Colecin e4 ars ob rivsmn *BYýSteve Edei9ne Whon collocting carda, the main thing ise to determà ine whethor you are cofloctng.carda for a hobby, ýor for an tnvostment . if the. hobby aspect and ,the eltijne n t 'of seng your favouriwoto .p prosahati oon' cardboiard i. wbyyou -collect, thon. 1 would 1uggst1stying a way frm - thohigh-priced, premiurn carda. 1»1ý>ý Thee t'ards usuafly have good photo., but turotnou p to îhree to five fiestii. price cf naa-pre mUM Bit. *Stich an eà mple la: *Promt 11, 50 cents; Parkihurst 1,2to *.0 Par',the. Investà os, hAihquality Oeta are, .a roonedd invet 'n. One >gsUn howevor, would be to watt a whule aftor the. yacsone ýout, becauso the. type 'wll di9 down and the. prices wil fade (umuafly tomorrtl),thor.fore increa- ~"~'on1~ya aMt 11k.1999 O-ýPee- hePreier hockey or 19l af baobail cores aroumd andha lMtto p«cesris. frorn dy Warm* negPretïminnMsots'hl prneucould r"sut in a Mg:lm&a On.e sS pe .O-h-C Premier bsbl ht potm ast once ald for up t. *45 and mnore. Now, ittha been non à a loca card and- hobby store for <lhe lTcf the Wook lasFieer Ultra 1991 sud 199. Wth only 15 par cent of FIeer' usual promu run in 1991, and as low as $1 per pack, tuis ta a very 'under-rated rnvestmnent., ýThe 1992 -versioni bas even' higiier quality, botter photos than, lait year, a botter look and ta loua oensive than Stadiur Club. heequalities, as well as greatinsora suh as award winrtoUs you that thù ts ta the. creim 0<192'.crop Née twoek.' Non-spots card: coleting bint., the. top ton' individual sports carda ýand another Tpoti.W k. Whitby softball. W L TPII Ds6arslul05 , O10 KlwanbuClub 4 2 0 8 1 4 8062 15a020 D)LW.FL . 20 Lova 1)ug lFlmluoanWxend22 Ma!LwIIrcol Siwanlu Club 12Bohs 5k EANTAN DIVISON W L T PM, &okEn Lqlen Eul7 wClh* 2 O '10 2.1 9 60 2 a802 uidmuMufflr80 Cu Jerc~ Dugm 14 Muer &ooku Lgie12 XMim uSe NOVICE DIVISON W >L T PME AcMonplus 5 010 Wver Thlmble 5 LInsClub 5 Kibeta aiColumbua 3 Eul9ocroft Kitcheni3 O.HE.U. 1 Cuitay 21IL Brown 1 t il 010 02, Eurocrnft Kitch. 7 Cent 21-RB rown -0 lios..Club -23 KulabtoColuubuI Action Plua 20 OJLEU. 6 010ld EguThimblelg EDuoorstKitena1U OQUIRI'IVISON W L T PIM B&ooh&EiOptlrnlus5 0O1 il KurniaC[ub 4 21 9 MldmWayMul 2 4 O« 4 Whltbr Opthnhmta 1 5 0,2 socoer maitherCuon.w 2 Pai Dano.ak Pb& nbF 4 DavidEery Boiaulaqubane w-b cNsdh MUIl-ad DA"iOk 4 MeTugi. Hectos 1 KjlaVandsato. 4, Pa erth*Pumibe mm nCmit Bk"S- "M irldoa 8OpIUmisClub Paulok cdas rquwds Pmdy m in2 JuIN55 Kimuien D. Urs 2- us 2 Dchlaro 7 Esyamacbmen 2 JmroyDrugWhm 38 p. I.mbardt2 IL kHa,* A.Dth8 %bcSLDimule 3 S. Vanular . Ima 2 Whtby 3 hnet mtamdan1re 2 D. Yaa B.J. Bowlss 2 Mommaufhtrla 1 WhmtyFr.Pa. A. Ia", 1 IL Powwa Nramu 'frua1 AMid ra mS à Pait StoePlus ' mIolil il Natiomi Treat 8 17- KIn.mnClub 17 20 MIdw Moma 12 V L -T'PI Boum -C. Chandier Marcuy* tofloê Br omm B18V ' MacMilan Bath. MAcMWanOreh. Ka~ Partooe Lobda M«uuyAiiboflo4y DoddOmtt ; 'er aornin-aCCandie Wuyenm JUPOOMM EDIVISIO W L T PIM -odDrp6 00 'n' EPOI 8. 2 1 7 FarnbKarTmw Hoa 8 8<0 >t Witb10,IHe-a 8 80O.0 LoriI Druis 19 -Boa lcana&., DflSMakadng 138 Bp On .15 2 9 T-RAIL Diumiot< W L T P1M 1Dominion Kit > UnClub "iWbOiy IJonslub Haf on lufCentr Domw inin ut là euClub DDSMadtn WldtbF 9ptà iý 12 10 7'., s .~k s 4 2 2 L=Cl"ub 37 Han7..t enr 19 flantauDMulon Whltby' 7 Bsit 8 JonmtinsPa&k Bu@Lh I Uen Clu* 18 radi AuMWWdy CM" nda 1 Balisa 9 MldIChcy 2, swutawm- à Mutl paperFbtou. 4 Roalani 4 Juwlabti. A" . roa AuthwN"vla zr u lu Ghnvlflh2 U.S.A. Jo-v Maum 21 J.-,'eà 2 Mle PW ao) Mid.k Pa&robPm 9 XUalue Mau1lM191glan4 D.otU.sp nDiS.a à rea Fim Kamy2 aceanda T WbltirAiluglm . O uBu84 W T L 0V CA pedmPbm WhitbyAtldslI MiS" MSe PME 10 5 2 -. I r' ~ . .,,, EOBA mosquito lecague" WL TI'OT *tubMoq 6l1 0 0in1 CIabrh 68a 0 0am, 8 4 1 0OMO .8'101 0.21t NOWCU uâi 100 0.0