Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 27

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W~tÈ~JSSNJÉb~È&,AY, Mii"u, i~â~,P&OE ~i ~ ~ V~g~r~/jr~1q E~i{'L ~I~jrJ VfY~'ffj~jl~ J0 V~r) i~ NICE, QUIET MOTEL rooms for rent near Broklln. $175 weekly. Oelil 655-5308. CLALARGE rooem blnair conditioAed home, Whltby near Ai ax. *Close, to ail faclitles. 3200/manth. 430-7022.' BROOKUN- LARGE, brlght mcom avalabbe for July 1. Close t0 ail amenities. 655-503. WHITBy ONE ROOM in 3-bedroomn house, ta share wth 2 Chers. Washer, dryer. Quiet area. Available Aug. 'L $3501 month. 430-7103. UNFURNISHED ROOM with shower and kitchenette. Laundry privilegos. Quiet home.- Mature persan, non-smoker. $370/month. 430-0267. FURNISHED ROOM avallable for rent by mature, responslble individua Asklng $390/month (ail inlusive.: Phone 436-0909 days) or 666-5288 evenlngs). WIUTBY - OPEN CONCEPT for' quiet bachor. Oiean apt. for nion-amoker. $140/week, utîlitles Included. Separate entrance. Close te bus route. GarderiMmnning. area. COeil666-8431. WFHTBY - CLEAN on.-bedroom epartmerrt ln century-old building. Close te ail amenities. Avalabte July V92.. Suital for single working persan. $40/month&, Cali 668-3011 (message>, or 666-3883 evenjngs 8weekends. WFITBY - NICE, CLEAN one- bedroam epartments ava!lablJ uly 1 and August t $550 monthly, ail inclusive. A 2 t 110 Victoria St. W., Apt. #5(besde OStation). 666-02e728-2969. WHITBY - LARGE, CLEAN 1-bedrooem basement aparment li quIet home. lncludesfri dge, steve*, trplce Mete entrance, dock & paring. $595 inclusive 668-5802,6553047.V' HOUS, APARIMET FOR RENT? If ySohW .d verUs.dhem. 1'0008 lkum would b. madlng e îw. 1-BEDROOM APARTMVENT avaliable dewntewn Whitby. $598 par manth. Includes hydmo, heat & water.- Available August i Aise ludes fridge & stove. Please oeil 728-9679. IBRO01KUN - 1,200 sq. ft., large, clean 1-bedroomn basement apart- ment on 2-112 acres wlth separate walkout. Pets weloome. Fridge, steve & 'utilities lncluded. $650, first & ilast. Avlle July 1. 655;5293. WHITBY - Female ta share house. Furnished room, Lutilities, partking, use et poel. lmmediately. 04OOmanth, tirst & last required. 668-1708. COUNTRY HOME - 3-bedrooin bungalow -on M 2acre, .Raglan. Woodstove lni rec rmm, 6ci". $995/Month + utilfties. FirstIMls. Available Aug. 1.655,5406., WHITBY - JULY 1 - Detached,' ýWebackyard trees - main street, oktr 2strey, 2-bedroom plus parch. Needsé paint. $795 par month + utiltbs. 668-9977. FR1 VATEs 1750 SQ0. FT., 3 extra-Wage bedroems, V-12 baths upgrade ceramic tile. Fenceci yard, gas f irepiace, double grage. Muet »eIl - relacating. $174.9050. Oeil 430-7656. RETAIL SPACE -FOR- LEASE. OCreative, rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 &m. to 5 p.m. '.CLASSIFED RATES are $6.00 for 20Oworclsprepald Or $8.O0 billed. Oai now to place your ad. 668"111 MORTOAGES - IST & 2NDs te 95%Y of value. Al property typas. Persanailbans. Qulck service and apprevais. Cail Raycan Financial Ltd., 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to go when your 197ksa. 668-7200. ANURBS NVESTMENTS. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Soulhwestern Schoot of Auctloneering. Next Ciasa: Juty 11 -17. Information, contact: Southwssîern O ntario School ai Auctioneoring, R.R. 05, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 519) 537-2115. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programa Faderai & Provincial) for your new or exlsting amali business. -Information 514) 937- 2422 ext. 98. AMAZING 'GOVERNMENT GRANTS (Iraes monoy) imonthly bents and iow interesi (essier credit) ioans revsaled. Canadien residents only. Business or personal details explained 1-416- 482-3000 copyright M214. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strailwali Type - not quonset - 32x54 S7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882: 6OXI26 $22,972 - other sizes avaitabis -Spring Clearance e.- Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. FIND OUT WHY MORE AND MORE PEOPLE buy and recommend Future for quality. integrily and service. Introducing now the ýHay Masler' Cai 1-800-668-8653. BUILDINGS - SIDE-BY-SIDE comiparison is whal- l tekes ta pick ouithe besl and iowss..wete ail for Il. Now for a liimited lime - Facloty Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Exempte 25 X 30 Vlue $2.310 now $1.898. 40 X 120 Value $12.528 -now $10.788. Many sizes and types avaiabie. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SALES HELP WANTED EXPANDING TO U.S.A. Let me show how i made SEVEN Figutes as exclusive Canadien Distributor fot fasteat growing Music and Book Comrpsny:* Sesking Buyer 519-944-6000. We needy ou ta sti toya & gits lot C & N Gils. NO INV ESTM ENT, NO DELIVERIES, no colection. Cail 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 f ot res Info. SMORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pey Off Bills, Ctedit Carda! Finance New Buinesat Exemptes: Borrow $10.000. Repey $100.00 Monlhly. No Oualifylng Hasaies. Intransicon Financiat Toil-Fros 1-800-268-1429. VACATIONITRAVEL RENT: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS,. minutes from Dsney, Epcoî. Ses World. golf, shopping, fuiiy equippod. 2 bathe, iaundty, heated pool, spa. tennis. 1 hr. Busch Gardons. WoeklylMonthly. (613) 648-2030. SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH Resort. Oceanfront condos, houaekoeping Inciudod. Indoorloutdloor pools, whirlpools. saunas, tennis. p ufting green. Summrer rentais from $505/week. rs brochure: 1-800-448-5653. Your ad could appear ln communlty newspapers irn Ontario, or riglit acros Canada, or any IndivIduel province. Space la Llmted, so Cati This Newspaper TodayI BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a widr market. adveflise Ihoughaudt he rqional mombershp af th .1Ontfarl and Canadian Community NewspAperAssociat.ans CnriOtia55 newspepers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newspapers - $3M for 25 worDds AIl Canada 572 newsapru- $974 for 25 wotds For further Information please cail the Whîtby Free Poess Classifleds * 668-0594 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, hardtop totdown, lifth-whe, travol, park models, tnuckcarrpers-caps. Fibrelino & Lest Fibregasa & Aluminumn truck caps. Parts-Service for most makes lncluding Bonalr-LloneI-Lextra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Centre ln Tevlotdals, Ont. 1-519- 343-2122. EDUCATION OUT 0OF WORK? Tralned Building Superintendents needed scross Canada. G9vernment icenced, correspondence certification course has assisted'thousands ta find emptoyment. FREE brochure 1-800-665- 8339. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE in Europe or Japan. ait arrangements made for you. Contact the International Agricuturet Exchange Association. 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W.. Calgary AB T2T OE2. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadien Iow as $100. BMWs. Cadullcs, Cheva, Fards, Mercedes, Potaches, trucks, vans. Amazing details reveated 1-416- 48Z-3000 copyright VOl14. CAREER TRAINING TRUCK *DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses. also air brake, dangerous gooda, defensîve driving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers Schooi. Ontarios oldest. Cati 1-800-66".031. B3USINESS OPPORTUNTES NOTRE DAME COLLEGE. An Independent residential Cathoilo Hlgh School la acceptlng registrations for boys and -girls af al denominations. Grades 9-12. Contact Regiatrar: Box 100. Wilcox, SK. SOG SEO. (306) 732-2080. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baiiworms ln your besement or garage. Odorlees operalion. Low Investment. Market guaranteed! Free Information. Eariy Bird Ecoiogy, R.R. #1, Smithvils, Ontario. LOR 2A0. 416) 643-4252. MAKE $$$ driveway se aiing units for spraylng asphait, Intertocking-brIc k. scrytîc sasisa, foundation coatings. Lins painters, blowsrs. heaied tanks. Commercilt awn spray equipmsnl. Information cait 416-372-3902. ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Revoiutionary 80 chaninet mlni-dish satellite system wItl rapidly expand home enteflsinment and communications Industry. Network Marketing. No in ventory. No Investmeni. Cal 416-622-1810 anytime. COSMEIS HAD VOUR COLOURS DONE? Cent find the original Colours cosmnetics? Send for FREE mail order brochure. Coiours. 809A - 370 Dunlop St. W.. Barrie, Ont. L4N 5R7. Toiephone 705-721 - 1414. 1 IN HOME. 2W1stnucdn« Km»ud u"'u SEWING 4avo U MACHINE *Dcçs-Gaeb SERVIC *Addh'ione - * - 5 T ALL A ZestCom»uiwek- 6554418a DROP-OFF CENTRE 111 DUNDAS ST. W. V4HITBY, ONT. CALL PETER AT 666-12281I Deriek Dutka Specializing in tax &-retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. e -ecia Grenwood Gardening & Maintenance C .LAWN MAINTENANCE FREF ESTIMATES ' RESIDENTIAL à COMMERCIAL) *LANDSCAPING - TRIMMING Cail us how and savO Up ta 10%o on your seasonal grass cuttlng contract. (41) 721.94%ý at CA$H pb L'NWDA$HpLn 701 Dundas Street West, Whitby Phone: 666-711 Fax: 666-728 ALL TYPES 0F CHEQUES CASHED Fax Services Mail Box Rentais LCHE QUE US OUT! Servinq the area for 32 years. Whether burin or seîling. riVe me a cali SEN ORSI Don~t frgot w. have somethîng in common. 668-3800 - 571-3800 LANDSCAPING by UNIVERSITY WERKS l -since 1 9W0- Quafty Constiuction & Professional Design Interlocidng Brick Drives, Patios, Walks -Retaining.Walls Wood Fenctng Wood Decks -Froe Comletfive Estimales M The Mutual Group catfor quotation DANNY'S GENERAL CONTRACTORS Quality General Repairs and Compiete. Renovatons Fugyhreud KITCHENS BATI-ROOMS GAZEBOS DECKS SKYLffES FRENCH DOORS WATERPROOFING Cal Now For A Fre. EstImate& 666-2827' Prvdngioe a rdc eeosr losv * Enue@ddnwi reduse abmad* euenl, *GETA REBATEOF*SOO0PER SQUARE FOT- RMONTO dHYDRO*Auskrais '<cnmi sasprodsquch « g lcs. mm -1O%DlscontWthThis Ad.ý Financing AvaaH. rZZZESTp WINIDOW CLIN June, & JuIy Discount 571-5814 PAY LESS DECKS & FENCES *Post Hele Driiling - $3.50 par *Pest Settlng - From $21 each D* Dc Speclal - $6.50 sq. ft. complote Fr.. estimates 427m95-24 INDUSTRIAL & DoMESTIC ýi 1 fa r- L- a 1

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