Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 8

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PAGE 8. H ITB FEPRES3, WEDNESDAY, JNE17,1992 Manning urges increase in jobtraining to b oo'St nm 11: Maro Boucher MTe Canadian goiviment Betraing ýCaadians, n par-,. sa far -more money on -wel- ticular the. une*nployed, is key te fare and other'forîs f icorne tii cuntry's economic recovery, mosiâtànc»e'than itdÃ"es i assmst- said ]Refor prty leadler-Preston lng lpe te train and 're-train .Manmngin Oshwa laut eek. frh wrforc* Mhé'said."ý To get the national' econor1y <aaaci n oigqr afordi gom aain and* b. co'mpetitive tà py ble'-boô&ddpoeteo on the, international, market, hotl, " h.sid ,rusing stroner ~~ationbetween, appaserr tirowd. goveramats:labour and ,busi- annneaid +one of the ness muât b. esitablishd te ep Party'spoMlces lor social"ro uipgrade alisl of Canadian .wor- grms and job training wouid b. kesh.ted bot 00peope a t te niake tr!ain or re-traiming a meeting of the Durham Région for n.w jobs a. condition te Manufacturers Assoiation. rec.iving unemployrnent :ýbene- To mny people are stuck in ft. the wrong. secter of the econorny To help pv incentives te gra- while other -areas'such a h uaig hschool students. te Computer industry have difficulty take training, Manin"sid h. findng ualfiedworers he wouldpv a student a training said. voucher for any employrnent pro- > 'Despite an il per cent 'un' pamn sponsor.d byý labour and emplyent rate, certain im or- Doiessgrups.- tn Canadian industries -, <Canad-a today- ranks 2th labour shortages,"»hesaid. arnong the. 23*highly industrial- Mannin*g saidy Canada spends iZed countrie5 inm the quality Of about seven hours a year te train its labour force training,» ho a worker in comparison ifih said. Japan where workers are. eah Manig* i ad ecn report b4yStatistica Canada con- given about 200 training hours a firzns that the average, Canadian year. farnily is worse off economically this year than in 1980,.and the. average falrbcre has drop- ped by 505 pr cnàine18 l'h. partyleader warnd that the mediasteni is imdanger cffligapr within the. next and sai ~rg govnm'sý in Canada are in office only', because people in ths country are, disa'atisfied with^ either the 'Liberal or Cdoservatie parties.' Durin*g a question and answer period,, on. person pointed out te Manning that his. party, not un- 11ke> the Provincial NDP govern - ment, has veîy few people with political expernence. Manning said mnembers cf his Party are experienced in other area of lifesuch as in business, but agr.ed most are iexperien- cdin a political sense. <Ho addled that what will likel happen is the Reforrn a wJl1 have some of its people eected and that block of members will gain the. experience te help the Party. Outside of General Sikorski Poliih Veterans Hall where Man- ning w as speaking, soie people plaoed on car windéhields phoo. coisOf flyers entitled, 'Tii. Reform(ed) (Tory) Party of Canada: What Préston Manning do.sn 't want you te know," by a group called the Saskatchewan Coalition for Social Justice. WHrIBY'8* GOLADEN GDLEis the< cbaîn's top restaurant - again scorlng the highest ina nîsyguest inspetion program for the second time iii a row. From left, Rose Phillips, Shawny FlynPainiýel Tracy and, Scott. Cooper eïnjoy the CD players awarded tibotf Photo by'maw R es.aWhtIwFr..P1% 'Monarches 75th IeONARCH. Construction president John Latimer aîccepts- drawings of-.homes fromù Colin ofte hy, Day Cure Centre during Monarch's 75th anniversary celebration i-Wbitby recently. I~nrchdonated a playhouse to the day cure céntr as part of the celebration. Photo byMamierle ra. Whltlxr Fr.. Pke There were 461 homes sod i Durham Région during the month of May, accoeding te multiple listing system statistics released fri-nmtth. Oshawa & DistrictLi Estate Board rec.ntly. Sm ODREB president Mark Srîït-;"Mlh.averagepriceof h esul at month is $1499221 in our market ar e S.ae seoimg activity i al price ranges, with 41 par cent of thi.homesueng' betwe.n 8100,000 and *150,000." Homes sold were on the. market for an a"'rgeof 58 days, and went-îor 94.Y percent of their fisted pnce. -The general feeling in that prices- havebotne~ and that stability is r.tlring,,COMMnA Smitb. "ith the. alalable incenlves in beýy,[5 par cent down heune ftii. purchase cf a home], mo than 3,000 homes t*0 chocs. froen, and the. iowest average pr-esin five shtartng t cumb,- and lots are becamýgacarce. As thbs lappensg, prcswlbe foecd up. "h in cheaper to buy now thm univerity shw tiat bying a home is on. cf tfii, wisest financ i vestrnents yen, cm "Thom. 9 dings deal with prjte ed ove a long terni, do.not ,include ii.h nomi-fnancàI advantages te owning you own home: a place té SaH your own, set down rmots, raisa- famlly and oeur. Yo By Mario Boucher. Whitby's, newest chiropractie centre pute, the emphasis on ýa relazed and friendly environ-, ment. The Durham ,Chiropractie and .Rehabilitation Centre, at 420ý -Crawforth, St.,o'.pened on Ma i11 ,-,and offers the services of w~o chiropractorsa'a massage therap- ist, a pyical therapy and exere- ,,se room ,adaè iltto management office. The clinic's staff will do whate- ver, necessary. to mnake anyone fee reaxd and cofortable eas osiesy Draryo ldei , n o f tw o c i r p r a t o r athe centre. Workshops are available 'for regular patients to learn more abo-ut stress management, exorc- ise and nutrition, he says. «Education is Zaveybig prtof what w. want to do here as weii, and it in something I feel very strongly about,» he says. Adamis jsay* the mAjority of health probiem are stress-reia- ted, bu t relief can b. provided through chiropractie care or mas- sm therpy. Ie staff treats peopie for ten- sion headahes mgraines, dya- function with' shouiders and necks as weli as other physical problenis, h. says. Dr. Miéhaei. Muzzin is not only a chiropractor but also a physical theràpist, and a special exercise ioom hnbend d ohl treat sports injuries, e says. "<This is juat an additional, extra service that we are abie te offer ini coirjunction with our regular ehiropractie services, he says. l1he new centre also has a massage therapist, Dr. Patricia Johnson. There is an x-ray room, and a. réhabilitation manage- ment group. The. poup, operaîangindepen- denti r i teestof ,the cenre giesadvic , people who sufr sericus juries and have questions 'about «whgt OPtinsare open te theral h. Baye. Adams say!s ho has been prac- tiing inWlûtby for-the -past20 yeam and adds that the new. centre is-proof 'of 'the staffs cornxnien tteprovide health car. te area residents for many Pannigfrthe new-centre ook abot1v yer, elook -ýat, Sil possibilities as te what type cf servics cçuid b. offored te local reiden-ts,hesoays. saf m Adan\ssays the ' tffcntreat popl ÃŽfai& ge.About,95 per cent cf clients. are referred to the clinie by other patients. * NO referral from another doc- ter i. necessar te receive heaith car. treatirnnh as byMu* Bm»r, W igy7 e Education- plays big. role in stress ma",ngemehntý,,

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