Whitby Free Press, 22 Jul 1992, p. 25

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W nuB F3PRS2,WEINEBDAY, JLY2, 92, P.25 s~r~ ÀPARTIi, 81 'Wi79.IM-'______ ~ I OR RNT < HME FURNISHED, CLEAN;- comfort- able, quiet room for ront. Private <washroom. Town bus route. Use of laundry. Femalo prof orrèdi. 668-834. WHITBY- ONE ROOM ln 3-bedroom house, to sharo wth 2 others. Washor, dryor. Quiet area. Avalable- Aug. 1. $350/month. 430-7103. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for ront. $80 wekl. Share bathroom '& kitchon. akt i amonitios. Cal! 666-3776 attor 6 SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES avallable at Bon Voyage Mtol. At Hwj12 & 7,2km north of Brîooklin. HOUS, APARMENT FOR RROM if you hWd adv.uilsd hem. t',0006 Im you would b. ,eaing th".now. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Croativo rentaI arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. STORE FOR RENT in Brooklin. 600 or 1,200 sq. ft. Low bease or, rentai rates. 655-4544 or 655-8989. The Mutual Group HEBTRAN 1 alfor quotation -LANDSCAPING by UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1980 - Oualty Constructon & Professonal Design Initerlocking Brick Drives, Patios, Walksà *Retaining WaiIs Wood Feningrd Wood Decks -Free Competitive EStimates 666-9690ý' P OAY LESS DECKS & FENCESý *Post Ho!. Driling - $3.50 per *Post Selng - From $21 oach *Dock Slieclai- $6.50 sq. ft. c.omplote Free 'estimates 427-9524 WHITBY - SPACIOUS 3-bodroom apartment on main floor'of house. In quiet residentlal area. lnclùdes fridgee, stovo & laundry'facilties. Available Sept. -1 $795 per month. Cal! 668-3011 '<mesae) or 666-3883 oves. & woekends.. CENTRALLY, LOCATED in quiet -rosidential area of Whitby. Minutes from shopping, achools, library and buses. Two-bedroom apartmont in nEewy redecoratedi triplox.,$678/monthly, plus hydro. Phono 723-1386. 1-BËDROOM APARTMENT avallable -downtown Whtby. $598 per month. Includos hydro, heat & wator. Avallablo August 1.i Also Includos frldgo & stovo. Ploase Cal! 728-9679. APARTMENTS, FOR RENT On.- and two-bedroom, starting from $550 monthv. 110 Victoria St. W., Whitby, 666-0271. 100 William St. W., Oshawa, 436-6211- BROOKUN - 1bodroom spart- mont for Soptomber 1 * Clos. tôo ail amenitios. Cal! 655-5539. ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Parking & laundry. Utilit les extra. First & last. 430-6109. WHITBY - LARGE, one- bedroom basement Apartment. Fridge, stove, laundry, parking. No pts. $595, Inclusive. Sept.. 1. 668-5802. L. INDOWCLEANUNG June& JuIy Discount "Greenwood Gardening IL Maintenance * AWN MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL à COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING - TRIMMING Cal lus how ând save. Up to 10%/ on your seasonal grass cuttlng contraci. (416)7219496 DeekDuk Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. AMAOMENT - 3-bodroom & don. 'No pots. Streot parking.. Toronto pager #379-7082*, Whflby #43o-7842. ROSSLAND: & ANDERSON. Sharo large, new home with on. or two others. Partly furnishod. $450/mont:h, inclusive. Frst & ast. Non-smoker, -no pets. 666-8590. WASAGA BEACH COTTAGE. Sleeps six. Shower. One-minute walk to sandy beach. -Woekly from Aug.1 ito Labour Day. 668-8563. Active Carpet &JTe1=c Commercial and Residential Sales Custom Installations 576-7847 FAX 576-7029 843 King SI. W., Oshawa Just West of Thornton South Side of King KICEN BAO GAZEBOS DECK SKYLrTEs FRENCH DOORS WATERPROOFING Cali Now For A Free Estimaise. 666-2827 - e d li-rfler 66 -6 1 SELECTUON: .1, 2, 3 'and 4 bedroom apartmonts avallale. Al areas and pricos. Homevlew. 436-1752. No tees for tenants. WHITBY - 3-bedroom brick bungalow- wth fully finlshed. base- mont. Fridlüe, stove, washer. dryer. Foncod yard. Walk to ail amenttes. $1095. Availabe Sep.t. 655-3047. AVAILABLE,"UMMEDIATELY - older, dotached ý2-storey. Noods somo paint. Large baickyard. Twio bodrooms. Only .$749 per month, plus utilitios. 668-9977. MAIN FLOOR 0F HOUSE - 3 bedrooms, broadloomi, backyard & dock. Street parking. No smokers, no pots. 'Toronto' _pager e379-7082, Whltby #«3-7842. DUNDAS ST. E., Whtby: 1 & 2-bodroom' mobile homes. $5004 per. month. Also 1 & 2-bodroom, apartments, $500 to $700O perý month. Immédiate> occupancy. Phorn F.ý Aloise. Real Estate- Ltd. (416) 292-4444 (Sc<arb.),- 430-2108. GOT AN OLD CANOE'you don't us.? l'm' looking.for a 'canos ii roasqnable coclfion for,$100 or so. Steve, 668-9836. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ff'S FAST - rrs EASY! ONE CALLI ONE BILL DOES rITALL. > AUCTIONS, UNRESERVED AUCTION - NEW. USED reposasoed boat, RV à mobile homem. July 25th. lOam. Bardls 400 Markeot, hwy.400 exit 85. BOATS - runabouts 10 bg crusers lncludng houseboats. RVs - motorhomea. Sth wheels & ravel rierse, il slzes. Cali for dtaled listings. l& enother Aero Marine* Auction Sale (705) 734-477. COMING EVENtS GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gm. Era Village, antique cars. eawmlll, liddling, threshlng. parades, cratts. McCormlck-Deoring displmy. Caledonis, Auguet 1-243 HALIBURTON LEGIO NBLER S FESTIVAL. Aug. 7^89J192 Glebe Park. Advance tickets untl Aug. 1, P.O. Box 129 Heliburton, Ontauio KOM 1S0 or 705-457-2571. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School ol-Auctloneering. Next Clasis: Nov. 21-27; Information,contact: Soulhwestem Ontario School of Ailctoneertng, R.R. 05, Woodstock; Ontario. N4S 7V9 (519>537-2115. TRUCK< DRIVER traning AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous gooda, dlensive drlvng. log' book and border crosslng. Rodgers School. Ontarlos oldest. Cali 1-800-668-0031. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS &,essistance progrsms Federal & Provincial) for your new or exîsting amanl business, Information (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES, U.S. mand Canadaen low as $100. BMWs, Cadiiiacm. Chavs, Fords. Mrcedes, Porsches, trucks, vana. Amazlng free 24-hr. recording reveals how. 1416- 631-4666. PERSONALS ASIAN LADIES eek correspondance for friendship. love, romance. For Irae phoos and Information. write Asian Affaire. R.R#2, Craigmont Rond. Combermere, Ontaro KOJ 1ILO. Just do Il. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WENEED A MORTGAGE.BROKER or resi estale broker 10 &et as morîgage agent In thîs ores. Cali Intransicon FRnanclal Group -800268-1429 asic for SALES HELP WANTED ,We need you.10 soli toys & gifts forO & M Glfts. NO INVESTMENT. NO DELIVERIES. no collection. Cali 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258-0707 Iorfree mbf.- - -FOR SALE .WHOLESALE-PRICED craft'supplies: baskets. laces, floral, etc. Over 2.000 stock Items. Free 48- page catalogue. Cmli (403) 852-1616, Crysbl Crotta. f or mailing Inormation. INVISIBLE FENCING - The orginal mand proven dog contalnment system.,Over 150,000 doge stand behlnd Invisible Fenclng. Indoor and ouldoor Systems. Guarauteed. 1m800.681-6288. .VACATIONVTRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA-MVRTLE BEACH RESORT. Ocoanfront condom. housekeepîng lncluded. indoorouldoor pools, whitpoole. saunas, tennis. puttinggreen. Siummçr rentais from, 85061wssk. Fr.. wbrochure: 1-600-448-15M5. B JSINESS-PPORT8JNITIES AD)VAN E OPPORTUNITY. Revolutlonmry 80i, char tael ,hk*4. &Mllit@ sstern wtl rapdly expwd hoe0rts nn1snt snd communications Industry. NetworlM rketIng. No Inwentory. ,No Investroont.> Coml 416"62-1810. EXRA tN ME! Grow baltworma Uln your batement or garage. pdorloe. operation.' Low Investment.ý1 Market Qua ntoedI Fra Intfoirnatiofi. Eery Bird Ecclogy, R. .I. Smiti*iIIe. Ontarlo. LOR 2A0. (416)' 643-4252. >STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TEON STEEL BUILDINGS, LTD. - Complote Pre-enginesrsd AluSteel-and WoodlStei bulildings, CSA & CWB -ceuted. Soi4-rectedv llh contractlng availabie. Cali toclay for Ire. brochures. 1-800-661- 2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, etoragg, Commercial, Industrisi. New types, steeilwood. q4s.cadig. For brue value, action & answers - Wly(1)6-1794 FREE brochures. Cip.mave. BEST BUILDING PRIQES - SIsal Straitwmfl Type.- not quonset -"32x64 $7344; 40x72 $10.276: SO6000 $15.8862;, 60x26 $22,972 - othsr sîzes avaiable - Final summer clearance - Paragon -.24 Hours 1- 800263-8499. THE BEST BUILDING OPPORTUNITY OF'TIE YEAR. DONTr MISS ITI Ontarlo.,Manufacturer Drect...Maniy types and szes. LARGE SAVINGS on modela 30 fest wlde to 60 teet wldé. GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. Exemple 46x80 complet. with ends,- $2.71 per square foot. Aller Juiy 31 si m $3 .28. SAVE $2.098. BUY FACTORY DIRECTand sav.... Cali BUILDINGS 'R US 1.800-668-5422., STEEL BUILDINGS. A champ Building oflere no flexibiîly. may *ven cost more money. The answsr, Future Steel. Thousands of people c.nt b. wrong. Cali 1.800.666653.l MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay, Off Bis, Crodit Cardsl Start New Business. Example: Borrow $10.000. Repay 8100.00 Monthty. No Ouallfylng itassies. Intransicon Financlal Toi- Fre. 1-800268-1429.; CHILD14OOD ABUSE- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. University researchers eludcMng.long-tefni effecta of éhild aibuse need adulte who were or Were. not abused as :chldren.* Confidential quesIonnaIre. Cmli coliect: Dr.-Raiph Brown., McMmster. (416) 525791140 ext. 3779 wekdays. COLOURSICOSMETICS, HAD VOUR COLOURS DONE? Cant find he original CoIours cosmetIcs? Sand for FREE maliorder brochure. Colours, BOUA-370 Dunlop St. 'W., Bainte. Ont. L4N SR7. Telophome 70".21-1414. Your ad*could appear Incommumîty n.wsipapars I Oiâl r lht acros Canada, ormny Ind idu!l provInce. Space la Umlftd, se Cali ThisfIewsPpepr Todmyl I - J BLANKET AD$ ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA, MARKETPLACE" -Tobeah Id.r markel. adveftse throughout the ,eional memibermh4, cf i Mnaioad Canadian Comnmnily Newspaper Associations, jCentral Ontario 65 nmspapers -$160 for 25 words - AIlOnîlo 171nawspaper - $350 for 25 words %_s. 1, - ý< lýý Ail Canada 572 ne*saprs- $974 for 25 words .For further InformatIon pleasée l! the WhtbyFree Poess Cassîfîeds *6809 'I i i Housing -HeIp Durham a* non-pofit housing reglstry. Cail 686-2661" 8:301a.rn@. - 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday r il m L- ----------------

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