Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 29

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<.e.~'i ~ ~.YJ iUCV II74s'-li t WHITBY F REE W8 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, l92MPAGE 29. STACHOW - Tho famlly of the lie Jerry Paul Slachow "lhms to express sincere appreclation for the love -and support tiey roceivodi from frlends, nerohbours, toachers and former. sudont&S. pooial thankste ,Rov. Glen Eagle, Elizabeh'Vandoco aid Myrtîe Churci concregation. ART SALE - An exhibiton and sale of original artworks in the McOuay gardon, 204 Byron St. N., Whitby. 666-1693. Fr'1, July 2, 5-8 Sat; . July 3, 12-6 p.m.; Sun., July 4, 12-5 p.m. Artlsts: Rowona Bridgeri W. Fraser, Laura MarsJI, Mary Ellon McOuay, Sean MIcauay and Ruth Read. PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash,. VISA, choque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 +-390 GST) 150 each additionalword; (140 + 10 GST) B1LLED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 eaCh additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 890, per agate1 lino (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 biîîed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ada with borders, pictures or graphies) FRégular display rates- appIy - 940 per agate lîne Minimum size 1 column inch $ 13.16 CONTINIJOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLI NE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0W594 Pleasè check your advertisement for errors on tiie first day of publication, mhe Whitby Fr.. Press will net b. hiable for failure te publish an ad, or for typegraphic errors in publication beyond the cost efthe space occupied by the errer up te a maximum cest ef the insertion, mhe Whitby Fr.. Pres reserves the right te classify or reject ail advertisementa. CORPORATION 0F THE ~\/~/TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNI.NG DEPARTMENT Mo NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Mnday, July 6,1992 @ 8:30 pim. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wil b. heldl by the, Planning and Development Commite. cf Councdl of tihe Corporation cf "h ToWn cf Wh[tby to consider a proposed Offcii Plan Amendiment as subgmltd by Broolin Meadow-s Umlted, File No. OPA-W/4. Tii.8 sujc oes locale di Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 6,a indicateh.sketch bolow. ~PROPOM HAZAM 0 L&M Th. purpmOs f the aPPliugla tg amend tüeBrooldn Seoondary Plan yramoving"Hzr Land designation as lndicate on Mh above isketch. The purpose of thi meeting la te provide adequate infomation Io the public aid Io permit inete edpemndmh.opportunity te make representation in respect of lieOlt&Ma Plan Amenhent appilio. If you are Io leteattend tdem etingour representation can h. lfood i wrtng by maul or peronidelivery lte mach 1h. Planing Deparbfint Wt«aterian mglar worklng houa on JLy 13. 1992. Intemsed e, nsmay fupect adcdtonalinformtion ltn le onkiiePgDeartentLevo 7, 575 ROaM East~ WhitbY, Ontaio, LIN 2mB, dwingrtular working heins, Monday te Frday,,or macntc 1.Plannng. Departnuent by teleponlng (416)66-83 ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING. MAKE $500 WEEKLY'stufi envelopes. Sond self-addr= staniped, 8u envolope te Box~ 20004;, 3 Huron St., Wooclstock, Ont. N48 8X. MAAIS BEUEVE: Love is the most great Iaw tiat ruleth this mlýhty and heavenly cycle, the unique power that bindeth together Cie divers. elements cf this material world, the supreme magnetic force that diroctti the. movemonts of the spiores in lie colestial realms. For information and discussion, cail 668-8665. BIRTH QONTROL and famiîy planning 'counselling. Free and confidential, availablie Mendayte Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 430 p.m. Cglinic ovory Tiursdlay 3 te 6 p.m. For furthor information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. PSYCHIC & SPIRITAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Fdday 9 a.mto9?m W-ELSH-WATSON LTD, Notice is -herebygivonta Welsh-Watson (id. innds "t clsolve, pumuant Iote ii Biness1 Corporations Act. Dated this 241h day cf June, 1992. Lorraine Watso, Presient - CINDYS ALTERATIONS. Loather, ladies' and menas altorations, prom dresses, custom talloring. Tues. W.,'ou aitn 101-112 MavS . 1èro Lanes. 430-e50. STRESSED & DIS- EASED. Why not try shiatsu, reflex thorapy, aromatherapy, chakra. energy balancemassage, improved nutrition. By appoîntment. Cali PERSONAL LOANS $500 & UP for- any purpose. Aise debts restructureci, legal action and collections' stopped, payments Iowered. Free inf & consultation. 436-8104. R EC YCLINVG 0NE'i I TON 0F NE WSPA PERS. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, onst ,of Orono, 4th Concession lino, 7 km. onst.cf Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground. Beautiful. $887 <1992--3). 1-416-786-2562. CLEARWATilFLORIDA -3 bedroom, fully fumlished,'ir conditloned homes. Pools, hot tùbe, beachos, attractions. Chld- rei welcome. Lus thanimotel. $275 woekly. 683-550. "LEAVE YOUR CARES atý home with us.ý Professional pothome sittors are fully bondd and lnsured. Custom- 'Homewatch International. 666-5353. '~""~~~F eo Press .0........... ........M.......... ............. ....aix $5.w0.... ... ...... CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY N071CE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS NOMINATIONS FOR THE OFFICE 0F WHITBY HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONER NOTICE is hereby given that at a meetingto b. held on Mody ul '3192 a :0 pm. Indie MeetinQ Hallat the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. the Counical cf the Copration of tihe Town of Whitby. in accordance wth the. provisions cf the Municipal Acit and the Public Utilities Act, lntends to appoint a persan te f1l a vacant seat on the Whitby Hydro-Eleirie Commission. And notice is further given that nominations will b. received at the office cf the Clerk of the Corprto of the Town of, Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, WhitbyOtnddn omlofiehuafo Thumsday, June 4, 1992 te Friday, July 3. 1992, inclusive, for the prpose cf nomninating fit and proper poisons te fill the vacant seat on teWhitby Hydro-Electrc Commission. Every nominee will be required te file with his or, ber nomination'a consent te suai nomination anid a cleclaration of qualification indicating that he or she, (a> lis a Canadian citizen; (b) has attained the age of 18 years on or before November 12, (c) Is a resident in tie Town cf Whitby or the owner or tenant cf land in the Town of Whitby or dhe spouse cof suci an owner or tenant; and, (d) is flot otherwise disqualifled gr prohibited by law fram holding the office of Whitby Hydro-Electric Conumissioner. Nomination formsanad ful particulars cf procedures te be.followed may be obtained from the undemsigned. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK TH1E CORPORAMII OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAS8T WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHOtIE: <416) 6688O AUCTIONEERS. The people of Whftby and surrounding ameas enjoy attending auction sales., Lot them know about your next sale by advertisng in the miost widely read pages 4n Whitby - The Whftby Free Press, Glassifieds. Cal: 668-6111

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