PAGE 26, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1992 Know what, you, need '.when, .buying a mower Buying a latwnmower -" even a walk-behind verson --is*no ln er a eay p'rcdc Tescores od lawnmower modela from wich to choose cari easly *blave on. confused& :,iThe selection .proce8s cari b. .siplied, hweverfor -the well-informed 'buyer seeking Tesgt drive mower befare you buy The moat ,important step, when purchasing a mower is te test run the. model sêected. Be sur you feel comfontable using the. mower, and that it starts easil cts cleanly .and bags (ftiiat's your nee., Dan, Skinner, a bawn and gdewn pnoduct mnaerfor VfùsqvarnaForet &:=ren Co. - a manufacturer of bawn and gadn euipment ý-- urges a vist teoa servicing deaer for a test run. Be, sure te choos. a dealer who knows tii. pnoducts and cari readily supply parts and service. Checkoùitsfor buying Skinner suggests focusing, on the. engin., bngfing' extra featuros . and warrantios ofa mowor when considering a purchase. L.awrnoWer origines come in ".ULTRA WHEELS"" Reg.$89.99 Reg. $89.99 NON $7499 two-cycle and four-cycle varieties. Two-cyle engines,. mo re common inwreid&.behfnd'mowers ý:because of theirpower.and réliabilityr, require the operator to pro-miu the. mower oil and gas. Four-cycle modela don't require pro-mixing, but cari be bos efficient. If, you choc.'a four-cycleoengine, , look for an ovenhoad valve and pnessurized lubrication, -for, easier starting and loge là ain", better Performance. If you choose te bag, conaidor rear diocharge. This offera better balance and aide clearance for oas- in trimming around treos and bushed. Mulching mowers eiminate the'inconivenience of baggin but require . more frequent mowing. If. you are considezing ,a seIt-propebbed model, Sldnner suggests on. with ,variable apeoda. This aâlbows operatos.of dlifferent waWkng sed t s the mower comfotrbly.eTe two options available -- disk drive systemz n d hydrostat aystem -- bth wrk, well, although the hydrootat is generably more expensiýve. Check extra features and warranty Extra features cari add safety and comfort te yourmowaig tas& Folding handies are hobpfulwhen storage space in tight'and when more than on. person uses the mower. Smnce most' lawn care experts necoinmend changing the mowing height of . youir lawn dopenlding on the. season, amount Of rà ainal, heat, etc, look for mowers witk singlfe' lever height ailjustment for the decka. Other features te look for include eetr3*c start, a smooth composite poyerdock for.easy cleaning, easy engine acceas for routine maintenance and bail bearing wheels for extra Mfe and durability. Aso, a Sold aile through the. deck is much sturdier than wheela mountod- on aide boité. Fi.nay,*, ask about tAhe warranty. Look for a warranty backed- by'thi. ervcingdaerA warranty ileonly sagodas the doalrand com"pany-tMat back it. Lolcfor at ýlea4 at atwo-year warranty on the a e, and a steel mower dock jan a le-yar Épaanteeon, a polymer,,. dock. NUécerainyoii examine your warranty and have it explained clearly. Stra wberries FROM PAGE 25 on a large tray or cookrie sheet. Freeze until frm,' about 1i1hour. .Pack In freezer bage, sucldng' ont au much aire as possible 'blefore s ïln and labehling. To fr-eeze- with suarpac qsinkling sugar bet»en ach- layer. Allow W1 cup (12 mL) tran uflated sugar for eveiy 4 cups 1L)"wbolestrawberries;, Y4 cup. (174 mL) granulated sgrfor every 4cups (1 L)liesrw bernies. *Pick berrie4by incrtbie off, the.plant as thus-bruiwes the fruit. Leave huila inta t niljuat before usingystrawberries to lock in mosture and peetbre from dryingout. OUrLTrV.Rg 1.921 PIEÇdE DELUXE PATIO 2CASTIRON, N SET w/FOLDING CHAIRSQALT ReL..349.9 - A>;___ BAIIQBE là G CN ~~*$79" -~ PICKERING HOME& 40 G E HIL RVE9 m Homne Lelsâure . (BroOk Rd. and HWy #401) WHTY68528Stra :0 mt mSundy 1428- pi 9767 advertisement Hotner Gree 'nhouses homegfow-ters..onurservy quality*,'îmg(on wîde selectionY Quahizsty coiints at *:reasonable pri]Lces, Quahity planà 'ts at reasonable':pnics - thams hatfs offerod'at Hotrier Greenhousos off HI-ghway 12 north of Broolin. The Hotrier faniily has beeri involved-in the garden iridustxy sincethey firit began a ninârket garden 22yqars al.,7 years!ago they openod greonhousos and oxrpanded irito, retail 4 years ago With help.-from 'their parents, Marty Hotrior and Karen Vahdralinare part-ownera of the business that has-been steadily growng or four seasons,(May julY). The brother arid sister soil hanging b=kts, beddingp an arid erennias in 6,000 square feet of retail spaco. While providinga ýloXge Se ection of b.d ding and hanging' plants, Hotner's is' especially knowri fr their sýpecialty varieties of fueÙcsas, 13 varieties.of ivy eaniumsad ilcourdmatn. Most of.the plants they seil are- homégro-wîi, and' ith increased growth of the business o'pver'the p ast 4 seasons, they now offer a genorous vaniety of plants. Offering friendl, worm service, Hotrier Greenhouses. also -mraintain reasonaà ble, prices throughout t1ýhe'seaýson (99 cent boxplants, -and $9M9 a basket). Wor of mouith'qbout, Hotner's qual I thas brought- customers from. as far, away as Markham suad Havelock as Well 'as!' thE greater ..Toronto area, while their - local' customers- keep on coixiing back. The Hotner sloganis 'WHERE QUALITY COUNTS - WE CARE!" Hotner Greenhouses are open 9 a.m. to-6p.mxn:i days a, week. Hwy. 12 North'of Bro OPEN 7 DAYS A W] 9am -6 pm e.Ample Pi HUI 4KI ~BrLAklJ 1 !W- -i PISA 1l'