Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 25

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Host team.wis anamtte' Whitby Lacroese International, bantains continued to show their strong teaminkils and aggresslve style while winning three *straigbt gnes. to captureý the chA"minship in the reent Whitb~y tournainent. WMhy first defeated a spring field 1acrosse league Black il 17h11. 7 Jamie WIDlin3 Jay Gan 2 Coey Shroma 3 Malt Sherea-2 Steve Smeunovlc 2 Jo. Greentree Peul Bruce 2 Mike Mci<ee Inu. 7 JaM FIIZgmU a Ivan Buik 2 Dmrcy Mcquade 2 John Prenmott Matt hompeon 17h1. mw Whitby mnor lacrosse HOUSE LEAGUE 194M Ty" June 9 Jnway Bdimble2 Brandes Moebechoe2 innaaive Avards a Rrock Bunum a2 Kybe Mumleman 8 JUDO il pmFallyary 4 IbSlam aRv Vaeitina 2 lmn Brook JUDOS Cian Tf r. a Adam MaLin 2 Bobby Scabl )kkieTnmm 7al JeemtbonCayaal Bruît Iasaa 4 Paul St. Aubin 2 B ~ aDdyeu2 âebt Stokuan JLan in 7.5. Mnutaefn Dr. Pbnaeî Gury El aseura 4 JustinBermeI Janil Con aHome. mati Hq.' DLr.qt Jua BMOa-Ua Mattbev Manek S4 4 Famliy Kartvay a J«ardn Maybley 8 ThomasSullivan Ted Tusgrleas Chîi. Jackam 5 mtcheu% Ina. 6 Brie o en Dorme: Wry Tyoe lireIln "mise eat2 4 Innorat,. AvUard Kyle Musueman4 Break Runemmea 2 .mllholm s. 4 BrHa-Hae 2 Doeek Wrq 2 3 Rotary Club 2 RandyDevldon 2 MastoPa-fnt 6 Deoevn Raid 3 John Tommela StepbesHewak Dodd & Soter 8 Joël Johase Cam , . Whlttakoe mar& Cawbmene Daniel Tarrance AJ. Sannon Wayne ichard rNovice Whllby opata s4 Alaen Normingles Michael Cainan Chri. Eade Kcyl Walles 0 Couglean Home. Caaigllberu Fartes Whfnskmr Andrev ahile 2 Wdt1 0pý 5 Hoch"elcalama 8 2 TA )iauler. 7 5aJeffamwy2 JasesWidveth 2 luke Seninuik Ji. ug ues Davd Justyniki Jr. Papmvdet Jane 16 Wlb OptImlst 9 a Ba-netia L Hiabley Broelln MA. 4 A. Furie 2 A. Dymeat 2 Durham DodgeCha-ye.10 J. Hagbes6 I. Caepbeli 8 P. Mehm. Rogen Cabfe J. Nage' J. Casai4b BeB Canad C. Wood 3 J. Arm$trong 2 A. Jo-hasten PMI&a FnaS. D. Hgvood 2 J. BasamI- determined Burlington team 6-2. gastOrangeville whitby wakdaway with a decisive 9.0 win and a Iye to 'the Sunday f".a <Again, they met Orangeville and came charging fi-om the gate to take a 9-0 firat period. lead. Oranevile ttepted te relbound butwer tunedback. Thle final score was 16-3. Scoring for Whitby were Pat Jones, two goals and elgbt assists; Steve Voituk, five and three; Steve Death, four *and two; Jason Ward, five and two; Paul Web, two and three; Brent Lazarzv, five Cl Arthur Whaley, one and m;Marty *O'Brien, two and two;,Paul Saflie, one and three- David Stabile, one and four; Neif maùardonone and one; Zack ien a d Luke McKay, two assta; Saul Edgar and Gavin Prout, one goal each. >Both goaikeepers Gee Nash and'Mke Rowland, played, a vely offensive style, maintaining the teanx' fast-break attack. Comeback victory for Whitby A grand slam bomne run by Greg Maclssac belped Whitby Canadians corne fromn behind to defeat Cobourg 10-7 in senior basebaîl on June 16. Cobourg led 7-3 after six in- nings. But walks in the seventh innig nabled Whitby te, load the baes and set the stage for pinch-hitter MacIssac's blast that tied the gaine 7-7. Whitby then scored three more rund it he eighth for the win. Winning éitcher was Andreas Prubner w o blanked Cobourg after be took over on the nimound i the seventh inning. Trevor ]Beggs, Bryan Grylîs and John Heffer each had two bits for« Whitb . Jef Hardy bit a double and Rob làghtle, Armand Robitaille and ga e Osborne each bad a single. ýWhitby improved its record te five wins anad four loases for the season. Vikings win 2 more Oshawa Vikings first teain rernains unbeaten i Toronto Rugby Union division I play after a recent victories over Barrie's first teamn and Peterborough's firet teain. Two recent additions' to the Vikings, Wagner 'and Edson Cas- tilho, oiginally from South Mfrica, dominated in botb con- tests. Wagner scored two tries and Edson bad two converts i a 16-0 win over Barrie on June 7. Pete Clayton aise scored a try for Vikings. Wagner and Edson eacb scored two tries in a 32-6 romp over Peterboroug on June 13. Clayton aise had two tries Mark Gibeault scored a try and Whitby aio basebail squoer LuaneaDrum 21 I%.oeck Sparts 9 Rager Cable TV 16 W«II &Cufles 17 Galovfng5jeym10 lbo StufkeZe il JUDe 17 Lesmea Dram 12 DomkgAuto 14 Bmevramber 7 JUnO 18 W.C. Tawn 18 Dmua-hsDodge 12 ACCU-Lno 171 Oehawa Gardons22 .June 19 WhlteRom 28 polar Satellte 91 K.P. Copy 141 Jesm=aAuto Bady 85 Roger CabRe TV 65 mmemqup 85 Fmanklfn Fles. Food 8 iD Bank 9 smrsee.Rataay 9 Ibo Mavie Uîap 9 Peaa-.as Len Marvf n Enterpime.7 ID Bank 9 MoM« City alua-n 9 Whitby ptlmet 2 Oshawia-dnes CtIa- WhtbCi'UonaCluab 7 Jesson Auto Boc4y -5 Frankin Fa-oies Food 6 Whllby Optimuet 3 Polar Sateflite 8 Whltby Lions Club 4 Lennax Dram a DoM.Auto 6 Beaver Lumber 7 Dua-hase Dodge 7 W.C. Town 8 Peines LAUne. 13 B.D.O. 3 TRie Modle Shop 6 Divf.lseA WoillàACafles BD. mm. ste Zme We.t iond& Vi&sa F"" %ispà ID B.kà MawterClpSatanaà Ma-ik 1 àn Peine. Lim à mlie aeop1 Dlv" R AMDcU4o1 Dorh.seDodo WRte Rue DaMa'.Aula Polar Satelltee Jesse.Auto Body LemeaDram a Beaverasebw FranklfnFia-enFoaS KLP.Cow W.C. Tawna OshaaOa-ds icontre3 widlby OPdseua WhltlaylmaeClub 1 HKOEQUMJ A diviela Jo.. 15 D.d aute BMDUURC>dla 15wS Wal& Cufle 15 can.df a ire Edson kicked four converts. Despite tbe win over Barrie, Vikings lost the services of veteran Stuart Craig for the sea- son. He broke bis wrist durig tbe contest. Vikings are unbeaten in five games. Vikings second teamn bat 6-4 te Barrie -H on June 7. Doug McConkey scored a tiy for Osh- awa. Vikings IIl bat 15-6, McConkey with two penalties te Peter- borougbhIon June là. Vings third team tied Toronto Saracens IV 10-10 on June 7, Kari Novaoek with a try for Vikings. Vikings III won by default on June 13. Select Morie Super. 10 S9n Lem Fare 10 atam AVe.BurgerId4 ures Chev.obbe.Ad.13 June 17 Dodd & SiI. 1 Whftb7 Jce a Beckfeed Service St" 5Weal&Cues 2 JUDO la HSu à &ne .lApp la 1Centre Cfty uto Bq>' 7 staff- Ave. Bua-ger la CanadiMM il JUDO 19 Record Sorv. ahi.18 am Lem Fa-rma 14 W L 'T, PM DeekferuServce mtion 9 2 0 18 5Ecwtmoaqm a u.e. 6 1 8 15 Weel&CUflesa a 1 i 1 MmtArveu» uerar 5 4 2 12 Dodd&Ssalee 5 4 1il1 Sun lmFams 4 4 3 il WhltbyJayaeee4 5 1 9 CanadfanTIm .4 7 0 8 Home&iumIApà 3 68 52 8 ta" 8 6 1 7 contreCity Auto lePala- 8 a i 7 Brocdin Cyle & Mulmne 2 7 1 5 B diviala Jane 15 LemnaDram ltL 17 FamnRaa3ng Dynes & Lloyd 15 Whitby Audio Keslucky Filed 14 M« MoMab TopQualtyCollei nt nansClub Dudi S. esel1 Whf lby Optimists Jane 18 Wllby Audia 10 Mm mils Dynes & Lloyd a CPRaII Faren'. Rooling 10 Whulby Optinifas Kentucky Fa-led 7 Pa-Eue June 19 pa- EMIo ilDundasSt. Dentl Dynes &Lloyd !.l KnsînsClub W LT a 4 10 7 4 r 9i Dynes & 1oydJeeUeav 9 1i 0O W L T P'IS Dund StrelDetal Contre 8 2 0O 11020ParEssa6 .40 1 9 18 Top uaIty CalIlie. 1 1 8820 168Lerne a-us 4 0 1 7 30 14 Kinaen Club 46e1 9 76a2 018 Kentucky Fa-edChfcke. 4 6 1 9 6421 18 Wiltby OptimùMs 4 a60 8 441 «HMMnts 389 0 44608 WlbyAudlo 1 .7 2 4 86a1 7 Feneag11 3 7 0 5 8dGWme Je.3U 38 0SOSma 2 7 1 SEa Pr4dgeCM*eflaug ThoPapehctoey Evingo*l Kianen Club DaugpreanC.A. NIL&ReeIly Littie ckemm- WlbyFfragleiU PrlngleCa-ekDa-ag Clasef aFirqîlie Pea-ins Painta The ]par Facoy zwntRL ouIt3 Dauga-remsa C.A. MfiteheliBrui M qase Audlq CueSls WC Tev Andine. Vêt. Cli nia Mitcha l lamaanc. Network Aiwhltactur O. Brava Whulby Ta-apby Hanse Audley Ceaadas W.C. Tw Andrsn eVL.Clinl Kinemes Club mteitcelnince : cS1er.eers1aMt~tefJm!~ ~ S-I-I NICOLE LECLAIR of the Durham Lakeshore Womens' Faatball Leaqiie team sends the bail into orbit; despite LeClairels long baUt her teamt dropped a 15-9 decision to Fishermnen'. friend ini sophomore girlaW softball iniWhitby. Photo by Ma* BReSmorWM*ItiyFr.. Pv. Tie,- three losses for., peewees at tournament Whitby's peewee II teain had one tie i four games i the peee division of the recent Whity initatonallacrosse tournament. Orillia defeated Wihitby7-2, Garett Richard and Sammy Scbeepers soering for Whitb. Oswegzo, N.Y. iefeaed Whitby 8-6, Mike Mclvor,,scorig tbree goals for Wbi tby and Ryan Dan- cey, Steven Crowells and Ian Cutbbertson each scoring one goal. Nepean tied Wkùtby 7-7. Cuck Coles scored tbree goals for Wbitby wbile BIais Lawson Scbeepers, Mclvor and Davici Kubrynski eaeh bad one goal. Lawson scored the Wlutby goal i a 9-1 losa to, Nepean. Warriors edge Orangevilley fail to Six Nations. Whitby Warriors had a win and a ls in junior A lacrosse gaines during te ast week. Whitby rema in a three-way tie for sixth place after defeating Orage ville 8-7 June 18 and then alling 16-8 to Six Nations on June 21. Jason Crosbie had two gals and an assist and Derek Jones had. tbree assista to lead Whitby ~Matt Shearer, Shaydon San- tos, 4aMy Gof Wayne Paddick, Mark Ainswortl and Steve Tay- lor also scored for Warriors. Jay Les and Todd Wilson each had two assistai the close contest. Jason Jackson had tbree goals an soandfa n.ê frn. fli.C'*ona.aehla Scott Ronson scored four goals and had ,an assiat while Randy Renaud had a goal and four assiste te lead Six ,Nations past Whbitby. .Cam- Bomnberry scored two goals and added- two, assista and -Jason Johnson had two goals. Mter goalacorers for'Six Nations were Shannon . King, Scott Cavan, Pete Skye, -Wayne VanE- vely, Chad Squire', and Darren' Wison who added'tbree.assiis. For Warors, Goff and Ta blor each s~d two goalswh,ile Lpee, Shearerj Mike MseyadPad- dick had single tallies. Jones had two assista. Warriors scored the firat goal but Six Nations then scored 4k-ri4a ~anA nava lnnkad baAk. -IAMtDJtSf192 Aweekly profile of maembers of the Whitby arir junior A lacrosse team. CHRISTUCER Chris Tuicker, 21, ima te Pro- vide leadership in this, bis fîfth and last year of junior lacrosse. Tucker, wbo played in tbe Whitby minor systern, is a gra- duate of Durhamn College. Hie stands 5 ft, 9in.and weis 165 Ibo. TODD CYR Todd Cyr is a 17-year-old player for.the Oshawa Generals unior A hockey teani and now i -ai second season with Warriors. AH-enry kitreét Hi h School student, he played mn the Whitby minor systern. He ie 6 ft. 1 m tall and weigbs 198 lbs. DEREKJONES' One of the tep scorers on the Warriors club ie Derek Jones, a 21-year-old Who is in bis fifth year of junior A'la AprodctofteWhi-tby minor lacrosse system, Jones jis'6 ftL, in. taM and weigbs 165 Ibe. One of his favourite players in sportsjisthe NHL's RuasCourt- nal because of bis great ,natural akills and ability te crmatse ecite-- ment on ice. 9 B.ed Malt aoeaw s Stan Cocherton 2 Tadd Sina MatTbomopen Mlke Winnacatt 4 ueWiliam. 3 John loyd 3 SteveSimeanovia 2 Stan .nflld 2 Domenla Belmonte Eue 1 lc John Pteecott 2 Pu on Dira-fn Sellck

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