone interested in renting a b ot seil craft items or huee aked, goodssiiould contact, Carol Bernardes or Heather TiMm for moreifomtin(668-5851). DmFOMETING The -UnemployedWorkers Asoiain rwiJl hoding an information meetig on Wedne9say, June, 24, at the. Steeiworkers Hall (corner of John and Albert St., Oshiawa), from7 t 9' p..A number of speakers from te communi>y will talk about the. problems experienced byun employed workers, and some of the. ways ta resolve them. A guest speiamer futherjo Onaio cabou L.P .i 46)62-41 (Bowmanville) or M. Genesse 571-3272 (Oshawa). BREASTFEEDING pRoEcT Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) offers, a free service, ta nwmothers toa anwer their individual questions and provide information and encouragement in the. early weeks when -breast- feeding is b.ing established. The suppot rUpfor nursing oth- ers andbbi-es i.!3held each fIbursday morning in Oshawa. For more information, including location, caîl tii.VONa> 571- 3151. SEVEC, The. Society of Educational Visita and Exciianges in Canada (SEVC) is a non-profit organi- zation whh sponsors suimmer student go exhanges. This summer 43 urhamn Regi'on stii- dents will go ta Thetford Mines, Que. Pledges are needed for com- munity fundraising events in June at Fairview Lodge' and Hillsdale Manor. For tiiose inter- est.d in supporting students, cal 666-3821 (et.569)f. SPANISHDISHES Tii. Spanish Canadian Cul-, tural oce >, as a membor of the. OshawaFoIk arts Council, will i.in the. Fiesta. Week celebrations boffeFiny Latin American and Spanish ii éhes a>tii.e Civic Audi- torium. June 21, 2 pam. Area residents are invited ta practise their Spanish and sample mild or spicy fàod from. the 'menu which includes Colombian chickn in mustard sauce'witii carrots, Puerto 'Rican pok and potato, pie, Peruvian, cuck wit rice, Chulean Empanadas (smali meat pies) as main courses and Spanisii cream Peruvian" alfa- jores, Mexican bunuelos as des- serts. For more information cal Mica Arnold a> 579-2334. YMCAHBE DOWN CAMP 1The. YMCA day camp a> Heber Down bas summer camp activitieso planned for children aged 5 ta ý15. -Eacii two-week period is brim-fiull of activities ta excite, and instruc>. Ai the. traditional ,camp. f, éf games, stoie, onsswimnuing, outdoor cooking, hes, craftsp,ý campfires, andoptional sleepouts ,will b.a bigpartof the parm apr wiwsiicanad a appy birthday with a cake they zi balte oùtdoorsi in a cardboard box. Th. wlltalc. a Hawafiin vaationrIght here in Durham- tiiey will time travel bacc ta 5,000,000 B.C. and. forward ta, 3992 A.D., with oome stops in b.tween ta, visit cave men, Sir John A. MacDonald in, 1867, tii. 1890' for th. Yukon Gold Rush, and whatever else, strikes tb.ir fancy. Tiiey will participate in, Olympiec ' qualilfing'.games' complets 'with opening 1-and ciosing cerenionies, tii.'Olympic ,=rchand Olympice vents - Yap style. Uansportation is free and available - from ,nvei camp bus-stops acroe Durham -ta, registor oeil tii. YMCA ai> 668-6868. BEY. RETIRES The congregation of st. markes United Church, Whitby will celebrate the. miisi>ry of Rev. Bessie Lane on Tuesday, June 23. Rev. Lane will b. retiring ai> the end of June. Anyone Who would like ta, visit and extend best wishes can attend. The. reception will b. iield in tii. churcii bail ai> 201 Centre St. S. (ai> the corner of Centre and Coîborne streets) from 7 ta, 10 p.m.. Courtesies will b. extend.d ai> 8 p.m. STBAWBERYsSCIL "HsieDurham will' hold a StTawerrySocial, bake sale and raffle on71a>urday, J une 20, 1ita 4 p.m., ai> 371 King St. E., Oshawa (rain location, Holy Cross Church). GRAND SLAM The firsi annual 'Grand Slam Agains> Hear> Disease will b. held on Thursday, June 25, 7:30 m.a>Durham .Collee,' by MKO radio and the. siiawa Generals ta, rais. funda for the, Hear> & Stroke Foundation. Lii>- tIe league teams can register. for a cha-nce ta pla an inn ing zaini>tiihe neras. CKDO wil aso play the Generals. Admis- sionis free. To register a team,' cal Tabatha or Martiiaai> 571-- 1350. FIESTA WE Club Carib of'Oshwa c. will sponsor Fiestg Week, June 22 ta 27, ai> the Calypso Pavilion, YWCA, 33 McGrigor St., Oshawa (corner 0f Simca. Si>. S.). Master of ceremonies is Dick Lochan, dialec>- stoiyteller and writer. Tlhere will b. Caribbean dancing, food and a Miss'Club Carib. Passarts may b. purchased for $4,, whicii entitles a visit ta any pavillon during tii. week. ShowtÎmes are ai> 7, 9 and il P.m. Non prfit communitgrouns8 whlch a a ed ln Whitbyrhva ple ter or activiteonhs V page t n or ae Ontaro go erne affordabi, disussd a anupoming meeting 1~~PPMargoet aitIon, tii. Parliaentar aistn o tii. b. ii.guet seakr at tii.Jn Reýioi Accet Perable Housing iomitties Til m eei, icheginat na.cmwifl b.tin ofl a ca HostelSevces,' 13 i MoearSt. .,Ohawa. nTii.th .8meeting isop eDuhanmn mreinfalÂto, al686-2661 Tii. *'Coontel JETFaewmeë'i pub lich .coo 9 advoyconil wiliý hold a athr'Hs Day Srcrwsh at3 mtin lchooonturda ne. 10eese a.m t 1 .m Csin $3m . more owisorb. hot dogs2and CAP OLNTER i. Sunrladise R crueaiol Youa*throup for teu evelomen tahe shaë ndicapenedasumer0 c0am vounteers u. 17 ta 21 $. Inerested valoun teers ged 1 infwt spleciai eeds gchudrte oryouth canpcalrthe eSupmns ofiat 668-8761. eea- umne NURING CLASS The nursing class of 1942 ai> Ontario Hospital (now Whitby Psychiatrie Hospita.l) wili hold their SOtii anniversary ai>tiihe hospital, building 30, on Thurs- day, Jun. 18, 2 té' 4 p.m. AUl welcom, t. iielp celebrate the event. FRE CAR CAlE CLINIC A. free spring car car. clinic will b. held on Tuursday, June 18, Thursday, June, 25 and Frday, June 26, 7 ta. 8:30 p.m. ai> Whitby Baptis>Chrc,411 Gilbert St.7 , k9nloi> (churcii gym if ren)~ter- early -with Henryai> 668-9711 days or 668-3453 eveniNga or with Albert ai> 430-8388« -or 430-3210 eveninga. -Bring a car ',for banda-on practice of niinor maintenance. ENDED HOUES Bellwood community school summfer camp off Tuickson Rd. jus> nortii*of the. 40 1,ý runs from June 29 ta Aug. 7. A full day for, ages 6 ta 13 runs from 9 a.m. ta' 4 -p.m.'; extended, hours are 7:30 a.m. ta 6 -m.; ee is $75 per we.k. Prescrilfor ages3 ta 5 is from 9:30 ta 11:30 a.m. Monday ta Thursday. Fé. is $1h for two days.- For more information cal 571-4770. VACATIONBEBLESCHOOL Vacation Bible Sciiool will b. held a>, Emmanuel Reform.d Ciiurch, osland Rd. W. and Walton'Blvd. July 6 to10 9 to 11:30 a.m. Uber will b. "bible atonies, akits, songs,crfs sports and an;oke. For more n formation cali 668-6544.- DINEDANCE A spagbetti dinner and dance wil be held on Saturday- June 27, 6 pan at the Kmgets of Clumbgus P~ark, 2795 Rition ]Rd. N., north Oshawa. -The mvent. has been organized b.y the Myoblast for'Muscuar Dystrophy Founda- tion. 1)isc jockey, lots of door prame. Tickets, for $20, are avail- ahli.by cailing.Marian Stafford at 430-3132..or Ki 4on at 725-7529, or can lb. Purhaedat the Olive Garden Restaurant in Pïckering. ANNUAL FUN DAY On Tuesday, June 30, 2, ýto '3 pan, joî-hiin t.eactivities (ir ai IING WELL LECTURE b. the. toplc of the next lecture ta b. h.ld ai> -the, Whltby Seniors Actvity ,Centre, 801 Brock St. on Wednee -',Ju;ne 24 at 130 an Gry tii from théi. OPP w present severai tips on how ta walk and drive alone, precautions ta take, e.nd ways -ta o m street-wise. This' talk wIllb. beneficial týa anyone who lives alone. Fee is- $1 at the. door. Cail the. centre at 668-1424 ta reserve a space. sTRAwBERRYsuppER- A 'Strawberry Supp'Wwlll b., held by Whitby hatr No. 24& ai> .thé Manonie Hall, Cochrane St.,, Whitby on MondayJune 22 5 ýpàn. Mitis$6 foraâdults,$13 for as«'12 an'uder. SPANISH CUISINE Thei. ý,SpanisiiCanadian Cui- tural Society, invites *area regi- dents ta, sample Latin American and Spaish d"ses at' tii. Çivic Auditorium on Sundaày, June, 21, after 1.mFomoeifm- tion, ca1f579-2334. Tii. Whitby General Hospital- >Foundation wiluiiald its -aninuai meeting oni Thursday, June 18 at 8 p.m.in the hosptalýcafgeteria.In, accordance with,-» foundation bylaws,' any ..individuai, corporation or .association -who, made. a financial- contribution to tii. foundation *,betwýeen- April, 1991 and Marcii 1992 - shal b. considered a member of the foundation and entitleïd ta- vote on al business conducted at the annual meeting. Agenda items' will include: a report, on. foundation activities over the. las> year such as the final official taly from thIi rt Clam -Camign, adoption by the members Mof revised byiaws for the. foundation as- well as presentation of the slate Of nominees ta the. foundation board of directars.' Nominationsa tiite. board of directors may be accepted from the. floor curing tii. annuii. meeting., Anyone interested * I' becoming a foundation board director,, should contact Sharon Bell-Wilson at 668-5590. ONE PARENT.FAMILlS The North Oshawa céhapter, On. Parent Families Association, will meet on June 24, 8 p.m., ai> Christ' Church, Mary and HflIcroft streets, Oshawa for coffýe, carda, and; conversation. New membersý and ýguests are welcome." For information, cl 668-7579 or 434-;3687. FATHEItS DYCRAFT Register, now a>t. e Whitby Pubic IÀbrary, ciildren's desk, for Father's -Day craft, *for preschoolers chldren'aged 3 ta, 5) with -Chris ,Stevenson. ,Tii. prograni willb. heid on Saturday, June20,2 to 3p.=n.'Spaces are Iinu-ited. There is no charge.*- ONE PARENT FAMILlS Osbawýa Chapter, On. Parent' Families Association wfil meet on Tuesdy, Jime 3, .8'pm., at Simoca.Hall Settiement Hu. 387 Simca. st. S., Oshawa.Ges speaker. .Keith O'Meara will. discuas male/fernale rltosis New members'and guesta welcome. For more information cail 436-5089 or 433-0832.. HOSP1TALM TIING The. annuai meeting -of the Whitby Generai Hospita will be heid on Wednesday, June- 24, 8 r.. m *the hospitafis caetEria.ý B&ems wifl include board eiec- tions bylaw .amendments, reprL, auditor apoienent expansion plan updat. BOAT CRUIS Holy Famlb Catholic Womenls Leage(CL have ýorganized a Boýbcaygeon ,boat cruis. for mem-

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