Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 30

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CORPORATION 0F THE' o: oTOWN OF LL.ITBYV- PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTIE0F PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING :Mondaey,July,6e 1992@-7:15peme. MeeingHal, Wlty Municipal -Building Whitby, Ontarlo An Intoductory Public Information Meeting wuill b. elb the Planning and De:velopment Commltteeocf Councd ofet he Corporation cf the Town cf Whtby th jolntlv conside, on a comprehensIve basis, two devebopnt applicaton submitted by Grand Oak Uimited affectlng Uio~subectpopet diiled on te map shown below and located wihnth =othestquadrantcf Dundas Street/Spnngwood- Street. mhess landue roferred tWlas Blocs B' and IP on Plan 4OM-1 179.ý DUNDAS SIREET EAST BLOCK B 1r! mhe frst appliai a reision of a previous submission, and rgs=oaedthe Whitby Officiai Plan.(Fie OPA-1 31-89, revlsed) nig yl 178 File Z-58"-9, revised> te permit the deeopetoa two-sre 40,000 sq. kL office buildingoth northery 284 acrese ocf B' frontirmg on Dundas Sret. mTe appicaton aise proposes te decicate te the Municlpality 6.14 acres of Blc"for open space ourpses This area comprises Uck Pond and' the assocuated wetlands lmmediately east of Springweod Street. mhe second aplication ls a new application te amend Zoning By-law. 1784 (File Z-669-92) and affects Block IF,' currently zoned R4A - Group Housing whlch permits 19 townhouse units, and part ef Blockç " (1.71 ac. , curretl zoned 'G' Greenbeft, te permit an expanded, consolidate condominium townhouse development comprislng 36 units on a total 3.09 acre site. mhis application replaces a prevlous zonlng application for 39 townhouse units' (Fle Z-590-89) which was the subjeot'of an OntaioMunicipai Board decision lssued March 24, 1992. mhe purpose of this introductory meeting la te provide adequate Information te the publie and te permit interested, persons the opportunlty te make representaton In respect te these applications. If youare unable toi attend the meeting, your representation can b. fled ln wrlting by mail. or personal- delivery tg reach the Planning Departrnent net later than regular worling heurs on July 13,1992. lnteetea prsnsmy lnspect additional Information relatlng te the abv pplication in the Planning e t Level 7, 575 Ribssland Road East~ Whitby, Ontario, LIN 2eeddninrular worldng heurs' Monday te Frday, or may contact the Plannig Department by telephening (416) 668-583. ROBERT B. SlORT IRECTOR 0F PLANNING BAIAIS BELIEVE: Love re- voaieth with untaling and limiless power the mysteries latent in the univers.. For informnation -n discuission, cal ^66Q-8665. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Loathor, ladies' and msn's atérations, prem, dresses, custom talloring.Tuess. ,thrôLugh Sat. 101-V2 Mary St. W,.- Pearson Lanes. 430-6550. PERSONAL LOANS from $1.000 and 'up -for anj purpase. Quick apprevas. 436- 104. STRESSED &DIS. EASED. Why net try shiatsu, reflex thsrapy, aramatherapy, chakra snergy balancelmassage, , improvsd nutrition. By appointmsnt. Cal 668-5159 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDA'AUtItON ACTION SAT J ULY 4 AT 6 P.M. SAT. JULY 4,AT 6:30 P.M.ý OI5bFELLOWS HALL lEVERY SATURD)AY NIGHT AT; SIMCOE ST. PORT PERRY, ONT. 620,P.M. AT.THEPETHICK- AUCTION BARNIIDN. Mersdune buggy dcrt.), 80 '8 MILES INOI IH'0F Fiebrd<ertIi ld), able, iano. BOWMAN VILLE bonch, codar chost, gdon balos, chain s aw 10HP oat , otor, dishes. Antiques: brass b.d. buck saw, treadie- sewlng -machine, drap-front desk, Brunswick gran- daphone plus many more Rtems. Tra as or choque with ID. BRUCE KELLE1T1, AUCTIONEER 985-9131 suNA ACTN THIS SUNDAY JULY 5 1 P.M PREVIEW N0014 AT THE KNIGHTS 0F .COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROOK ST.'NORTH, .WHITBY >1Partial llstonly Antiques, reproductions, house- hold furnishings fer Grace Trudel athers lncluùdlng 9 lpo. walinut dlning room set,' 6 ft. pins ý harvest table& 6 chalrs% foi1 cupboard, chlmney cupbaard, Persian & Oriental' carpets et major value te $13,000, 4 pc. wainut bedroomn ste.. pins cupbard, round oak table & chai rs, par wlng-back chairs, lniald roswd vanity, pin e bookcases, pins 3pc coffos & end table set, excellent val drep-lsat d'gate-leg oak table,, hockey & bail cards, glass, china, brass, cast iron pces., prints, pictures, oak '&. other parleur tables, loveseat, wire parch set, pins work tableà/î1ràaWer, oaàk librar tables, gramophone, several reps bes, pine chim nov cupboard, curie &.'wht-not stanids. Terms: cash, cheque. AUCTIONS UNLIMFFED 519-345-2426 519-345-2080 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY JULY 3 AT 6 P.M. 3 MLE& EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4. THE PROPERTY 0F MR. ART NICHOLS 0F MILLBROOK PLUS OTHER CONSIGNORS Two oak curie cabinets, plnd chest et drawers, pinse chimney cup- board, pins Jam cupboard, pins' tables, pins coffee tables (al retinishei) velvet 'chesterfield & chair, 6pc teakwood dînette ste., 5 pc. modsrn beclroamn ste., ce-ehi lamps, electrlc qgultar & 'arnplitlsr, trumpet, mandolin, violin, accor- dions, accasional chairs, cafftes& ond tables, single baxsprlng & mattrsss, micrawave aven,2-r frldge, wall unit, modem chest et drawers, Ma kta 10', mitre saw, Makta palm sander,, Makta boit sander «4x24) ' qtv. sports cards,- q tv.chinia, lass, tools, icalIeible &hosehokfitems. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1, LITTLE BRITAIN PH-ONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 BIRTH CONTROIL and famlly planning couniselling.. Fre.- and' contidential, available Fondae ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Cëlinic every Thursday 3 to .6 Pm. For further Intormatian, call 420-8781 ar 433-8901. MAKE $500 WEEKLY. stff envelopes. Send sif-addrM stampod, Qu envelope ta 'Box 20004, 3 Huron St, Waodstock, -Ont. N4S MX. This wook ,wo havre the contents af îa local home 'taoi ncludo 9. pc.. mahogany dlfnng roomn ste., Oak double. pedestal table, aak chairs,- electrlc or gan,..chosterfiold stos., llmnitod ediinprints, hlde-abed chostorfield ste., Rothschild' 2000 walk-ln sun' centre, plus"lots.of cther Interestlng &,unusual Refems. Vlowlng from 5 p.m.' Terms are cash, choque, or Visa For mare Information, call 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed .& sod by: GARRY K.*POWE.LL AUCTIONS, AUCTIO.NSALE "KAHN COUNTRY A UCTIONS" Evsiy Wednesday at. 620 p.m.' Locatsd on Brock Rd., Pickering 3 miles north ety. 401 (exit#32b). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection et antiques, tins furniture,. glass, china, collectiblss, primitives and the unusuals. Se jain us oevsry Wed. aml pricipate I n ans,.of, Ontario's 'true' auctions wth 'ne .buy-backs or* reserves. wCensign- ment and estate selling , our spscialty.* Caîl us today. Previews trom 1lp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 IOb iary' Wil liam (Willy) J(aBcob 0 of Brokln dedon 84nd~Y, June 21 at htby Genoral»,c al Ho 'wau born in Vortum, Hol- larid, onArl10,1928,son of Thooe and JacoaJcb A .Broklln resiident' for 35 years, . Mr'. JacobW '*aean' emIploye atGera Motorts for 29 yjears, . was a memberof the, Knlghte cf -Columbus., ,He was a, reciplent lof the -Dutch frhi. service -i, theIno.esanWar., Ho was pýredeceased by hi. wil'eï Dorothy- and brotherJo.. Hé o lu srved b dau hiers Angéla (Mvs.. Tim Twii.) and mdn,ézn AbsTanner, Tyson<on nor. Ho la als3o survlvedby brothers Theo of. Venray, 'Rocf Heer- Ienmd..e Mazy,,(MÏa. ,Do Haas) cf ,Miviii le,àso be< ,hi. mmnyfautr hidrnand hi.ý He rested at the W.C. Town Funeral- Chapel on June 24&- 1992. Fimeral, servces were helc on June 25, from Holy Fm*mly Paris'h. Crematiohn mnd biurial at Resurrectioncemeiïýtery. Donàtions to -the JuvéniIe Dia- betes orHeart mnd'Stroke Foun- dation. 6 Generations of- Service, Quality & Trust e Family Monuments e Granite orý Bronze Markers,, *Cemetery Lettering * Sandblastinig Staffoird Monuments 318 Dundas St. . Whitby 668-3552 After Hou rs 668-4460 or 666-151 .3 Horne appintments gladly arrnged' Proosed- sign bylaw FR OM PAGE 1 subdivision signea (bilîboard tp),real estate signe, service sainsigns, professional service signa, iniquiries signa, élection aigus, municipal signe, *cern- munity Oroup, church and social club signs, and garage and yard sales type of aigus. .Town staff have recommended thait the use of portable.or mobile, signe b. prohibited. on public or private properly or thal, they b. allowed wvith a spécial annual' permit'for:up to 90 day.fr'ac multi-occupmncy building (iiior. than -on. specifie- business) and up te 30,day. annuallyfo each Stffnoesth g hesecond o ption will iikely> find, abuses cf the bylaiw, such as no permits for aigus, illeqal locations, and un- safe electrical connections. Anyone convicted of Mn offence for an fllega1 ali nwould -face a Miy aigu ital laremoved by the Town would b. kepî for a minimum of 30 days-and -the owner of thé sign would thon have te pay a storage fee. of $5, nr day an administrative f.. cf t50 Mânàany', expenses incurrod by the Town. Thé Town can also dispose cf the siçn ,after 30 days of remov- ing il if the owner. bas not picked .There would b. an application fe. for 'a sign permit at a coul, of $40 îr aigri- axid the person applymg would. aise have te b. tb. owner or authorized agent cf the premises on which the sigr'isl te iocated. A* $250 cash deposit would also b. required for thé 'permit aMd would-bo refunided ýafte b. sî permit« expires and, lb. aigri is removedfrom thb. property. Thle following temporary signa would 'not b. subjecte d-te the, prpsdbylaw: signa by' al lvlofgiovernrnont, 1agency.,or commission with no commercial- advertising ,electioýn signeswoni vate property;. signs ýproo ý the commxunity intereut;, signe at> a construction 'site four squÜare metros or less; subdivision direc- tional signe three square m etres or lesu; real estate si#nu. one siquare metre 'in residontialzones and three square moIres in other zones; and temporary price signe and reiatod produicts sold' at, rïetail seviesaI automobile ser vice sitations,gasoline baà"rs orar washes. hold's meeting By EileenàYoung Brookhn Womonè's Istitut. ladies eoyd -a. potluck lun-, cheon at the home of 1resident Laural Hameèr onJune 17. -, Program for 1992-93 were mhe n meeting willi b. on Sept. 16, 1:30 p.m., aI, the Brook- lin community centre. - Marjgaret Edwards cf >Ihe Brookhin iibrary- will b. guesît opeaker. Convoners wiii be Eiieen Young and Ruth Agar. Motto will bo'«Me doors of ortunily are marked <push' and 'Pull" Rol cali will b. 'Ho who ernjoys doing and enjoys what he has, don. is- .hostsyeswi11 bo Aleta Camp- bell and Sarah 'Collins. là, lb.h June 17 edition, an article about winners at the Broolila8pring Fair baby show conteut should. hieeutated that Jake Jeffery was second in th. bo u to four months, mgo caeosu -d Michael Vermeulen wasi'hird.* mhe-Fr.. Press regrets th. 94: I &t i ,

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