Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1992, p. 1

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McKinnon to seek local'Liberal nomination iiy Mark Iteebor Brian 'McRinnon is g oi e-alter the federal Liberal nmiàon im Ontarioriding.. McKiTrnon, president of the. Durhamn Centre iberal Riding Association, says he* made 'up hie mmnd alter seeing strong suýpport at a meetinghe called last week "I had about 50 people turn up and very Pood support -lit's bien .building suice that ime." McKinnon says.a'lot of people are volunteering te work for im and «we've bien sinngpm - bers ike you .wouldnt ehve 8 what can I say, I guées Fm on mywayl" MdcKininon says.people are con- cerned,' with t h e direction the country's heading in and fed up with the current gvrment - «they're looking orsomebody l11w me* to get involved in the procees." Hi says they like the fact he's - not a politicien* and is making hie flrstbid for a federal -office. As -well, «there's sorne concern about thep#osei*biityf pgrachi#t- ing somebody h from'Toronto te run ix thie iding .. . (people) feel they'd like te"h ave ,somebody that lives in the- cornxunity, and hat been active> in the corn- munity te represent 'Whitby, Ajax and Pickering." -DQue of the, other declaied can- didates ie Dan- McTage of Scarborouh If he insMcKinnon saysho plans tei reach out te «non-tradi- tional'grope"-everyboy rom char&ýitble, asports' and youth groupeto, uaisunions. 'and loca poiticiens '--«to'focus on and fi out the critical issues within the: riding..., sud buld a platform frorn thé grasroots Up." -Whtby,.Estâtes Newdevelopment pla-"ný for Lick Pond area" ByP&MroBucher The prop Ioehoengdevelp ment near Lck Pn, oth of Dundas St.,E. and east of Tic'ëk- son Rd., S., je back before council. INSIDEplicationby Whitby Estaes td.ie for 36 townhousee at the three-acre location at the corner of -Sprinod St. and Nichol Ave., an a two-stor0 <40,00ona e feet) ofrice buied mngtrea-acre site south, of Dundas St. E. heapplication proposes to p.roýtect and improve the eiting six-acre iàck Pon. The -'lateet application cornes1,' after'a recent Onitario Municipal Board decisionrejecting the pré- vioue 'a BpliatinbyWhty Estates for a townhouse-develop- ment near Lick Pond. Colin MeLachian., president of the Grand. Oak Group, the managing. companyr that looks after the'Lick Pond jpropertyr had prevoly stated that resxdents ..woudstgIllbe able .te useth pond for recreational purposes deepite the. development, sud a lot of effort had -bén made te respond te environmiental con- cerns. .At. Monda/s planning and development committie meeting, residents' again expressed co n- cerne about the impact of deve- lopment on the environment and the wildhife in the Lick Pond. WaLyne Morrison said, if the houoing developmenit je lowedà te go fhi, along withi fences around the pond, "it will neyer be the saine again." The roosed- office tewer would lfcey discourage, birde from iing itepnd aria because of the building's -height, Memorleshe said. of the Mll Morrison said there ie already too much empty Office space in Page.18 tewn .so. there le no need for suother office building. He said he is worried the developer will eventually eli- minate the pond completely througfuter dvlomnt. 1hat pond mkste whole ares,» lhe said. Councillor Dennie Fox said the reality .is that development will occur on the iprope)rty sooner or later and adfdedf that the pro- poseA devîlopment la low density and not high-riseatments. - - Fox said the offcetewer is expe t»t be a professional buil.. used onily weekdaYs- Leters6 Fox Baid. that use ls preferable te Business 8 a plaza that could be developed Entertainm ent ý 10 on the property. **1 What's On 13 , Te. for-day,9Ontario Munici- Recycler's Report- 18 wa or Ovs ern took Broolin 8,19 plc last January for'the appli- Sorts_______ 9 cation for 39etewnhouses.- 111 -Sortus__2_-25 The board found that allowing CdObtpe 31 developrnent in the south, Épt would affect, the ret of 'the pro- SUEPAGE21 MITCHELL WHITE-KEARAN proudly displays the dipboma he received for "graduating" from the prescho program at Bonacord Daycare centre. Photo by Mutk Roisr.whltby'Fmi Pros By MrioBoucher Bdeconomic timing the size of the ýbuilding and lack of a fi financial report - not the location of the -Hilstone project - were cited by, Whitby councillore as some of the reasone for the -rejection of the proposai by reinlcouncil last week. file. $37 =Milon, project was ejected by a vote or 17-15. Someinmfavour of, the prcduet including :regional chair Gary Hîremûa sud Oshawa MaLyorý Nancy Diamond, put sorne of the blame foir the rejection on the -four Whitby councllors. "The bottom lnimej that we simply cannot afford it -sad'.ta --payes Camnotabsorb it, no matter which citythe ~je i n, ad - cunilorRose ratten orhe oppostion te Hiletone, which would have in=dd new Region administration -offices, in downtown The project je flot a good deàI for region, ratepayers sud the "ineof- the prQject. could evmntually men an extra coot te texpayirs, hi said.' Battin snid thère je no justification for the 20,000, s9uari -fiat popsd fo th adiisrton buII m. Aot 160,000 sqar feat was salad to be needled for Bagon staf. TIe location',of the, building wae also a MeMastert recommendd as new hydro Don Mc ateiethe choice Of Whitby Hydro t replace John Huge shydro commnissionîr. Mcaser uneuccssÇully rqn for a: seat on the commission m lest faIre Municipal élection. Wlutby council must pans a recommendation te approve,hie appoitmît.That.recommenda- tion com em denext Monday ig!LaMaster'ywould join Gerry gci ih Lawier sud ',RaI BlnauWhitby's hydrocmn- sInonêsw Macaser 4, aM$ residènt,'of ie a lbUr"relaionsconsultant tt nunipa'rutilities-,through Ontario H nd sdthe Munici pal Electric'Asomiation., Hi is a partnir in a manag- ment consltant firm ini Whitby sud a mimber* of -the humnan resources comma".teeof Oshaa COMrnunity Lfving. 'MaceMastr hie worked.'i'the utility. busiess -for 24 yiars and bas had continuai contact, with otherutilities. ,During the Mnunicipal eeto lest November, MacMlaster si hi ws didicated te imýPleint- ing. inergy -conservation .,pro- grarne te ciontrol raté- increéases, maintain servicsoand reduce the cus tnersn Dr r-coste. SU PAGE 46 coner inpat ecae nothing msejben pineIn thatareaoÏ-f Oha he said. Councillor Jai Drumm nid teproject bas te bi put off until the economy picks up. Drumrnsaid commente from -Herrema and Diamond were uncalled for becausi *it neyer was a questi?.n of 'chooing towns" but of bail economic timing and the aime of the building. Councilor Marcil Brunille nid the issue in m ot Whitby vergus Oshawa but the implications sud ifficte ofthî *cti The pîe ng f iges at WhItb as the reason for theiend of the project le nuslead*mg sinci Whitby only bas four votes and no, other ayrs se r'mnDiamond voted ifavowr c< le nid the two municipaities shouldi try te, work together te id solutions instead of fin ýf suoter ote n te oosipoEely today. Thi entie1proje tùùstîated te oot$62 million, ànldn $37 million Mme-storee reinladmiinistrative building and$2 ilon fora r .atoffice toywir. ITh ewgln could buy. ethimne-store building on a 30-year, lîssi-to.owmarar4gment. SU PAGE 16 we simply cannot.afford-iL., -

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