Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 14

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PAGE 140 WI!BFREEPRU9~ EHSAY UY119 DIRAVA< The DurhamRein soca tion forVolnteAdinsta tors (DRAVA), formerly known as Volunteer- Co-ordinîators of Durharn Region wilI ,hold their regular mionthly meeting on Thursday, July 9, 2 p.mp, et Northview Comnmunity Centre 150 Beetrice St. E., Oshawe.AI vlunteer co-oerdiatorafadminis- trators of non-profit agencies are invited ta aâttenid. For mors infor- mation cali Donna Hutton, Ajax- Pîcker* Red Cross, at 416- 42-389 LA LECE La Leche Leageshawa will hold its reglar mnonthl meeting on July 8. Mthers and nursing babies are.welcome. For more information, including location, caîl 723-0542. SUMMERWALKINQ The. Whitby Seniarse Activity Centre Winl Sponsor a a wlki pgrm-from, the 'centre (801 j3rock SB.) on Mondays and Wednesdays et 8:30 am. Welks ' ta Lynde Shores wiil b. on July8,2e and Augl 2 and 24. On Jelte" 29 and Aug. 10, 19, ÏMiaIcawM lb. to the nature trail behind Cherney's, off Hwy 2. For'more ï, frme"on, qcfU the centrÊe et VACATIONDBIBLE SOHOOL 'Adventure on Son Mountin is the thine» of Vacation Bible SohÏÏoo e b held July 6 to 10, ý9. te 11:30 a.m., et Whutby Beptiat Chur-ch 411 Gilbert St. E. Al children qged 5 to 9 are welcome. Pre-registration takes place Mornings from Tuesday té, Fn- day. Cost is $5 per chfld (maxi- mum $10 per famiily). For more information, caSn 668-9711. SUMMER NATURE mHS mhe Central; Lake Ontarlo Conservation Authorit will begn the sunmmer-neture ike ahedule on Wedne"dy, July 8, 7:30 pam., et Ermony Velley Conservation Area. Meet iii tii parking Ilt DirctinaiTeks Hwy 401 to Harmony Rd., N. in Oshawa. Go nerth on Harmony- Rd. to, Corbetta Rd., go'east, on Corbette ta, Grandview. Turn left onto Grandview and foilow signe ta, the coswervation area. Wear appro- prime* footwear and b ring mosuto repeilent. For more infrmaion cal679-0411. Hot meols areevailable at the tWbitby Seniore Activîty Centre, 801 B rock St S., et noon' on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coât àis $3.75. Cail the centre et 668-1424' before 9:30 a.m. ta reserve a spae. For the summer, there wil b. a barbecue on Thursdays for the sme price. ALZEIMR SUPPORT GROUP A support group for Alzheimer lhmii- meets. every other' Weàdneady.Thei. et meeting will be hed oùJuly8,l1pamn,at the Azheimer Society office, 178 Sime < t. N.. (aide entrance). Note the- new. location. AUl ceregivers are welcome. ]Refresh- ments wiil b. served. For more information, -c« the society et 57-57. COMPATIBLE COMPAMIONS CONNECTION" located in Whitiiy. W. are'holding meetings for singles and have- various social, eventa, i. af. < , bowling-,swimmin g li cprds, tiieetre, nightcluba, bingo, poluckenddm-mng Loutetc. .7~~ ~ ~~ tp lO. Mm.sn plc- able. ;New emes eloe. Phone 1400-461-7391. WORKSOPS, Hope Spiritualist Church, 300 Court St., Oshawa will hold the following sommer workshopa, et 7:30,pa..en alterneteTudas 7:302p.m. ýJune 30, 'bnac Jy14Puat Life Regresson by DaIe BiChuck;- July, 289,4 How ta, getmore Love in voue Life' by Joan Samefls; 7A»g.. Ils 'Enrici= gh Love i your U (=rwflb.gueSt speker Coat is$5 par ohop. For'more infolrrmain, cail28-6198 or 576-8849. IEAMN TO BE A LEDR Th. Oshawa YWCA isfn ng a ,,CIT (counseiloeintani~ zorIr oth ape1t1 for four tWo-week, sessons, beginningJùFy 13 and- ending Sept. 4.UC Winl learn communi- cation, orgamzationa, teaching and leadership skilsa in a camp setting. Foe-more' information, cal 576-8880. ONE PARENT FAMILlES ,North Oshawa .chepter, on. Pei nt'FamàiliesAssociation wifl meetoniiJul 8 8'p.m , etChrist Churchl, Mary andHicroft streets Oshawa, for the monthly general meeting. New members and gueste are welcome. -For information, caIl 668-7579- or 434-3687.i PENNY BINGO PenrjbingowiHlba played at Centre, 801- Brock St. SB., on ,Monday, July 16, 1:30' p.m.' Memnbera BYOP (bring your own pennies). The coet is $1. For more information, 'oMil'the.centre et BREAST7EEDINGPROJECT Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) offera a free service ta new mothers toa answer their individuel questions and provide information :and ,encouragement in th& early weekéâ when breast- feeding is being established. The. support group for nursing moth- ers and b ies is, held each Thursday morning i Oshawa. FOr more information including location, - cil the VO4 t 571-, Durham Save-e-Héart is offering h ollowing CPR course in July and August: basic rescuer' (12, hours, $48):, Tuesday/ý Thursday, July..14, 16,21,'28,7 te 10 g.m., Pridayi'Saturday, - Aug' 21, ta 10 p.m., Aug. 22,-9 a.m. ta 5 p.m;- basic rescuer recertificetion (six houra, $33): Saturda, July 11, 9 a.m. ta 4 p.mi., Mondayednésday, July 20 and 22, 7 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 15, 9 - a.. ta4 p.ýM TuesdayiThursay., Ang. 25en 27, 7 té 10 p.m.; infant/child (six hours, $30):. '1'uesdey/ihurda Julyr. 7 and, 9, 7 ta 10 p.m., Saturda.yý,Aug., 8, 9a.m. to'4 p.m. AUl courses wull take place et. 1450 HopkCins S8t., Whitby. Advance registration for, aU,-,coursesli reir&ed by ceing the, office et 666-0995., lb. panah anaiencul-, turel Socdety..wiil hold the.Sum- mer Fun' recreationlprgamn for ages 7.-to 13e from July 17 9 &m. ,nocnatSt. Gr5r awe. (Uot is $45 per. child. Chul- drendo nôtneed to'knownSpan- ish. Courses ýinclude c' video Wrogams, crafts (inluding pinaa),ablgams, utdoor pic- VACATION BIBLE SOHOOL Vacation Bible School will b., held et -Emmanuel Rfformed Church, Rossland Rd.,,W.'. and Walton Blvd. July 6tol1099Gto 11:30 a.m.,'IÏhere Will b. bible atonies, askits, -songs, crafts, sports and sinacks., For. more m ,formationycail 668-6544.' Internationialiningertist Keren Heimbuch wil preêsent the musical drame, 1'Story 1of Ru;th,' on Sunday, July 5 et.10:80e.~ et WMhy Christian Assembly loceted et ti. corner of Rsln R&d. and Brock St. » inWhby The second annuel Bràoklin Summer C raft and'Gift Show will be held July4 and 5,10 am.to 5 p.etLuther Vipond Memorial Arn nBrooklin. There will b. more than'60 exhibitors. They have .Zte.dove60 door prime. Aogwith Mair local Wns fr-awa 's Qiebec andte Soe of, the wvorka include Victorien and country clothing, jewelry, decorating cens stained g àvflowier baets porcelin co ector doUa, dol!z miitreatiqu'es, reproduc- tion flrniture,'sren do-ors, doil caxriages, qmlts and Egyptian art. There will b. a caf. with ýthe special feature, 'make-your-own -For. further, ,information, contact Wincheàter Cottage et 655-3059. Optimsts offer . glf essons The Opimiet Club of Brookln ie. once egain offering -an instructionel g olfpram. The progam ilIrun forfive conscutveBatu"rd"%a July 4 thr6ugh Aug. 1. Lasn or one hour start at 1:30 or 3 pm. Th. lve-week prcgrem offers atudenteapqd 9 ta 17 an "pporudity ta be taught by a pro. 'Mis is the third such prqram oeganized byr the club. od Ashbni$2 include instrcton by a po s of facilities and a cso-i golf club. Registration- forme are availeble from Brooklin Bulletin Signa, 76 'BaldwinSt., -Brooklin. For I more informnation, ,contact Keith or Lealey et 655-4434. IPhotocopies, ax Service Custom Labels& Decals Wedding Invitations Business -Cards, Compeète Sion Production I BRGGKLIN BULLETIN W IIT B Y-76 .Baldwin Street, Brooklin GEORGE AUSTEN of the Brooklin W odicarvers- has an appreclative audience at ,a breakfast an,1 art exhibition held recently at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Pres Photo by Mi10 Boucher. Whltby Freseu 4Hconference tis week At the annuel' Trent- 4-H membera' conference July 1-3. members represnting eight 4-H associations wil have the OPjrtqum bu tahare in fun and* mIe selected 14- and 15->ye!w-old members wil explore the. themo '.Believe in Yusl You Have What it Tale.Y'iwt Peer pressr, effectve comuniatins ndrespons- bilityr tawards,.keself and othera, wiil only b. 'a few of the topice covered. Rtépresentig. the Durhamn East 4H concil wfIl.b. Heather Gouding, Michael Metcalf, Scott Sein and David- Kemp. Representatives - of d the Durham 'West 4-H -Associationi wiil b. Heather Val., Le&l~ McMlian, Karen,,Wilson n Heidi, McAvoy. '-Y' SIDEWALK SA.LE

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