Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 1

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< Jy Malo Boucher Anyoné cauht dumpmq gr bap illymWhitby wi-pay >Monday,,.vening oertions comrittee recom mendda mnid- m i ine of *1,000 and'a mai- mum Of, *5p000for anyone who dumps Mb. neitjmtyý If .approve y 'coundcil -nx Hmes and Gardons Feature See pages 25 t027 Monday, there wiii also b. 'a rewariof $300 to an,yone provid- ing information leading to a con- viction. SThe public works department wfll iniaouand' maintain 30 No Dumn 55 t arious lca- Estimatdcst to purchase and mnsao the new signs is $4 500. Ïhe commimttee hopes this will get residents involved in .heiping to stop the dumping and keeping Wihitby clean. The. department has seen a big increase ini the aniaunt of r bage, débris,, litter and oter waste materials dumped in town, mostly in rural. areas incinding the dumping of about Î60 tires in a ditcii one negt last April. Tih. cost to remove the garbage and clean thei- areas is beoming more and more exenaive. Tii. cost of collectig debris ,and, litter- in , 1990 ws$880 ~and$10,900iasyear ToWn ecouncil. allocated a $105,0006ithis _yer'bde des] 'with ti lethe, o ogar- bage snd has already sapent 60 per cent of thatamount. Ai Àl materials coiiected in ditches and aiong roadsides are sent to the. Broc-k Road West l1andfill site or are stored at the operations' centre temporarily until a suitable disposai 'site 15 found. Wayne Hancock, Town public works director, said other muni- cipalitiesinîDuniiarnRegion are also experiencing the sanie durminpprobIein. b de at a later time if necessary, he said. By Mark Reesor After an eight-year fight, four Garden St. residents have finaliy got town water. Resident Margaret McKnigiit says the mains were hooked up last month, with Durhami Region paying most of the coot - the. remainder was covered by Graywood Developmenit Ltd. In return, residonts withdrew an objection filed with the Ontario Municipal Board against a shopping mail Graywood wants te construct on the northwest corner of Rossland snd Gardon streets.-.1: 1Tii. site plan for the. plaza was approved by Town planning committee Monday night, and is expected to, b. pasaed at next Monday night's council meeting. Although residonta aprcte having dlean water again, the battle "has ieft unswithabitter taste," says McKnight. "Tii. strèe and anxiety we have suffered through will not soon b. forgotten... QROUP JUMP ROPE wàs juat one Of the acivities at a&obmto play/ t'àýk and field-day at, CoL Fateweil p0ublic ehooL There were "Our Town council refused to heip us in any way... if certain people who are running our town snd region' would. have don. their jobs honourably, this whoie incident wouid not have happened." The flght for town water dates back te 19841, when construction was begun on subdivisions in the area. Despite comlaints of well disruption, M -Kigt-a se sud tbree neighbours were left on shailow wells, -having te, cope with containatd water and later, no water at ail. An offer froni the Region'te boan th.m the. money for water hookip was- turned down. Residents finssted on gettingfre. water'hookup under the weil interference policy, the, sane as peopie on n.earby streets. Instead they filed au 'objection te tth. contruction of the Graywood plaza witi the. 0MB., aiso footraoe, a medicino bail tos4, an obstacle course and Inchworm I PliOtObyàmak EeouowWhitby PoPreu. Plan approved .for newmi By Malo Boucher Town planning committe. has given the green ght to construc- tion of a maIl at the. northwest corner of Rossland ]Rd. .E. 'and Gardon St. The mal proposed by Durhamn Hleights Development - td., will feature a Lobiaws grocery store as well as other retail stores and restaurants to, b. nazned at a later date. ITere will also b. two floors of office space* in"- a three-storey bulig at the west endoft. mail. Plans cil for a total of 12,681 square metres (136,502 sq. ft) of commercial development and 748 -prkngspaces. ITa s a sligiit decrease in the. total commercial area and an' increase of-46 paring spaces from the. originaL pplication by 0metLtd. e ibastor will feature the -company'snew .buiding designa saud'colours, .t ayeV. low corporate arch at the entrance of the store, a -buîlt-up, fore 1 t green acrylie stucco over concret. block, a white'-csnopy fascia, soffit snd flasimg. ý-- Stephen Gutfreund, mana"i of -land development with Graywood, said, tis wouid only b. the second new Liobiaws'store te have the company's1 new designsand colours. If aill approvals. from the Town (néit Monday) and the. Region SEE PAGE 17 Operations centre to cs $6.1 Million By Marlo Boucher . Construction of the. Town's operations centre, likeiy te start next month, wiil cost $6,137,493. The project eeted te b. completed bv uex 19, is te b. ,funded by 358'e 0 h d b n tue,$2,503 177 fKom the deve- loment fun ansd *54,376 from the fututre capital reserve fund. Tii. recommendation colis for a déenture of $3 million te b. purchased as an investinent froni thie Town'sxserve funds for 15» years. SER PAGE 17 M NI Gardeë'nSt., residcents fn ally geL town water Vol. wediles(h - ay, Julle 1 "1' 1999 pages

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