Whitby Free Press, 29 Jul 1992, p. 15

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wMMTY FRERPFXSS% WEDNESDAY, JULY Mi, 1M9, PARE 15 COMPATIBLE COMPAMONS' CONNEMTON,, Iocate.d in Whiy.,W. are holding, meetings .for sngeu and havf various social events, Le. dancing bowling simng glng carda tetrnightclub., bingo, potluck and dining oute.etë. Meeting are held< every .Fri.ay, 7 tW 10 pm.:Memberddxp a pplc- able. New member wel oe. Phone 1-800-461-7391. GOLFTUÈNAYMN The firet annual Greek 1Tyoon golf tournainent will be'held on Tuesday Aug. 4 at Winchester Golf Clu toW raise money for Sick Children's Hospital. Tickets -are $70 per person and include green fes -for 18 holes and -dinner. Tickets are avoilable at the res- taurant 1101 Brock St. S. Book, before J'uly 27. SPANMU ANGUAGE PROGRAM~ Sponsored bY Durhamn boards of education, the Spanish Canadian Cultural Socdetyof Oshawa will hold ,-. fre. Spaih.heritage language programs for cbildren (junior kdindergarten to grade 8) beginning in September. Spanish conversational courses. will b. available for adults in the evening. The program will include vocalizing,. reading, writing and singing, and students need not b. ofpanieh backcground Wo enrol. For further information, contact- 579-2334 or 576-6150, ext. 214 or ext. 215. SUMMER BARBECES The. Whitby Seniors' Activity rCentre offers noon meula Wo seniors in Whitby on Tuesdays and huraaysfor a coto f $3.75. A ht ealisserved' on Tuesdays, and Thursdays are. barbecue da&Interested seniors are asked td cail the. centre at 668-1424 before 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday or Thursday to reserve a PLce. Thursday, July 30 will b. 'Crazy T-shirt- Daty s!o wear a fancy T-shirt ana join in the. special activity. VOLUNTEERS NEED Fairview Lodge is looking for volunteers tW asit with -the following progma, on a -weely basiE simiming on* Mondays walldng, Tuesdays or Thursdays; refreshment-cart, day trips, hair- dressing and wheelchair mainten- ance. For furtiier information, contact Heather Mfin, co- ordinator of volunteer services, at 668-55, .xt. 49. LUNCHEON Durhamn Business and Professional Women's Club will hold a luncheon with Lynn McLeod, leader of the. Provincial Opposition Party, on Wednesday, Aug. *5, noon Wo 2 p.m., at Holiday Inn Oshawa. Coet cf'tickets is $20. For more information, or Wo purchase- tickets, cail Gale Coburn at 721-9088 or- (416) 723-1163, or any club miembor. RUN ORGANIZER NEED Tii. Terry Fox run organization seelca an individual, family or mu p in Whitbiy tW orgamize a Foxrr P Run on Sunday, Sept. 20.' Call 1-800-387-1200 f or- iinformation about how Wo get involved in the. 1992 Tèrr Fox Run. GOLF TOURNAMENT The ýannual Camp ohga gof tournamentwilb. held at Th underbird Golf Club in Ash- burn on Aug. 24. Proceeds go W the. camp for children who have or had cancer-related diseases. Cost is $100 par player for golf and dinner, $40 for dinner only. For more information coil Jimi Harrp at 723-M63 or Rager Tessier at'723-4538.. 1ANNUAL P!CICm-, Club Carib will hold their annuel, picnic at *Cedar Park, Hampton on Suniday, Aug. 9. noon until dusk. Bring the. family for an ofternoon cf gamnéa, races fr -the iduand dancing. t th munic of, DJ. Le.Enfronoe Wt the. picnie-i. byr park admisi. 'ACE-IN-THE-HOLEP .TOURNABIENT On-Sept. 1, Tpyota Canada, Canadian Airlines and Rolex Canada will sponsor the rs ,!Ac-in-thehole Charity Classc at Cherry Downs Golf & Country Club, Pickering. Proceeds wili go Wo the Children's Wish Founda- tion of Can~ada. The..nryf.. is $125. Prizes, worh'yover $500,000,, wiil include 1992 Toyota cars and trucks, airline trip -package and Roélex watches. ,For more information, or to register in the tournament or sponsor a hole, cail Scott Staley or Dawn Pentesco at cherry Downs at (416) 649-5990. WORLD BREASTEEDNG WEENK The. Region of Durhamn joins with. the World Alliance for Besfedng Action, UNICEF, Health and elfare Canada and numerous international organi- zatioba, in recognition cf the. firet annuel World Br.astfeeding Week, Aug.1Wt 7. A committee oa ee rmed to promote the. health, benefits of breautfe.ding and Wo make aware the many community supports in lace for breastfedng mothers. Infora- tion articles in local newspapers and library displays are some of the activities planned. PART-TIME STUDIES Information on Trent University part-time studies courses, admissions policy. and registraion will b. available on Wednesaày, Aug. 5, 4 Wo 8 p.m., in the. auditorium of the Oshawa Public* Library, Bagot St. For more information coul 723-9747 between 2 and 8 pan., Monday Wo Thursday. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitb~y Old Mme Fiddle Club will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby for an evening of.old-time round and square dancIng, siging and guitar-playing. lae elcome. Admission is $2., For more inform~ation, cail 436-9019 or 655-3023. WALK-A-THON The Free froin Fear Founda- tion is holding a fundraising walk-a-thon on Saturday, Sept. 26, 10- a.m. Money raised from pledg.s covers the expenses of the foundation which has 200 members locally attending sup- port group meetings. For more informationcal 831-3877. PUBLIC INFO MEETMING The Reformn Party cf Canada wiil hold a public information meeting witii a question and answer period on Wednesday,' Aug. ri, 7:30 p.m., at Pickering Central Library, One the Esplanade,, Pickering (on. block east of Pickering Town Centre). Guest speakers will b. the party's poet c andidates. All are welcome.For'nmore information, call 686-0278. Immersion W..kAug. 4 W 8, at the centre (750 King St. E.). Sl&9n la~ instructionwill b.en Lyle -for a Ife.cf $75, and'a barbecue will b. lwld en Mig. 8., Registration in on a, register early as sçpace inlimite ti;l2'toîS 16eiDeadline in July 24. ,lcoene to, atted For more information or* for those interested ini t.aching ASL, cou the centre at 579-3328 ¶vjyjV. ONE PAREN FAMULlS North. Oshawa Châpter, One Parent*Faniilies Association, Win meeton Wednesday Aug. 5, 8 p.m., a t Christ Church, Mary and' Hfillcroft streeta, Oshawa for the monthly -general meeting. New members' and guests"are welcome. For information, cali 668-7579 or- 434-3687. GAIRAGE SALE 1Oth Whitby scouts are collect- iiems forfundraising garage se tentatively schediîled for Aug. 22. Funde raised g toward the cost of attending the Cana- dian scout.jamboree, next year. Anyone with items cmn cali Frank at 668-3773. VOLUNTEERS NEED The Durham SupervisedAcceas Program needs volunteers W pr" varlous duties spch as supervising visits and exchanges,- findraising, cleriS~l duties and handiwork. The Supervised AcceaPrograin offers separted familles a safe and neuta etn in which regular visita with, or exciionges of a child, can take place. Visiting centres are in Pickering, Oshawa and Port Perry. Donations of toys, gaines, craft supplies, books and office equipment would, also b. welcome. For more information, cal Ted Raby, director, at 668-6868.

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