PAGE 20, WBITYFPREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,1992 BuiId it yourseif Super. Seven relatively inexpensive By GlenKonorowski Back inithe. mid-seventies, I was exposed to a car that would forever change my way of think- inîr abut cars. ecar was thieSuper Seven, a sort of kit car, madelby Lotus- from England. Now the narne lotus was familiar tome, but the. Seven.nanmie wasn't. After sorne inquiries, I found out that the Super Seven, as it. was called and stili is, la one of the bout- handling and quickest cars in the. world. Ov.r the yearshIhave trisd to find out aIl I could about this oddity of the sports car world. Just recently I spotted an ad for sales of the. Super Sevens in PickeringW. After a few plhone cale, I mst up with Rob Cattle, on. of the. partners in Prestie Motor Services, importers of the car. The, Super Seven was introdu- ced to tii. public back in 1957 by Lotus. Tb. idea behind the car was to have an inexpensive but competitive sports, car -for the enthiusist. By about 1971 Lotus' itsrest in the Super Seven was juet about non-eistent. It was at t= tume that Catenham, a distribu- tor of the. Ssvsn, secred the right to build the. car. Over the. DRESS IT UP AND MAKE IT HO T!! *Trailer Hitches *Box Liners *Truck Caps *Running IBoards *Bug Shields *Van Interi ors THE SUPER SEVEN yers, Catenham has im'proved the. car, at the sarne tirne kesp-ý .Igit simple. Due te thoeiieavy safety stan-, dards limpoised by Transport Canada, te Supr Seven i. iun- ,rted te, Canada unassembled. e i Moters actea syour agent or the importation of the. car inte tth. country. If you dcos., Prestige can assemble the. car or you 'can build it yourself. I%. Seven je a very ight- weight deafrn (1200 Ibe.) made up of a tube chassie and ahi- riu i ad fibreglasso body. At tuis point, one either orders3 one oftii. many engines offered by Cateniiam or. pute in their own eng'ns. Cattîs says that s3ticking witii on~e of the engines offersd by Cateniiam is bout, as resale years later ie mucii botter. Engines on the. Seven have four cylinders ranging from a pushrod (conventional) 16OO0S. te, a wild double ovsnhead cani 2- litre. Power of these eno.nes ranges frorn juet below 10W to an amazing i75. Zero te, 60 fnpii Dy Glen Konorowsld In t he never-ending quest for lighiter, lower omissions and iigh-perform anc. engines, Jaga has unveiled a V6two- stroke prototye Wat's a tw-stroke sugine, you. ask? WelI, a two-stroko engins in on. that only needs two up-and-down motions te, fire or croe pwrMntedof the.four 1trke of a regular engino. lb.Tte ostroko ,engine has smre dfnit. advantages over the conventional engi. Firat of; it's much ligeter becauso. there are fewer meciienical parts needed to make a two-strokc, mni. Since it has onlytwstrokes in its runningmrcle theoengine is aJovery powerflui for ite smaller Workig witii Jaguar on the. project le a cér any called the. Orbital CorpofA trlafw years ago th.ey introduced a two- strokoe ngine -that iiad, more owrthan the. conventional furclider engin. uaed ln the Ford Escrt. Tii. arazing thing about t* was that it was so light on. could alrnost lift it oufte car. Unfortunately thers je one catch to the. two-strok. engins, Aý WE INSTALL WHAT WE SELL TRUCK WORLD 1670 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 579m6868 MON-WED 9 - 6 THURS-FRI 9 - 7 SAT 9-4 inhtheceurwith alarg.r engine takesjust 4.9 seconds. Duetbth ight weight of tiisse cars, any. ençine you put il s reasonably quiclc. I am lucky in my job to get te drive a lot of cars - big, fîmail, fast and solow. The Seveèn le on. car I wasn't disalppointed in.. It handl.d andc drove 1k. -no otiier car I have sver driven. I am fia impressed that hopefally in tii. next few years I want te build a car Mek.this ryself. Prices for the, (atenharn start around $23,000 for -the bas. car, right u' te around $37,000 for a tepof e-e car. These prices don't include taxes or frslgiit from England. Now aIl of this may seeni Mei a lot te pay for a sipecrak But M what you g ore ths *rc is a car that çan promas Weil or botter than t likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche. One can contact Prestige Motor servies at 1-416-420-8319 for more information on the Catenham Super Seven. and that is emissions. The two- stroke engi ne produces toornuch smog toallow it on the road. Up tothis point in timeOrbi. tal %asben concentratigon small engines, ýmainlyi the thre-clindor range. Joining forces *th Jaguar. has led to development of the 3.2-litre V6 engine. Iisj ngnsje40pr cent liHorhan the Jag's own V12 and yet juit as poerful.1 Only tie willtellifthe tech- nology behin4 the two-stroke will develop mt» anything wortii- while.Oritalioi han corne up with another $10 million in deve- lopment nniney plus a Ioan of $4 million 'from tihe Australian By Glen Konorowski, 1 What was the Iargýst engine.ever used in a p roduction Corvette? 2. hat was the Iast year of the split rear window VW? 3. Dr. Felux Wankel developed what ~ngine? 4. IntheTV series 'Get Smart' Max drove what type of car? 5. What kind of car was James Dean driving when he died? 6. The VoivoP-1800 was orginally namsd in whatcountry? 7. The Trabamnt was made in whatcountry? ANSWERS ON PAGE 21 DURHAM l'In DODGE * CHRYSLERý 799 :ORST.eW, OHAW 404-052 Jaguar continues to develop V6 2-stroke engine *Paint & Body Shop ý Supplies *Foreign & Domestic Parts *Marine Supplies * as Tanks *Complete Line of Auto Equipment 179 CASIMER-ST. PORT PERRY (416)_985-9774 7BROCK ST. W. UXBRIDGE (416) 82-3386 DIRECTORYI