PA0È îow wBITBmu HPR SWEDNESD9MAY, JULY 14,1»92 SCopies c f the Whitbye Yacht Clubso new book abou t the club's 2year. hlstory are available at Wltby, Ajax 'and Oshawa- The bock, <T ii. wm Yact Club: 25,Years lni the Mkig' distbuted,,only lant, week, in dscrlbed as a <tbuùt. te the members" of the club who helped, buld the faciity. Yacht club history pblished, The 96-page book includeîs .a brief 'histogyý,based on -resarcb and ý ro*m. nliaces .cf Iongtlme club -members; a tribut. to:Mel Goreskx, the, founding. com- oor; detal ifteami1a- tio -fthe Oshawa 'and Whtby yacht clubs i,1969; mùanyphoto cf mmbesand boats and deta ftemany-atviis bers and four honourary Mie members (Carl Mantz,AfMine Switzer, Mol Goreski'and Rev. Jack ri. Club, momber. Ed McPherson, h~ldnt1e raSng program,. the booles editor, says the «phlo- held by te club. oh from the, outset was that There isalsoà list of ail aTthi. Would b. a ýWorldng-member and presnt members Of the. cibclub, andthat spfrt-i. veÈyýÈmuéh and the club' . 10chakter inem-* inevidonce ioday Adisision,,include miwarie at this yar'sOhwWityfr The South Ontario Agricultural Siety w n reett i.e annual Oshawva-Whitby Fair July 23 t. 26, with' entertaùumeut 'on ann7~sd Friday- evenings yid 1 Saturday and Sunday. AZ u new featureof tisyr's fa ir is .a <psy one admission' charge" that covers ail the. midway rides. The ever-popular -demolition. derby is on Thursday: and Saturday eveïnlgs, with the fina taking place-on Sunday afbernoe. A prime and trophy wl be- preseuted to the owner cf the. best-decorated- car on both Thursdsy and Saturday -evenings, along with a cash prilze., Friday .evening features 'the truck,.pull with categories -for 4 x 4 in stock,- stieet legal 6,000 lbs.. and aIse street legal 6,500, lb.., asM well ashigwaytrucks and a clos. or aniqu i aytrucks. AMotheÈ venue for 4 x4'. i. at the mud bog a.ypplreveut' ath - fa atr a andSnday l intheimdiketh e For thâse more interiemtd in the agrcultiiralaspect of the. fair, there are: liyestock showe, with the Arabians and open- clamss as well as the, heavýy hors* show an d câtfle, show takng place .on Saturday; ,the Morgan, saddlebred and light hors. ,shows as well as the heep -and .siheep-shearing demnstrtions take place on Suday.. The* hors pull takes place on SaturdaY,-after theheavy hors. afu imu âJJVU 1%& tU. as well as twins and triplets. The. first 10 a.m. and runs throughi until -aboutý noon with a trophy and prizes in the first-place positions and, with ribbons to ail entrants.. I%. carshow, <',under «thé direction of Jack Hfieb, on Sunday Promssto-,be bigger'a nd .botter with candtruck from' 1900 te 1976 eligible to compee So trophies ilu thei- ept-ve categories. jr esctv team d .slayonbthStudy The Bavarian Garden wiU b. and Sundsy- open' ThIursdsy and Friday- evenings as well as: SatIrdsy A dslyc antique buggies _afternoou and evening. The' fair and s1.eighs rune throughout the wiil once again b. featuring liv. fair.- entertainment with. local groupa. There' are classes i UpStream will -provide, the music horticulture, domestic science and -on Thursda evenig with rock sjuniordvision which wi .<'rl yh and blues, and' open from Friday evening Sahara i. featured onFriday and twogeut the. fair. Exhibitors i Saturds -vnigs an:fthe divisons are welcome. On Sumdayh dooe show is at- mjýtothers'and fathers, tfie' 1ip.m. ,There will ,b. ton baby show on- Saturday morning ca,étegories ,sud prizes ,will 1b. provides the opportunlty t. show,'preseuted as* weil as a trophy for offIttl ones up to18 monthsof SMEPAGE 22 q., with catsgois f« on c agirls OJRMUSiIle. 1.AOù'ý Bring this coupon to'OlanMills kids and get-qa special portrait package for only,$ 14.95. You1 choose the pose,, props, backgrounds - and 1 additional subjects are FREE! - km. Pickering 4058 >Studio Hours Tues.-7Thuirs 12:OO-9:OOpm Fr1'. &Sat.- 9:OO-5:OOprn cards accepted Nat vidlh anyoraffer. Aduts and fanlis welcoms». ........Limit asela= l por famly pose aur scilan. Offer exprese 72Ml.Sftting syntal KN4. OIlankis ,I wpùu suUo tha.t reailyknows kjds. EILEEN 'CORBERTgesJeff, Keller a tew tipa i n rehearsals for 'lroning Rt Out,@' a sho6rt'à monojogue witten by <Crbert. The moônologüueë,aloïg.,with thrpe other excerpts from Canadian theâtre .perform!ed ,by.- Durham Shoestrlng Pérformers- Brad Carson, Eliz abeth, Hokien and Mary Volmer, aire being-,presented. today- and tommero at Eaton's in-,the Oshaiwa Centre, part ofEatonis èebration of Canadaàs 125th birthday. Theres something for -everyone: al. seasona' north of Plcklng on at Pleasure Valley, the «park for. Brock JRd.-And summer offers the Most <of ai, for ail qf.. A day paso. inchides. use.,of a 400-ft. ýheated 'waterslieeut- door roUer . skatin 1,ndroer- blade.,skâting, hlkingtraIls, a iwimmhu pod, 18-hob minia- tue, cOse,- agohôI,ýds baseballi felds, volley alcut and orseho.pits3. * There, are picnic siteé n tables (reserved with groups cf 5Oor, more),', barbecues, food tethorsback rid igpny vYVV rides, donkey rides anda rcnt pu&rs.' There's a spe'al pond waters- lide for youngerchildren, as wel asapttin à fam, frée, face painting, kidMie bouncer and bal GOLDE? D~CTAI présents c CBNSOO 25l% OFF 0-od~A reOlaRegcs altear Mnch i n jt N Dino-In and Ta] à à 107 BROOK ST -f-, 1 r> TE Wz rar FKf MAIL