Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 11

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WJITB FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24t 19SQe PAGE il You and small business: Earlydvlpent The. best tliing you can do before giving birth to a new venture is to subject yourself to an honest character assossment., Assundng you'have what it takes, namely, true <frit, appropriate oxperience ac dlop of bravado, the next step W' to COinO up with a sound idea. What kind of product or service can'you provide thatwill fIIlan uninet neod, and who wi luy it? The answer lies in market reeh. Iles grea totahave a new idea, but if it's untried in the rosil woid, what good in it? For exepl you've corne Up with a terri çc itweight b whip; the only problemi is ta evei7ones driving a new type of cang -thehorselese variety.. The'e oint that, without testing the viability of your idea, your venture stands a good chiange of failing.î Wi th a viable, market-tostéd idea that has been nurturod with onthusiaum and confidence, the stapo A setutaintroduce'a businessplan. Tbisi document establishes coceegoals for yr comany, with details on how you plan ta, achieve them. It provides you with a sense of direction and serves as a yardstick to meamue your succesa. 1A plan with objectives tied to realistie deadlines will provde invaluabe to yo"ngbusineso caught 1up Ini fast-paced commercial activity. Speaking of which, regular exorcise, hobbies and short holidays are ail excellent ways of roducg the inevitable stress and tensions assocaated wiith smeil-business ownershi. Risk-taking 'and entrepre- neurship are froequently mentioned in the sanie breath. And yet, the succes fuI business owner knows thatt i l essentiel ta, mininize risk at eveiy possible stop - otherwise you can forget fab;ulous wealth. Careful financial planning plus this choise bitcf, advice: "Don't spend, a nickel more fia= you have ta," add up ta profitability. This, however, is not ta saWyo~u shou Id pinch your pennies too tightly. Surrounding yourself with good advisorsila anothor important ingredient in thesuccess formula for your newly-born business. Ajdapte< froin <St rategies for Succss' a joint private-, pwlcsco initiative. Fr your SÎ contact Entreprenourship an Smafl ýBusiess Office," Industry Science and Technology Cnd,235 Quson St. Ottawa, Ont.,i 05 Sunbirds pull1ing Out, ai t he stops! Stopping power! Pontiac Sunbird features standard 4-wheel' CCý anti-lock brakes., No import in its class gives your family that security. Sunbird also cornes equipped with the features that you'Il stop to consider: 2.OL 4-cylinder multi-port fuel injected engine * automatic transmission apower steeringe power door locks a air conditioning *AM/FM stereoe tinted windows 3 year6O,OOO km GM TOTAL Warranty *P.etaii price for vehicle equipped as described with $1.250Ocashbackand no charge air conditioning appiied. Freiglit. licence. insurance. GSTand otherapplicable taxes notincluded. Dealer mayseil forless. See Dealerfor detaila. à* These ofers may not be combined or used ln combinarlon wlth anyotherofferexcept the Coliee rauate Program. Offer applies ti 1992 new and unused. or demonstrator modela purchased from dealer inventory. Offer valid fora llmitedtime startingjwie 19,1992 white uasititle fast and applieu £goreail dellveries only. Cash bck afr incIudes GST. Flnazicing offer available with no liznit on the amount flnanced. to qualifled retail buyeus flnancing theirpurchaseathrough GACon a am tIoa i .M6pM mmkgutallolaS3~ me - si9 .,t*diq m~e tobbe repald s S1455.40 Asuqln~arebateofS1.250as the alternative. houldypu choose the reducet i fnaning rate.,legiiatiop eun siat anupoterbte mue . n l n thcoat ofborow nn o ,dçretoarrieat an effective inmeomatineexmmIC f ettvl~desrtwùaèl9%AK d*tohtorf64Wkiudien ue327 9df îaéîw & naebe h ýnE4c i patActideg tfor omW~ils businessnewsi

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