Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WJFFY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24.1992 MORE AUCTION SALE "KAHN iCOUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every ý Wednesday. at 620 p.m. Located onBrook ýRd., Piokerin-, 3- miles rth of w.0(exit #3 9). Featuring every ,Wed. an excellent select:ion of antiquesi fine f urnituré, glass, china, collectibles, priiftives. and the unusuals. So join us every. Wed. and participate "in one of Ontario's 'true auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. *Consign- ment' and', estate selling our pcialty.- Cali us today. Previews frm 1 P. M. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURIDAYSAUCTION ACTION SAT JUNE 27 AT 6:30 P. EVEI»W SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE PETHICK AUCTION BARN HAYDON, 8 MILES NORTH 6F BOWMANVILLE- This week by order of Durham Bailifi Services under virtue of the Landlord and Tenant Act RSO 1980, we are instructed-.to seil the contents of the. Chansman Ladies Wearïl, 1355' Kingston Rd, Plckerlng, to -include blouses, sweaters, Jewellery, accessorles,- marinequins, ispa Iseves & lots more. To be.foliwe by our fumi- ture sale to Include 9 %., dinlng room' ste., cesei idse., oaK table & chairs, plus.lots more to unpak. Trmsare cash',Ceu or Visa. Vechefrm5 Pm ue-o more'Irdrmaton, all1-416- 263-4252."Sale managed:,& sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEILS AUCTION -B1ARN FRIDAY JUNE 26AT6 P.M.- 3 MLËS EAST 0F LITTIE BRITAINON COUNTY RD. 4 THE- PROPERTY OFTHE-LATE DR GEORGE HALL 0F LITTLE- BRITAIN PLUS OTHER CONSIGNORS, Antique flat-to-wall -cupboard, press-bâckç rocker, mahogany par-- our table, wicker chairs, walnut vanlty dresser, oak cabinets jused ini doctor's office), antique chests of drawers, wicker highchair, qty. wooden chairs, bridge lamps, Orientai rugs, wooden airplane propeller, Colonial chesterfield & char6 pc. dinette ste., handmade qults, mantele docks,- crocks, copper boiler, Victrola, piano stool, 3 po. be eChesterfield set wlbed chesterfield, qty. old tin toys, qty. antique dolîs, 14 fibreglas boat w/trailer & 35HP Johnson motor, cernent mixer & motor <lke new), Craftssnan 12n band saw, Crafisman drill press, 3HP Lawn- boy lawnmowers, 8HP Toro Yazoo ridîng lawnmower, 5HP? rototiller, qty. sports cards, plus a qty. of china, glass & interesting collec- tible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 Whi*tbyunbeaten, but doeësn't reach s occer'final Whitby under-14 rep 8ils soccer team just missed reaching the final of the Erie Strikers Flagship Cup by one goal, in- Erie, Pennsylivania last weekend. The teamn spensored by' the Dundas Stret Dental CentÉe, opened the tournament Saturday by defeating the host team. 2-0. Whitby controlled play throughout the gaine but failed te, score until Marcia, Pope connected with a rebound of a corner ick midway through the second hall'. A few minutes later, Megan "Aàldn took possession of the ball over the centre lime and took it around the left wing and toward goal, putting it in the far corner withasolid kick. .In their 8second game, the Pelettes met Teain Metro and won easiiy. In the first half, Terri Bokor boat the goalie in a race te, the bail and then scored. Then Kelly Keberer intercepted a pasa and scored. ,Redmen fRlOM PAGE 22 Firth and ]Rod Campbell each' had three assis1ta. Redmen led 3-0 after the first peiod, of the gaine' played in Peterborough, uQakers'took contol n th esecndoutscoring Redmoei 7-2, on the way te vic- 7oZ Hiltz - scored twice for Quakers wvith singles by WaLyne Batley, Jamie Delaney, Craig ,Stevenson, Doug -Hill, Brad Fer-, guson, KÇevin Biggs,-Scott, Rogers, and %ob Crough. Callan score d two, goals 'o Redmen' while Wre *itt' paso- field% Dyment and Coady, Bartlett each scored a goal. Redmen play tonmght <Wednes- day), starting at 8:30 p.m,. at Luther Vipond MemorA-1 An Î, ini Brookhnî. The -Wb.tby hMinor Latross Association wiil be 'holding a house leagmie dance -on, Saturday June 27 nt the Luthler poc Arena, Breoklin, from 8 p.m. to 1'. a:m.1 . w. e Tickets are $5 -eàëachavIlabe froin amy executive member.> There wiil be a buffet, dom prizes and disc jockey.- For information, cal Wendy Lowes on voice mail phone (404-8938). Peewee lacrosse FROM PAGE 22 Duncan and Brett MacRury with on pont each. The sane team (with the addition of a few extra players) won the Ontario fleld lacrosse provincial championship in Burlingtont on May 24. The team has also been together through the Whitby minor lacrosse bouse .league season wbere tbey played at the miner bantam level and flnished first overall. The teain begins house league playoff competition this week. -u -w ~r4~E ~ .«-~" EU HURE ~ j:. * ~- ~ "\» A Whitbys under-li premiuer socoer teain, sponsoed bythe Bank of Montrea, vaulte into fret plae i the ScarboroughDuhaxn Soccer Leagueaf Whitby recoded a convincmng 7-1 victory over Pickering on June 17. Midfleders James West- Bemtley,' Radek Szadovsld, Terry Lawrenson, Scott Adainson and Craig Scott played a rongi gaine and pro'ided the frad with many scoring opportunities. Scoring for e Whitby Raiders' were Chrie Paul with tbree goS Aikin tallied again. when she volleyed, the bail on a free kIck by Pope. S I the second.- hall; Julie Wonnaçott. dug the bail],out of a *ux-pio score, Debbie Hamilton pasdte Keberer who scored on a breakaway, and Wonnacott tipped i a corner kick froin Susanne Wisdom te make it 6-0. Sunday, the drizzle became a downpour. Whitby met Lake Erie 14 and the teains were weil- matched, but neither offence was effective. The final resuit, was 0-0. After a rest of only an hour, WVhitby et Butler, Fa. for a final strgge. Whitby opened the scoring on a breakaway goal from Bokor'but Butler tied it up on the in"'"ay. Butler went aed Whitby tied it up when Jennifer Heniy took a fr-ee kick and Aikin kicked it in. Neither teain managed'another goal and the final score was 2-2. Marie Wonnacott was outatanding in goal,' having- no probleins with the slippery bail. In recent league play, Whitby has been succesaful. I Scarborough, Whitby defeatedý Scarborough Blues 3-0 on goals froi Catherine Cronin and two, froin Aikcin. At home, Whitby swept West Rouge 5-O. Bokor potted three goals, Aikin and Keberer added singles. Win, 2 losses for bantams iîn London Whitby Hughes Hawks had ,onewinin threegmes in ban- tami play at g1 1 8oftball tour- namentinLondonreoenty Whitby lost 3-1 te Stratford in the ffiýst' gaieMrci Rowland pitched a thre-hitrfrWib anid bit a home rum. Jenmy Cole had a single and stole two bases. I their second eme against Erin Mille, Whitby> eence fell *apart- in- the third innimg and Ennu isl scored seven runs on six1 Whitby errors oh the way te a ýCole p itched a three-hitter while iewland, Karen Kett, Michelle Theriault, Nadia Roberts and Heather Goulding each hiad a single. Rowla.nd threw a one-hitter in A 16-0 WVhitby, victory over Thorold., Rowland had mmne strikeouts and led the offence with six runs-batted-im froin two singles and a triple. Susan Fenton Iit two, triples and a sigle, Theriault hit' two singles and Rhonda Gannon and Cole each hit a single. .I le e play est week, Whitby roiled over Pickering 29- 7. Kett, the winnir.g pitcher, had four hits and drove in five runs. Rowland had three singles and a triple, Theri&ult had two singles and a triple and drove i six rune. Cathy Wade and Kelly Morgan each drove in four runs. On June 12, Whitby bast 15-10 teNWma- -- New arket wo With the victory, Whithbys early Besson record goes te three wins and a tie for seven points and sole possesson of firat place in t'ho standings. The two gaines, and the, fret two- of the. tournanient,' gave Womnacott a string shutoute. cf four C/a44c i(~int eeftt By Const Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crim Stoppera and Durham Regional Police are asldng for thEehlc'shel . isolving amurder that occurred in Wbitby Just after midnight, Dhian Thapar, aged 52, was shot in.hi. vehicle in his driveway at 31 Silverbîrch Place. Thapar <ied at the scene, and a poetmortem examination revealed that the victimu died of gunshot wounds. No weapon has been found., , Crime Stoppers are asldng that anyone who saw- Thapar on Frday, Feb. 91 to oeIl. He was driving a, gold Mercdes with personalized Ontario licencepatsTHPR' Crime Stoppera Wil pay up te $1,000 for inforamation =la tothe, arrest of the person or persona responsible for this tragic event or any other seriaus ,criminal offence. As a caUer you don't ba7ve to give your naine or have te go to court. You wil bé'given a code numbr to protect your identity. A re-enactment of the crime will be shown 'on CITY-TV <channel 57, cable 7) on Thursdy, June 25, durngthe 6 and 10 p.m. news. It will also be showiion CHEX-TV in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, Jiune 26, again during the news. Thé Crime Stoppera number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Reional Crime Stoppera and writes this article to help combat crime. MORESPORTS

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