Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 22

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PAGEU,-WII»Y'RZPR M.84,~PèYI Ontario league W L T'F CA PUE Brampton 9 O O 127 801la Pao og 4 4 0684 op8 CoEnokf .3 84 1 8 80 7 Cwgus 2 a 1'70 986 Own 8ud 2 a 0 71 es54 T go GA Ia F. John Tavar%,Dmptan 921,25 46 EillCaD"--&ooklin a 17 16 as Gaay7WIn, E rimptou -9 12 14 .28 Duib Kllgur, Bnpton 7 6 20 28 -r a dluuPilsO10 14 2 CruIS..saau. 8 8 16 23 Jolutg,Pet:=mog 7.14 8 22 Tom Wimitt, Bhlin 7 10 12 22 Msrkllsrdhîg,F.rus 8 10 12 22 sSORE Juns23 Brmpton 16 Owen Saund Il Jun. 24 Brokfn 14 Fergus 6 Pètemuoug 6 Branipton 7 Ontarjo lacroSse league, W L T OF CGA PMS M .Catbsgtno 122 O 206 1W0 24 ~' Brmpanéc1uoré11 4 1 189 158 23 SlNtms 106 1 224 177 21 Kltch.m'6Watarloo10 56O0184 149 20 Sarnla 8 611 7 18 17 MMI&nl < 6 9 1 18 1671l Pufaboroug 5 71 140 14911l fTorcto Bmcho 5 8 O 143 161 10 whity 4 8 1 125 100 9 Orsn.ilh. 4 100 147 171 ý8 flurlingbmn 2 110 84 188 4 UGo 30Am PMI Jsuio GrlmoMdy. Saria 1629 5281 Kavin Rayas., Buam n188842 80 OMs bDriool, Kthoo 1423 49 72 Chris owoIcL 133 .33 es nSwWright, Si.Cu"b 1428 86 8M .Chrts Goarg% Nitcuor15 3826 9B3 MlksMursy, Orang.vlfl11i 29, 281M flam Poegu.a., t.Cath. 1428 81 87 RavinDnes, Brapton 14 21 35 B 6 î1dB9pii,thmeo 1411 45,M Juai22 Si. Catharluu 20 Toronto Io Juin23 j Burlingian nt Petebobrot*h- re«u odud JoUMs30 Juis 24 Brampton il Sarnia il St. Calluirin 22 Orangela 7 June 25 Miebmua 12 Burligta '1 Pstabarog a 8Tornto 18 Mx Nations 19 Wbhtby 9 <une26 Trn.to 7 Bramptan 12 K-W 14Ornp 13 Juin27 1 7 Wu.t 14 EIGHT POINTS FOR CLA Redmn .,win, with 3,rd periodl out burst 'y IMai.Bouchler. .BrooklnuRedmen defeated Fer- gu 14-6 on June 24 to romain in te hunt for seond place inu the Ontario.ma*or lacrosseleau1 Fergus bd, 4-3 aftor the %rit poriod and the team were tiod "- after two poriods. But Red- mon exlpe for nine goais in the final iPoriod. Bill Callan and -Tom Wregtts who havo beon outstaudlig for Redmon ,this -.seasion, -again domlnatod te lead tho team, te thoir third victory of tho esson. Callan scored -throem goals and added five assista while Wroggtt' had a goal sud four assiste. Ater veteran, Paul St. John, scorod twico and- addod throe assiste. Scott MeMichaëli Scrod twice anud had an asslst. Scoring a goal each were RIch Dyment,- Jaon ichards, Steve Dyont, Joe Sullivan and Larry ownor. For FrergusBob Hamloy, Miko' ]RombouýghMe Cuddio, .Mark Harding, Jin mara snd Ted DowlingÎhad singlos,. Tho* Brooklln teain is slowly showing signaofiprovoment. «We're stili mniking hne aud vory. pleased,*it theéro gresa wêr making so fer" s>ays coach Peter Vipon<L This season s rookies are play- ing well but the team still misses a player Whoisegoig to sc«O ra keygol ltemith gme forus, ho iaya. The teai te beat ,athe Bramp ton Excolsiors who reman 1> fetedthus fer this ar Redmen have been im the Canadien -finals for the lest sovon years, snd won :ive cham- piuhips ai bolive lu .my teai sud I .tbink we cang' nagin thisyesr ,and go al thewayhe saLys.' Vipon aaysthe e ar i huabeen competitive muaeey gaie it bas play-ed, but muetcur iedis- cipline problem' perticulurly.the nuùmbor of penalties. "Playors scb as twius Richard aud Steve Dyment, have'impro- yod since the firat game, of the sossonno thinga book.good as the Ïeagile championehipa approaches in esrly, Angust, says ~M ~' .* 4U5 - ~' t ,~... 5e1~O 4 .After an extra-lnning, 9-8 boss lu Peterborough on -June- 22, Wbltby Canadiens came, baek the next night te, double Kendal 6-3 lu EOBA sonior basebal, A Petorborough bsserunuer slid under, the tag of Whitby catcher Trevor Boggs et home plate lun the lOth nming for the Wbtb corod two -runs onl Consctv singles by John Hef- for, Grog9 MacIssac and Rob Ligh- tle luth. first inningf. Wity »led 4-1 bofore, Poter- borough.orutod for a' total of sovon msl the fifth and sixth inngs te take an 8-4 load. But Whitby came back with a run in the soventb, two lu the eighth sud one in the nlnth to send tho game luto extra i- rnns. Jeif Hardy wes tho losing pit- cher. Lightle had three Sigles, MacIssae bad a triple te, along with bis single and drove in two runs. Jody Turner bit a double and a* single sud Beggs had two sin- gles. On Jume 23, Jin Néwton bit a two-ruu home run off 'Maclssac te givo Kendal a 2-0 lead after an mung of play. But. MacIssac blanked Kendal inu tho ".noxt four Imnnge whlbe Whitby scored 'twice te tie the gaine. In theo pixth inning, Steve Dor- ,mer bit a double sund drove in tbre'rima '-and Whitby added another te tako a 6-1lad Donner also pitcbed in relief of Maclsac and- allowed only a nlnth-inningrun. Lightle had an BEI single for Whtb Dave Imeson bad a, dou- ble sudà a Single, Bryan Gryls and Turner each had two singles. Whblbyno'w bas six wins and fivé bosses for the seeson. Warriors let dow nin 3rd Six Nations broke open a close contest with il goals in the third period to defeat Whiltby Wsrrlors 19-9 lu junior A laemome June 250' Warriors, trailed 8-5 sfter two perioda but collapsod im the, third. It was their oighth bsi of the season, te, go with four wins and a tie. Jason Johnson had two goals and five assiste for Six Nations wbile Miles General sud Pote Skye esch had two goals' sud four assiste. Wayne Vanovery scored three goals. Cern Bomberry and Dar- mon Wilson each head four assists. Scott Cavan and Yul Baker eacb scored twioe- wbile Randy Renaud, Chad Squire, Eddie VyYse, GeeBaker, Dallas Squire sud b Henry eacb had a goal. Derek Joues set Up four'goals for Wamriors. Mar Ainsworth bad thmee goals, Sha don Sautos scored twice, w ile Matt Shearer,- Steve Taylor,- Scott MecDonell and Jason Crosbie eecb had-a -goal. THE BROOKLIN IGA minor tykes Iost a hard-fought match to MoTeague Electric 8-5. in-the silver championship of thne house league lacrosse playoffs, Saturday in Broklin.* Photo by MRfk Rçomo, Whi#)y Fe. Pres Op timist home- rundebahi The annuel Optimist home run derby took place rocently with the, l arMst mregistration lu the six-yearlnstory of the ovent. lu<I 1986 about 90 young hall. players . ,entered the competition whie this yeerover 360 potentiel pitcheïs sud" sluggems -fougbt for the cb èampioip , trophios given. out in six difforenit diviion. As -well as-the oxcitingr competition between Witby' young baei stars thero was a- exhing«dbition put on by four' meiihers' * 0f 'Witby's *senioir ebail Uteai n sd plenty ,0f prime for the contstns tthé conclusion of the derby. The winuer 0f the T-bail division' was David Arnold; s quimt; diývisionTMm Law, (itching) sud Kovin 'eel (hittiug); mdot division, *Brisu Rourke (pîtcbig sud asonMacDnald(biting' poewee division, *Larzy Urtiaga (tch1in), and Rysu ,MacNaine. *tting); hautain division, Jon' cbttr(pitcblug). sud dMain cred .tçl*ng sad Mike Micbaudttig). Runners-up .were WMly Mitchell, Daniel Bleu, Bren >dan Petch, Audrew Gubbles, ;Mike- Gubbles, Revin Phillipi, David- Moonllght, David -Slute , John Stovens,,Miko Wattonsud Mark sebomous. Dory oganizors Deve Imeséon froen the Wbitby' Minor Besebai Association and \ Rick Scbatz of the Whitby 'Optimietý Club were plesed the tournment rau smoothly, thanks té the many volunteers The Wbitby Roy'as Enterprise mlnor moequito rep teuin edgod BloorJ!ays,8-7 luthe finalto wm a -basebil toumnament lu Peter- boroughover the weekeud. After boas te Havelock ou Fmi. day,- Whitby came out *much strongemlinthe firat oef the teuruament on'Batui< y. .Wbitby defeated West Hibi 8.4, led by the pitching 0 f' tre A weely profle ofinembers of the Whitby Warriors junior-A, lecrose teain. - . JASON CROSBI Jason Crosbie, 1.6, is lu bis second yeSr ofjunior Alacrose. A student et Eastdale« CVI in Oshaw, ho pbayed lu tho Witby mlnor lacroase systei n d was a momber of a-teuu that won the ror bantam s sud a third inuinge-for Wbitby. Brad Newport finished on the. mound. Aronowicz had two bita. Ini a home-sud-home exhibition match-uWbitby defeatad Lea- aidelý-5 apd 26-1. -« e Jeff eudali drove i mus sud Jeiff Boum »<frove lu tbre rim for Whitbly lu the 26-5 wiu. Ontarlio Minor hockey Associa- tion midget AAk title. Crosbie la 6 ftIL talsud weighs 160 le, /I 1DAN J.ADOUCEUR Dan Ladoucour, 18, la aloiu bis second year ofjunior A plaly Standing 6 t. 5 in. sud weigh- ing200 lbs. he is astudenta t Sr Ssuford*bemlng Coîbege., Ho says bis biggest influence in sports -was Chuck Lapine, a former coach lu baérosse. SHAYDONSANTOS In.bis flmst year withthe War- riors, Shaydon Sautes ike Ladouceur, played in the WCVity ,inor lacrosse systein. T he 16-yesm-obd student e t Father Leo J. Austin stands 6ft 1lin, sud weighs 205 Ibo,. His. s sster, Troyhanu, played> minor lacroase lu Whltl ansd uow attends achool in te .8. on a lacrosse scholasbip. WARIRS59

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