WY~PW~D~DAY5~flJLY1k199O, PAGE 25 Race icar-,;driveraisfor..fir s By Marlo Boucher Local race car .driver Terry MacDonald-Cadieux wants to be the firet woman -to. wln a profes- sional car raceîtriCanada.. Two years* ago, she was the, frat woman to Win rookie of the Mr honours ti the Firestone 'rehawk Serieo, 'and recently won a Smooth'Move-Âward' ait Mosport Park-ti Bowmanvillefô'r avoiding another- car spinning toward a raicetrack wall. . I have.no plane to stop râcing for, a long timie and Nd love to be the first woman to win a profes- sional auto raceti Canada, she MaeDnaldCadeux aysthere in only one, other woman ëurÈ- rently racing professionally tri Canada,ad she tna looking for-. ward to thia summer'. tourna- menta in'cluding 'the - Toronto Molson Indy at th e CNE grýounds jujy 17-19. eore each race, she feels a, nervous -excitement while wait- ing ti the car and she says 'you just wanna go and race» Concentration te the <priortty whtle racng t-i order to m ake quick and sound decisions, such aswhen and how to paso another car on the racetraek, she says. 1MaèDonald-Cadieux -says by the endof the race, 'Tm totally exhauated: mentally 'and physi- cally.n lifer friend, Indy, driver Jeif Andretti, son of famous driver Marto Andretti, crashed at the rrtIndy 500, but she aays ahe dbest tinkabout an y potential accident "or elseyou'd stop rac- MLacDonald-Cadieux aays she feels fairly safe ti her 1989 Ultra Slim-Fast. Mac Tools, Camaro whtch provides -her with good protection. Huaband Charles Cadieux, a field engineer for General Motors ti MYontre, .ta her coach. and crew chief and'often tika to hier ti the car, while she'ta rang she say». «Ractng ta a big challenge and 1 have great aupport from my famtly and -friend tobe the beit I can be,» she says. The Oshawa native lived i Whitby for many years and now has a shop on,1'hornton Rd. S. TERRV MacDonald-Cadieux has already earned a 'Smooth Move Award' for-a: manoeuvre she made at Mosport. < FePrs MacDonald-Cadieux i ted a bachelor ofscience timor-ý national business and ta halfway toward a ma ster'a degre. She has been Memployed 4y Ultra1 Slim- Fast for the past tw years as.an. assistant director of marketing. for Canada and ts alo bing sponsored -by, the company for ler ractnW tournaments. 9Racing bas, always been-part of my lifie," ahe says. The,"8-ar-old race car driver staredracipg profesésionall1y three and* a h ye-arsago and ponsto her 'family and,. in driver.' ,,, er parents -have been ti the auto' industry for, many . years and owned -the ABO Auto Aue- Beginning i thé mtd-seven- ties,,her flà aly. put on auto.. maobile and flea market shows r southerri Quebec and Onità rto, she says. Randy MacDonald won. his. frat 'career championship tn the 1990 GM Motorsp'oit -ational Stock Car Sertes fishin* tt at te NSCA~ Bsch Grand National Goody's 300 at Daytona 60,last .year, .and woùn ,the. Bud- ATT-EN-TION,ý LiG>ýHTTRUCK'OWNE'RSI We are overstocked on Atlas Roadhawk LT Tires (facial blemishes onrly), white lettered. ail seas.on radial tires We are :off ering super blowl out p rices while quantitie s ExamDnIs Of Our SuDer Prices: P205 75R1 4reg. $95.1 3.....8$49n95' P205 75R15 reg.- $97.57.......$54n95 P215*75R15 reg. $106.72......$59.95 P225 75R1 5 reg. $11 2.50 ... ab$64.g5ý P235 75R1 5 reg. $1 BAL.ACING& INSTALLATION EXTRA, 121 .49...,.69-M95 We also have 25% off allour, other Atlas line*up of Radia ie both passanger,&,,LT tukraii. Huryte on't Ist I *107-B Warren, Rd., Whîtby: N 430-0298 We Have Competitive PrIces -On Most Brancis WARREN I MHEUN .GOODYEAR PIRELLI' BF GOODRICH BRIDGESTONE YOKOHAMA]I DRKESS IT UP AND MAKE IT HO T!! *Trailer Hitches @; BxLineir *Truck, Cap s *Running Boards *Bug Shields *Van Interiors VIEINSTALL WHAT .WE SELL A u & £ N U K[' OR L D Oshaw Blue. fied larsse 9u 9Whte ~Wn.ot4 Matu wmf 2 Borda dm& aai ]bd M1uk TM Culem ablek a Whie Jouit.WUIt.8 ,J.oEktum Gmffaumn 82mVX Ho. lOBai 8e 10h wi ffl 1v Mal ma u iS h" uddQhS J" mWib Hock le 10 a 01la 14120. Ut. 18leSa10 0lu170 12 ]bd le& i0 m1 op PME 181k.mb omi.ct ) 1848s JoutaWbb.o(uel) le429 ik Npu tWbiWs 10 27 afakmeuwdco(mci 18 25 Dour doumiO.le(dta) 1625 OmsE Gilihad Bb), Il 29 Ed Moubma(WW.)12 ' Mai uhmoîeo "14S-21 r-