PAGE 10, WBTYRER Pues% WEDNbDýAyMJuy"22, 19q2ý "Did'youýr pa, teli yý,ou?- *Once thewa Was over,ý Ford couldflot praduce an automatie transmision-in the length of timie'.they had andp s» ~from mi--until ý1954, 'the Lincoiný could h -oardered with a Go ra Mtoa on,' 4builtb Mà r to Ford. ,specificati«< *The. firat used-cmlr dealer- fslup onedmLanjodotï,Egln iif Sp br 1897 with a ttlo 17 écafr ue * enNssnfirstbegan production, it -'purchased its techo'la%>Wfrom the American carmaloer Greham Paige, hired American- engineers -and .bilt' America"n-style emaicars. *Oigpnally, a 'chauffeur wasnt te a wo rvethe car.,,The. owner ýdid ýthat; tii. chauffeur was 'taken along to crankth engischange the tires an&make repair on the rSad, .0Each ypar, the United Statesý prces m ore autommesthau (My husbnd, an assemnbly lino worer, sýayq it ion% as much ftùin, t-à gh .. *The 1977 C6uÎpe de Vlle was the last Cadillac with aliot pzice intrduce ran 948by Michélin., neThe Buick Century, -firet buit, in 3, was ,soi, named ibecause it, wasthé lWst Buick ca pable cf daing 100 mph.< *Corvettes have fibreglas bodies,-Ru-lyforeconomic resenwm Wen they, were flrst bufit1hi 1953, they were going to be ý a- lowra4odiction model and Chevrolet. preferred"the .*400,0-00 coet cf toolingin fibreglass, as« %poud "to- $47.milli on for iietal. Thywere almeet diacentinued in - 1955 when onily700_were sod.and it ý was on*tdeditnof a few -executives that kept the model alive. *Te1961 Thunderbird",was the flst car', te have its rearview mirror stucktethe 'windshield Mav automobiles are namdaAter their found«o,,,but the Hudson was named after thé banker who financed the ,company. 1t__ mipht h ave had no metliing to do with the factthat- Hudscoes were deligned' by Howarýd E. Coffin. *The, use cf neon for coni---*ilihtmng was at a Packard' doaershxp in Las C n' Aug. 80, 1919,-Prince Edward Island lifted its, ban- on automobiles; thêy were iUqega before then. 0 Mme 1928 Ford ModelA was thé first-car te, use safety. glassi aIl its windows. *In 1910, Chirles Rda1s the 'Rolls'in RoLB-Royce, became the firet Englishman Ulled in an-air. Brothers biplane cahd Wiý RRPAGE 12 THE 1993 Mercury.Villager le avaiable in two mnodels,t GS ahd LS. he.,ViIIagers front- wheel-drive powertrain ,mates, and overhead Mini-vn smooh ihway Iii June, Ford takes a group of journaliste te Dearborn to view, next, yers nsw, Car. While there, I ,ý ot 'tedrive'the nsw Villager'mu-van from ' Ford. Accordifig'to Ford, the min- van market lasoesbf thefaset prowing segmeînts in the auto mndustry. UP_ unt,,l'now, Ford'., onlyventure into this market -sgmnt was theà Arost Methe other rear dive nm- vaînstheAotrw'as basl!cally a rubaeveienet car- based 11ike.'the "Chryseler mini- výansj. Wtfit th in m md, Ford set eout te build'one cf the beat mini- výans on tlieùmarket. B3èing late' inte the front.-drive mini-van segment cf the market, Ford had, tans teevaluate -the- competition. Ford could sesè if 'the trend fwas -te rear-drive 111we Mazda'. MPV Ior te stay front- dri#e like Ch sfle's Maicê Wagon à a.nd.- GW9sAPV and' The deciionwas mnade -tego, wihthe- frontdrive -con igu- £aun in, * A8c JJ-LuperJauo m is- AA san, Ford' set eut té distingui*sh themselves in the mini-van mar- ket. -Bath were involved -i the design of' the -van, witIl each sufplyi'ng vital components. The ilager ls built-at the Ford plant .in AvenLke Ohio with com-- pgnent. comil., in (from the U.S. aucLa au, The Vil'Iager will bo available in two model, the G8and the IS. Both Ford And Niassa'haveê decided te fihgilhtly upscale with the îlage Qust. This means that many features Qptional,:in other vans will ha su PAGE 13 OWAS4 Expedenoe'the 0w An*1 CARI